I think I outgrew fromsoft.
this formula does nothing for me. I feel nothing.
I think I outgrew fromsoft.
this formula does nothing for me. I feel nothing.
I've been tired of the souls formula for a decade
If they made a Sekiro 2 it would've probably been great. Elden Ring however is just bad.
if it aint bloodborne 2 i dont fukken care
I really hope they won't make their next game Dark Souls 5. I loved Bloodborne and Sekiro but Elden Ring got very uninteresting very fast, it does have beautiful vistas though
It's just stale now. I mentally checked out and internally rolled my eyes when I started seeing statues everywhere clawing at the sky. Like get some fucking new ideas man
Dark Souls 2 was peak sequel even if it was bad compared to rest. Sekiro is the only fresh and somewhat unique game since DS1
Well, that's too bad.
This one feels bland
I played the shit out of DS1/DS2 and even DS3 once I got over how samey it is. I would constantly start a new character with a new build idea, decide I didn’t like it after the early game, then delete and start again with a new character. I never got bored of trying new things, even if the game was essentially the same thing on repeat.
When I got back into this habit with Elden Ring, after about the 7th time of starting a new character, the feeling of wonder and amazement I got when first seeing Limgrave from The First Step was completely eclipsed by revulsion and ennui. I hated the early game. I hated the catacombs, caves, and horsing around to the same 3-4 churches to get the same items. I hated the enemies I knew would be repeated ad infinitum to the Mountaintop of the Giants. I realized I didn’t want to do any of it again.
I don’t know how they killed the magic of Soulsborne for a diehard Fromfag like me, but credit where credit is due, I guess.
I thought the same, then went back and played Sekiro, Bloodborne and Dark Souls and realized how dogshit Elden Shit Ring truly is.
>ITT: seething shazam trannies
My issue is with elden ring is that you dont have to get better at it, you can just make yourself numerically stronger, without improving at the game. Sekiro was the peak because even if you buffed yourself to ridiculous levels you still wont beat the fights if you dont learn how to play the game.
Sekiro was shit though the gameplay was good the rot mechanic and lack of healing that wasn't permanent will always kill a fromsoft game for me. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?
I think that's fine though because Sekiro isn't Dark Souls, I do understand why you'd prefer one over the other though
Same. Just completed the game, didn't feel much about it
Level vigor to 40 and the game changes. Drastically
Actually... It outgrew you :/
Yeah, thats a fair point, but with Sekiro and Elden Ring you can draw a pretty clear line in fromsoft game design, games that focus on mechical improvement, and games that focus on player improve, personally I find the latter more rewarding, but Elden ring is still an amazing experience
honestly been tired of from games after ds2. bb ds3 and sekiro just felt too bland and soulless and i pretty much forced myself to play through the,. been having fun with elden ring though.
but i replayed demon's souls right after and enjoyed it
i think elden ring might just not be a very good game.
>and lack of healing that wasn't permanent
Didn’t ask
ok, cool
Same except I really am tired of it and have not bought ER nor plan to. Once I saw it was just more Dark Souls I lost even more interest.
>Sekiro was shit
Dogshit taste.
Estus/tears compared to bloodborne or Sekiro healing that requires "grinding."
Fromsoft games were never good honestly, the presentation is nice i guess
The stealth mechanic was shit and it was somehow worse than souls at handling multiple enemies. When the rot cutscene came up as I got demolished by a miniboss 6 times trying to fuck around and learn the mechanics, I just refunded.
just pirate it and try it. i thought the same as you but i enjoyed it a lot.
Same, got tired of it after DaS3. I tried replaying these games many times, and could never get past the first ~30% before pressing "uninstall". I thought with Elden Ring I could get my fix again and enjoy it, but I just can't. I got to Elphael and really don't feel like continuing.
Probably because elden ring shits all over the souls formula. The game develops identity crisis by the late game bosses, where it's clearly obvious the game designers lost the wheel.
I don't know how to explain it more clearly than that user. One healing mechanic will renew after your death no matter how many times you die or use it. The other is a finite resources that requires you to purchase it and is consistent through death/use.
user, there's an estus equivalent in the game. No clue how you missed it.
Did you play the game? Your gourds regen when you die
The games are good, but you can only play so many borderline identical games before you get bored with how shallow the fundamental mechanics are
>get burnt out
>it's fromsoft's fault
No lie I actually must have fucking missed it but like I said above I refunded before 3 hours.
but the gourd refills the same way as estus?
did you play with nothing but pellets?
That's great, but Elden Ring is the best game of all time.
>I suck at the game, so it is bad!
kek, GitGud you filtered soulsgroid. Sekiro will always be the best because it exposed low IQ subhuman sons of whores soulsgroid shitters like you. You niggers only beat souls games by overlevelling your stats and gear + summoning your faggot boyfriends to help you through the game, non of this is possible in Sekiro.
What's unique about ER that you can enjoy it?
Comparing Elden Ring to Sekiro or Bloodborne
yes, it is fromsofts fault for prioritizing quantity of quality in Elden Ring
It's not even the formula. Exploring, fighting bosses, making your build it's fun but I'm just really tired of the role to dodge combat, that is the biggest problem with the game for me, the combat is simply no engaging and interesting.
ahahahaha every fucking time
it's the first thing the game gives you when you meet Kuro
The game tells you to open the menu and equip it
Its really hard for me to get any emotional attachment to any character in these games,
because the worlds are always so fucked and hopeless and everyone dies anyhow.
Doesn't help that the only way to interact with the world is through combat.
I kinda want them to expand the formula to make a real full fledged RPG and not just ENTROPY-MURDER-SIMULATOR 10.
Actuall towns, and areas that aren't fucking broken.
actual retardation
>Suck at the game
user it's the kind of game that requires you to practice. I didn't care about dying, I cared that the game went "lol you died? Fuck you no sidequests!" That's just retarded game design off the bat. I want to see a challenge and overcome it without the devs trying to needle me with bullshit.
>before i got tired of fromsoft
>decided to get all cheevos for dark souls 1
>do it guideless
>write up a spreadsheet to use a checklist
>having a good time
>despite having a checklist i fuck up and craft a duplicate kellogs weapon
>need another ng+ for another soul
>not an issue
>one cheevo left
>"leave the asylum"
>suddenly all the jank, shitty design, bad programming flashes before my eyes
miyazaki is a hack
probably the open world. it was just comfy running around finding shit. also i purposely didnt play any from game at all since i finished sekiro so maybe thats why it felt a bit fresher.
>Estus/tears compared to bloodborne or Sekiro healing that requires "grinding."
Bloodborne has infinite healing mechanic with retaliation, you are dogshit and clueless. Bloodborne rewards smart, skilled and aggressive players, unironically GitGud.
I will say, despite it's flaws, Elden Ring is definitely very ambitious and probably something that Fromsoft had in mind for a long time. Did they bite off more than they could chew? Yes, but they rush most of their games anyway
Elden Ring just has shitty bosses. Normally that is the "main attraction" of the games. Play Sekiro.
Yeah but the bosses were faceroll easy and the world was just less interesting mechanically.
>this game sucks
>literally doesn't know how to play it
The absolute fucking state of this board. Embarrassing, dude.
>I didn't care about dying, I cared that the game went "lol you died? Fuck you no sidequests!" That's just retarded game design off the bat.
There are 4 endings to Sekiro, you don't need to have a flawless playthrough your first playthrough. What is wrong with experiencing the game like that during your first playthrough? You must be a zoomer, extremely entitled.
>Normally that is the "main attraction" of the games
Wrong, you fucking zoomer retard
From Software is the new Bethesda down to a tee. Using a engine ten plus years past its expiration date and having rabid fans defending them on literally anything, enabling them to ship PC games with basic functionality for over a decade.
It took a shoddy release like Fallout 76 (2018) for them to add an FOV slider, ultrawide support and rework the engine to not tie physics and game logic to the frame rate allowing them to finally remove the 60FPS cap that's been in since Morrowind (2002). That means they got away with not having that stuff in Fallout 4 (2015), Skyrim (2011), Fallout New Vegas (a product of their technology, still counts 2010), Fallout 3 (2008) and Oblivion (2006).
That whole last paragraph you could supplement Bethesda's games with From Software on every single point and the only difference is Bethesda addressed those issues in 2018 and we're still waiting for From Software to do a damn thing about theirs.
>License Unreal 5 or Bluepoint's engine for fuck's sake already
I've personally had enough now, it's been fun but it just feels like they have gone as far as they can.
user do you know how to have a conversation without using buzzwords? Unironically you should stop doing that shit before it leaks into your normal, non shitposting vocabulary.
I see, you obviously haven't played Bloodborne and are just talking out of your ass.
>Its really hard for me to get any emotional attachment to any character in these games
It's an adventure RPG power fantasy beat-em-up, not a storybook dating sim.
Any emotional issues you may be having are not the game's fault.
not an argument + dodged my questions because you got exposed + KYS subhuman nigger.
Stick to Ubisoft games retardo
I have been for ten fucking years. When will From Software's retarded fans finally expect a little more out of them? They're still acting like they're smol double-A Japanese company even though they're getting headlining spots at the biggest tradeshows in the world and have been for seven plus years now.It's fucking bullshit.
i've been thinking the same thing, the parallels are there.
however bethesda makes slightly more variety, as morrowind, oblivion and skyrim are very distinct
how old are you?
sekiro has the least replayability in fromsoft games.
being able to memorize patterns to press L1 doesn't require skill or IQ, only practice.
you exposed your idiocy.
It's a core aspect of the game. Also exploration. Sekiro's environments are also better than generic empty lake and generic empty snowfield in ER.
Indeed the same grimdark shit over and over again.
Whine whine whine...
>everything is an argument
>sales = good
meanwhile modern pokemon is literal dogshit and people buy it.
>The bosses are unfair!
>Lol git gud
>The bosses are easy
>Lol you haven't played the game
I got halfway through past all the "tough" bosses that "filter" you in the beginning and got bored. Some random roaming enemies were tougher than most of the actual bosses. I really only wanted to fight the hunter chick boss and orphan but couldn't force myself to slog through it more.
goddamn fucker
Kill yourself. Bluepoints remakes look like shit because they completely miss all of the little details that made games like DeS and SOTC special to begin with. Also their animations are legit garbage, some of the worst I've ever seen. The remake DeS intro looks like it has fucking Shrek-tier animation.
You were never getting those visuals on a PS3, son. Maybe from Naughty Dog but not forma Japanese dev.
Are you sure it's not just because it's open world garbage full of empty space and padding?
Botw did it better
Beat it last night and felt nothing. I didn't pay for it but I still feel ripped off. Atleast I won't feel the need to even pirate the next one, I'm finally free of the fromsoft curse
Yes sales literally mean something is good. That's how sales work you fucking retard.
Stupid monkey redditor can't be part of the discussion without chimping out.
I'm arguing tech, you're arguing art direction. Newsflash genius, From Software would still have good art direction in their games.
I'm more interested in other companies copying Elden Ring than Elden Ring itself. The Surge 2 is a top tier Soulsborne game and that's from a European company.
Thank god you decided to dislike something just as it became extremely popular. That was a close one, eh?
Not gonna lie this formula strokes me off
Did you read your own post kek?
pokemon arceus is fucking awful compared to soulsilver, for example. people are buying LITERAL shit with the new pokemon game.
That’s not the fucken image I posted.
bravo hiroshimoot
I don't get how anyone can think Bloodborne is good.
Open world games are just not fun. Elden Ring is no different.
I outgrew souls after Dark Souls. 2 and 3 were a chore. Dropped BB a few hours in and don't care to play Sekiro and ER.
Bring back Armored Core.
ITT falseflagging discordtroons
Didn't you see the leak? Armored Core is an open world soulsborne game where you're able to jetpack around as a mech.
Are you genuinely implying Armored Core games weren't following identical formulas?
The formula itself would still be fine but they're catering too hard to the LE EPIC BOSS FIGHTS BRO crowds and less to the "actually make a world that feels worthwhile to explore" audience. And no an empty open world with turtle neck meat everywhere is not worthwhile to explore.
no one cares about that character because she only ever shows up to make it clear she's using you
>how old are you?
>sekiro has the least replayability in fromsoft games.
Wrong. Sekiro has the most replayability because the core combat is so good that it remains entertaining for many hours. I prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY. Don't need 10000 soulless boring irrelevant (((options))) that Elden Souls games provide. In Bloodborne, every trick weapon offers a finetuned, unique and different melee combat experience. Sekiro and Bloodborne are the best, the others can't compare.
>being able to memorize patterns to press L1 doesn't require skill or IQ, only practice.
Automatically dismissed, you have subhuman genes and thus dogshit reaction time speed. Soulsborne games have never been about "pattern recognition", they have always been about REACTION TIME SPEED. If you don't comprehend this simple foundational fact to these games, then you never experienced them properly and never will. This is what happens when you have subhuman genes and/or a subhuman lifestyle, your diet is shit, your body is shit. I am 30, yet my reaction speed is still very good because I work out, run, lift, eat a proper human diet (a lot of dairy, raw meat, raw organs, raw eggs and herbs).
>you exposed your idiocy.
Your IQ is subhuman tier, you can't comprehend my position, it is out of your reach, your genes doomed you at birth.
You can't make an open world game that is fun to explore. Having a game the size of Elden Ring already means that it is unable to be filled with cool shit in it. It's either emptiness or padding, which are basically the same shit. Pick your poison.
One game per decade wouldn't hurt. The PS2 ones rehashes though. You only need to play one.
I thought about my disconnect with elden ring and a lot of it has to do with the story/lore
I just don't give a shit about this retarded kingdom and its golden age or whatever
It's about as contrived as dark souls 2 monarchs story. Don't get me wrong they're all more or less the same but Sekiro's story was entirely and firmly set in warring states japan, dark souls was just original and has that advantage
Marika? Erdtree? Fingers?
They are trying so fucking hard to be weird but mystical again and it's not working
Yes they shouldn't have made an open world to begin with. DS1 and to a lesser extent 2 is the most open world you ever need. I'd rather have interesting areas connected together by tunnels than interesting areas surrounded by vast plains of nothing.
Not the guy he's responding to, and he's behaving like a cunt, but he's right. None of the endings are locked out by dying. What are you talking about?
all dragonrot does it pause some npc questlines until you can heal it, which you can do very easily
Literally retarded lmao
The souls engine even feels like bethesda's with the way the character moves. It's like you're gliding across the ground while a leg moving animation plays. It doesn't look like the leg movement is powering your character.