>blue hair fat retard at epic games is developing with screen tearing
The absolute state of Unreal
Blue hair fat retard at epic games is developing with screen tearing
So, what you're saying, is that the situation is, unreal
I don't understand.
The femininity of this bloke is unreal
I find it funny that you don't know why that's happening.
course you don't
she cute, in an autistic slampig kinda way
the absolute state of simps
>women come in 15 years later when the entire point of Unreal Engine is just to add new DirectX features
She's the case of looking better clothed than without.
The belly fucking overpowers everything else when they're naked with their flag sticking out. Cellulite hanging loosely off her ass .
Screen tearing doesn't matter in development, only in the end product. Much less in the development of the tool itself.
So what? Her monitor is at a different refresh rate?
everyone has cellulite you virgin
OP just wanted an excuse to complain about women. He doesn't care about the facts
Epic turned down my application :(
It matters in a way that if you're subjecting yourself to screen tearing in anything without solving it then you're a retard
>She is in charge of the development work station provided to her by Epic
It literally doesn't matter for anything but gaming. Most people don't even notice it.
not everyone are americans
You haven't fucked a chick like that have you nigga?
The excess is clearly what I meant. But given youre a reddit simp shitter, ofcourse you'd miss that. When everyone normal would get it given the context.
that's obviously a lie and everybody here knows it but enjoy your (You)s while everyone else debates you
>it's not her fault! she can't solve it! she probably doesn't notice!
okay simp
she doesn't want a tiny dick white boy.
post work
That fat retard is likely far more capable than you. She's working on her career. What are you doing other than shit posting about someone actually doing something with their life?
>Just buy your own hardware out of you pocket for work goy
Ok kike
what are you doing other than white knighting pigs on Yea Forums?
quota hired as usual?
ESG points to low risk?
Imagine feeling threatened by a person and the only thing you have is, swearing about her looks lmao
Truly degen tier
Lmao shut the fuck up
>the only way to solve screen tearing is buying new hardware
Ok tranny
>That fat retard is likely far more capable than you.
Come on, buddy. We both know she only got hired because she's a woman. What's more likely is she barely knows what she's doing and it's up to some pajeet to clean up her shit later on down the line.
why does this matter
>she cute
up your standards
She's probably not a real employee. Or maybe she is, but she not a programmer ou developer. See , it's clear they just opened up the engine, put things on the screen and hoped that it looks real.
This is some of the laziest shitposting I've seen in a long time
>he's never brutally hatefucked a fatty before
literally lmaoing at your life. they'll put up with ANYTHING because they're simply that grateful to feel desired. slampigs are the best when you just want to do some depraved shit.
Kill yourself nigger
I want normal fags to ge the fuck off my board
>Screen tearing is important outside of gaming
and you're putting up with a disgusting fat pig. check yourself simp
Fartcore thread
>epic games
literally who cares
putting effort into shitposting is cringe
>ywn have a cute chubby gamedev gf
>even girls like her want chad in 2022
based sex enjoyer
I think white knighting would imply the girl sees your actions. there's nothing white knighty about simply pointing out a faggot on Yea Forums just because the object of his temper tantrum is a woman
listen, i love 2d cunny as much as the next connoisseur, but that will never fully satiate your genetic sexual imperative. at the end of the day, sometimes you just need to fuck a hole raw. doesn't really matter what it looks like either tbqh.
and you're a KHHV
Lol Simps will simp for anything with a pulse, jfc.
t. fat blue haired retard
well you're wrong, defending women is white knighting regardless if they see it or not, simp retard
>sometimes you just need to fuck a hole raw. doesn't really matter what it looks like either tbqh
and that's on being a desperate simp
you don't code with a forced single frame of delay, right Yea Forums?
fuck vsync
I’m applying to MathWorks, creators of MATLAB and SimuLink software
>this person does not look attractive
>their work suffers as a result despite not being correlated
You people are sad.
>working on career
>incompetent pity hire to meet diversity quota
Don’t defend this shit
>Evidence of any of the later claims: 0
I'm applying to Full Sail University, thoughts?
their work suffers as a result of being a woman. dumb simp
Godspeed user
She has nice hands, wonder what her feetsies look like
I don't care if they have a vagina, you clearly do however.
I even thought it was a tranny at first.
None of this fucking matters their own skills do.
>One photo and your entire life is traced by lonely autists who think they have a chance cooming inside.
>None of this fucking matters their own skills do.
That's the entire point of this thread, you retard. If a company cared only about the skill of their employee they would not be hiring females.
when you grow up you'll understand the difference between men and women matters a lot. or not, you might stay a retarded simp forever
We’ll then go to the gym then you fucking retard. Women don’t want you because you can’t even take pride in how you look
A person's race, sex, or anything plays no part.
Anybody can be skilled at any craft regardless.
This isn't about being a simp as just by having a pussy doesn't make you good or bad neither does having a penis.
I don't fucking care what's between your legs.
This reminds me of that clip of Brianna Wu also pretending to be doing things on a computer.
HAHAHAHA what a naive simp libtard