House of the Dead landing in less then 24 hours!?



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getting real tired of lazy fucking remakes

People of the AMS, I am user!

>that blood and gore effects
How do you fuck this up so bad?

Looks awful

The art style looks god-awful, and they all but removed gibbing because of stupid CERO restrictions.

where have you been user,all we've getting these past few years on sony's end & xbone are "remakes"

>that style
>that blood
>that lack of any kind of feedback
So the piece of shit saturn 3D could render holes and dismemberment on zombies but its way too taxing on the switch? who the hell was this made for,

I fucking knew it wasn't deja vu when I read this, I'd seen this design before
itoh you fucking hack

Attached: Gliding-Page_30.png (1160x1600, 2.76M)

I am so fucking tired of unreal engine

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Dude the whole "vampiric bat monster is thin and pale" thing is super generic. Itoh didn't steal shit.

will goldman be in it

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No, he's a HotD2 bad guy.

are they going to give us a typing port on PC eventually or not?

Well, the 1998 curian case. Guess who was behind it? it was GOLDMAN

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the face is stroke for stroke identical come on
unless I've been missing out on some hidden vampire media that has fucked up monster batpeople that look like this instead of a bat face
>38 minutes
It's got to be some kind of a joke, I thought that they're remaking 1 and 2.

HoTD games are really short, they're arcade games m8

2 is supposed to come later on

>not by M2
intp the trash

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. The leather club's 2 blocks down.

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For me it's
not counting Overkill because holy fuck that soundtrack is 10/10

these polish fags botched panzer dragoon and now hotd. now they are going to fuck up front mission.
atleast we can still play the original on pc.

yeah thats kinda why im sick of them user

I'm an easy mark when it comes to remakes, I liked SotC, Crash and Spyro remakes, but this looks like utter fucking shit.

so does his head no longer have a hitbox now or is the new weakpoint sketch just misleading

Reminder that Scarlet Dawn is playable on pc now.
Not very good

>play HotD 2
>this track starts play
>ends up dancing to this jam like Twelve while shooting every single motherfucker in sight

Attached: twelve-street-fighter.gif (498x443, 869.42K)

I played it back in January, it was dreadful.

Attached: scarlet dawn moon.jpg (2558x1440, 932.65K)

>Cursor shit
What's the point?

How dreadful are we talking about

Game hinges on how the magician looks.

He moves at a snail's pace. You wont believe how badly they nerfed his speed.

No gore at all, horrible "coin snatcher" methods (near unavoidable attacks), and balancing issues

B movie schlockino

If these devs don't include a VR mode in the ps4 release, they are braindead.

The color pallete is all wrong. I hate how the zombies and mosters fuse with the scenery instead of popping up.

you probably buy it but im very skeptical, playing with gyro/stick will probably be awful compared to wii waggle back when i played the 2&3 collection.

will probably*

>those subtitles in the Magician cutscenes
jesus fucking christ

>uses unreal engine
That means the game will run better than on switch, at 4k and 60 fps on pc, same as NMH3 and SMTV
Just wait for someone to upload the .nsp and get it running on yuzu or ryujinx

>but its way too taxing on the switch?
Yes, they had to stream the PS2 Kingdom Hearts games

4k and 60 fps of pure shit

Attached: Screenshot_2022-04-07-00-02-33-17.jpg (805x581, 165.53K)

Instead of a Gothic mansion it just looks like a zoomer Fornite map.

HotD2's coming later. Don't know whether to pick this up now or wait for the inevitable double-pack of both games.

>That means the game will run better than on switch, at 4k and 60 fps on pc, same as NMH3 and SMTV
It also means it will look like a vaseline covered nightmare and feel unsatisfying as fuck to play. Seriously I am so fucking sick of this engine

>Just wait for someone to upload the .nsp and get it running on yuzu or ryujinx
oh i don't want the base game user I want a new typing of the dead.

Man, I love the Magician's theme but I can't hear it without the cool ass intro in the second game

wubwubwub shit aside I liked the Sega All Stars remix of that.

evens i go to my local bar tonight to 1cc HotD
odds i don't

>going to a bar on a wednesday night

there's nowhere closer to me that has House of the Dead

user! Do you know what you're doing?

It's not fair bros...

looks like fucking shit desu senpai

In Taito or what?

Have you gotten high marks in Typing of the Dead 2?

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Can you turn off that shit?

Reminds me of the cathedral of shadows themes from SMT, really good shit bro