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more like shitro lmao

like ur mums clit



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I don't get why it is so controversial if ps2 is retro.
Playstation 3 is retro at this point. It's been almost 20 years since its release.

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there's nothing controversial. it's just wankers shitposting for attention.

>In 10 years someone will make a thread with a ps4 and call it retro

I fucking hope to christ I won't be here to see that

You will be, because you can never leave

Close, retro is 20 years or older.
Meaning the PS3 will be retro in 2026.
inb4 that "ReTrO iS a sTyLe" shitposter, niggas just don't want to feel old. I'm 38, if I can call the PS2 retro then so can their 20-something asses.

I thought it was more about keeping zoomers off of /vr/

I dunno, I kind of think this is bullshit. The moment PS4 dropped PS2 was listed as retro right away. But the distance between PS3 and PS5 is actually even longer? Are people just afraid to make PS3 retro because it was """HD"""?

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PS3 is already retro but it makes a certain group of people feel old and unloved.

To each their own, I guess. I'm just going by the textbook definition of "retro." Also, since Atari 2600 is more than 40 years old, it's antique.

>Also, since Atari 2600 is more than 40 years old, it's antique.
>there will eventually be a time where vidya is so old its considered antique
I hope im dead by then

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You and me both, user.

PS2 I'm fine with calling Retro, but it feels wrong with PS3/Xbox 360 to me just because game design philosophy is basically no different now to how it was on those consoles. It's weird because the Wii feels "retro" to me these days but not those consoles despite being released at the same time

I get this, because of the horrifically weak cpus in the ps4 and xbone, plus the fact that there was no advancement in storage - just a move from bluray and 5400rpm drives on PS3 to the same on PS4 - we were basically bottlenecked out of getting new types of games for 7+ years
>Mass Effect 2
>Batman Arkham City
>Uncharted 2
>Modern Warefare 2
every game is still just trying to be these games

Still got another four years of not calling PS3 and Wii retro and three years for the 360, if that helps you any.

>GTAV just rereleased with no GTAVI in sight
>Mass Effect rerelease a few months ago to try and cover up that Bioware is dead since then
sounds about right

Well, my chap, there's many ways to group dumb shit since, you know, Engrish is a language with many words. This is just my opinion, but I don't really give a fuck I'm about to get a fucking Subway Sandwhich in a few min so I'm just shitposting:

C64, Amiga, Atari, NES etc...
SNES, Sega MS, PS1, PS2, N64, Dreamcast, etc...
PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii(game generations that are still being remade because fuck you pay me money)
PS5, XSX, Switch, 3DS, iPhone, Apple iCade on AppleTV
PC, Steam Deck

This is how I see it.

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That I can agree to.

I wonder why "classic" never crossed the minds of people making video game catagories. It makes a lot of sense. There's classical music, retro music (golden oldies) but with video games no one made that distinction?

And, like clockwork, the lone schizo arrives.
>they're far too similar to
Stopped reading.

>btfos that user so hard the thread dies

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ps3 era and after are not retro and never will be. they are in there own subgenre of cinematic"games"
yes ps1 and ps2 had cinematic games, but there was still more focus on actual gameplay.
while modern AAA titles are transfixed on realism that the actual gameplay suffers, and their "realism" will look bad within a few years

>they are in there own subgenre
Shit take

Yes. But PS3 will take longer to become retro than PS2 did, just like PS2 took longer to become retro than PS1.

PS3 will be retro in 2026. 360 in 2025.

I'm not really privy to the discord arguments you have in these threads so i don't know who you're referring to but good job proving me right about not being able to post anything rational.

The SNES and Genesis were retro within 10 years. PS1 and N64 were as well.

>discord arguments
Stopped reading.
You stand alone ITT, schizo.

PS2 is as old now as the NES was when the Wii came out

Lovin the free rent

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any good?
Not good at all

>Close, retro is 20 years or older.
What a retard you are

We're already there, retard

Yes, because Webster is a credible source that doesn't pander to retards

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Samefag schizo
I bet you jack off when taking a shit.


You stand alone here.

Literally my first post ITT but ok

Websters died the moment they pandered to a Simpsons meme

I disagree.

You are unhinged user and you don't know what the word retro means

I disagree with you.

get fresh air user

Autism speaks

You stand alone.

4th gen and earlier is retro. 6th gen and later is modern. 5th gen was a mix of both. Comparing anything from 4th gen and earlier to 6th gen and later is like comparing dinosaurs to homosapiens.



The Wii U is retro.

See Careful with that, you'll piss off the schizo.

I was 10 when the PS2 came out and now I'm old enough to be considered a boomer. So yeah it's pretty much retro

That is an opinion from the writers on that project. Dictionary authors are not gods.

What were your first PS2 games, Yea Forums. I got it for Christmas and my dad gave me Simpsons Road Rage and Tekken Tag along with the DVD of Mr. Deeds.

>he thinks retro has anything to do with how a gook manages web traffic
Be honest, have you been diagnosed with autism?

I disagree.

>>he thinks retro has anything to do with how a gook manages web traffic
as opposed to a schizo like you? lol

Just curious, what have I done to make you think I'm schizophrenic other than disagreeing with you? I just used a dictionary to gain insight on the definition of words and looked up what how other mediums classify their various eras. It's pretty cut and dry. They all trend towards "retro" being an obsolete design or style. And when you look at the video game medium it seems pretty clear where the divide between retro and modern is drawn.

>what have I done to make you think I'm schizophrenic
you think highly of yourself as if you are absolute despite the fact that this is a discussion and not a worship

>you think highly of yourself as if you are absolute
I completely agree. It's easy to be confident when you're well prepared.