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Did it finally get content?
I stopped playing a few weeks after release because I got everything to 20 and they never released CAST parts. And the game was 100gb.

Not playing your game as long as it has tranny moderators
sorry, not sorry

I'm sorry you ruined the franchise and your devs are incompetent

Is it good yet? Is there content? CAST parts? A viable economy? Is it still being propped up by rapidly rotating bloated cosmetic mtx?

I'm sorry NGS is worse than pso2 and that Sega is a worthless lump of a company that can't capitalize on any of their interesting ips.

>Ice Cap Zone
Hard pass

Why do you choose to play an inferior game?

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for what lol, it's still not good
I'm still pissed. The fact that we finally got PSO2 in the west after all these years and Sega then kills it immediately in favor of this half-assed sequel is fucking bullshit.

>base PSO2 still is fucked
>NGS still is on early access
>whales' money wasted on scratches is being used on CA's Super Game instead of improving the game faster
>global's community manager team still hates the game more than the playerbase
Try again in 2023.

They will add 01 (one) dungeon with randomized challenges later this month to justify the upcoming "make your gear stronger" gacha.

>Is it good yet?
It's Better Than Before™.
>Is there content?
One dungeon soon, new Region in June.
>CAST parts?
They release a new set today.
>A viable economy?
Playing with anime doll will always be whale territory, just play as a dude.
>Is it still being propped up by rapidly rotating bloated cosmetic mtx?
Sega wants to build a casino and unfortunately these things aren't government-funded.

>"make your gear stronger" gacha.
Sounds like mobile phone game shit. No fucking thanks.

I'm sorry there's so little content. I actually enjoyed my time with it. The Gigantix update just wasn't enough.

I’ve honestly never seen a more pathetic general in /vg/‘s existence. You have shilled this game here every single day for the past year straight, yet the game is still dead as fuck.

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Still trying to groom people into this game every day I see.
Its funny any time anyone in these threads expresses a desire to hop in they are met with posts spoon feeding their ass in intrinsic detail for maximum chance they will actually join.

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Nah, mobile shit will put the actual weapon inside the gachapon machine, and you have to pull five identical copies to maximize its passive effects.
This is just kMMO shit. You will deal with RNG to get the upgrade items, then deal with RNG again to deal with the failure chance.

>Playing with anime doll will always be whale territory, just play as a dude.
Shut your fucking mouth, the economy would be completely fine if the game didn't ship with the least amount of items in an MMO ever, and another economy destroying bug that SEGA again refused to rollback, just like EVERY other PSO game before it.

I remember some partner machine bug in PSU that they did a rollback for.
But that was also the same game people were just duping money by I think selling scape dolls they didn't have kek

JP plays the exact same game and Global's prices are still up to 10 times more expensive than anything on JP. The issue is the global community, not the game.
But really, play as a dude. There are far better ways to fap to anime girls in video games (some of them are also gachashit if you need that RNG thrill in your life).
Alternatively, farm PSO2 content with SG rewards and only use SG/MissionPass outfits (great for casts/caseals since even AC stuff gets turned into MP rewards).

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>The issue is the global community, not the game
Fuck your logic.

The economy is ultimately the responsibility of Sega. Any dev worth half a shit could have seen this coming and put in safe guards to prevent it.

Never blame the player for the failings of the developer.

>JP devs make JP game
>JP community set the prices reasonably because they want to sell these items
>release the game in west
>global community: "unga bunga me bogdanoff me buy all 1mil tickets and sell for 10mil me wall street wolf"
The only thing Sega failed to do was to release a good game that would attract enough whales to drown the bogger mafia with an avalanche of scratch pulls.

And you wanna know why? Because exploiting red boxes on JP was much more tedious due to the fact that you had to create a SEGA ID. Wanna know how you exploited red boxes on Global?

>download steam account creator
>create 100 steam accounts in a few clicks
>add pso2 to all of them
>follow the route and then buy specifically priced item set by your main on the market

And despite people bringing this to SEGA's attention really early, it took something like two months for them to do anything.

Actual doghit tier

Play JP version

Yeah, that and the old $1 exploit were definitively Sega's fault (same with cradle but that is a different story), though that is something Steam should have dealt with a decade ago after the humble bundle exploit.
Honestly global is just fuckexypw8d beyond repair.

no PH
no play

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I liked how Cradle spam was another source of SG in Japan because it also dropped that one tradeable badge that converts into it and it dropped all over the place
For Global they thought....nah fuck em lmao

>For Global they thought....nah fuck em lmao
This is Sega's two decades old motto. Global will always be the second-class citizen server.

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thank god i'm not a sega cuck lol

I hope you never get to play.

>new knuckle PA is a counter
>NGS knuckles will never have cancels and combos like base knuckles
>Hero killed Fighter and took their name

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You will never be a real mmo

>the scars of the shit that was hero and EP4 have actually ruined PSO2 irreparably

i hope they add music from that as well! but i doubt it, seems there adding some "infinite dungeon" to stall for content.

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I like that fighter amoeba use hero as a boogeyman. Every class became countershit. Hero's unique gimmick of wanting to swap weapons is found nowhere.

Shut up HEROtranny. Go back to hold right click

>Hero's unique gimmick of wanting to swap weapons is found nowhere
>what is multi-weapon

There's a ton of people talking about the red box exploits. Neat, are people finally starting to acknowledge that SEGA fucked up royally by refusing to rollback an exploit of a scale that routinely irreparably destroys MMOs? I hope one day that most people are able to properly blame SEGA instead of this
>muh scalpers
>need bigger weeklies
>give personal shop tickets so i can sell my items worth 1k all month long
shit that permeates everywhere.

>Hero's unique gimmick of wanting to swap weapons is found nowhere.
It's found at the Item Lab, under the Multiweapon menu, you absolute fucking buffoon.

But I like my created waifu enough to come back to the game every so plus I just pay for a hooker if I need to

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Multiweapons are boring garbage compared to hero's swap PAs. I agree that the class wasn't the genius experiment like Sega wanted it to be and designing a whole episode around it was a retarded idea, but the swap PAs are a cool idea and every non-tech class should have it instead of forcing two weapons to share the same palette.

>actually pointing to the multiweapon system as the hero thing
o lord kek
Why should I actually bother making arguments here if there are definite amoeba around?

>Multiweapons are boring garbage
So is hero lmao

>600 scales to max out the only feasably obtainable 5*

At least read the post before replying to it.

are forces decent to play as now? was using hunter last time

What just like Yea Forums? Then why are you still using this site

>muh scalpers
An "account-bound on purchase" rule definitively should be added to the personal shop. At least people with infinite meseta would have one less reason to buy a whole page worth of items.

Swap PAs are neat, but only because of bonuses Hero gets for swapping weapons constantly. That and counters are a heavy part of Hero's play style and should remain that instead of infecting other classes and stripping them of their original play style.

Mate you are arguing with people who probably never even played hero for more than even a microsecond or were those tmg counter pa without the counter tards
>you like the hero weapon swapping gimmicks?
>umm yeah multi weapon lmao!

Prebuilt reliks cost as much as a single potential unlock skip and do 99.75% of the damage a potential level 4 Cinquem does.

do JBs have a real gap closer yet?

Poor little marginalized fighter baby thinks only his class was taken over by the counter focus

A swap PA for Braver's katana/bow would help me cope with the fact that Sega will never give katanas a vertical chasing PA.

I'm on ship 1 and stock relik JBs are going for 8 digits minimum. that's not something I will ever be able to afford without whaling.

>not allowed to complain about your favorite class and weapon
Also I don't think you understand. Other classes "might" get future updates to them so they too aren't counter focused, but Fighter? They are forever cucked and this new PA reinstates that they will forever be the counter class instead of the glass cannon animation-canceling class they were in base PSO2.

but we thought everyone hated movement PAs so we gave everyone photon dash
bro just photon dash to your enemies now :^)

I would not be surprised if down the line they add photon "launch" or some shit that just has your character fucking vault into space.
Not like PSO2 was very mobile at the start, you couldn't even double jump.

>the glass cannon animation-canceling class
Counter spam or not, we will never go back to something like that. Sega made it very clear that NGS must be as simple as possible in every single aspect. They don't want to punish people that sucks at this game.

>add a photon vault to solve the "just multiweapon WL bro" issue because that scifi genshin/pso clone have a similar solution
>next scratch adds a photon vault motion to the $90 tier reward

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>"just multiweapon WL bro"
This being what the multi weapon system actually is is a complete failure