What are some good games that filtered the masses and gained a negative rep?

what are some good games that filtered the masses and gained a negative rep?

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Won't even give you one. Just a reply. Kill yourself.

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RE6 is the king of them being one of the best TPSs ever made and one of the best RE games. It filtered all the action lets and got piled on by complete bandwagon faggots.

Razor's Edge is the best action game made in the past decade but unlike RE6, only a few people played it. Had to deal with similar faggotry unrelated to the actual game with Xbox fagboys hell bent on killing the series and posers parroting flaws from the original game RE literally was released to fix.

DMC2 is not good, I say this as someone who played it in January.

darksouls 2 is really good
mgs 5 is above average and has good gameplay but the mission structure was shit and also the open world was really shit

DMC2 and """"MGS""""V don't belong on that list. DMC2 more than V, though it does have the best soundtrack in the series.

>Contrarian take
>File name
Trying way too hard user

This is the Holy Quadrilogy of God-tier games that filtered retards.

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More like quadrology of shit bosses

It makes me sad that you have to put Sigma on there when the OP is actually right about RE and that would fit much better, but the retarded shitflinging runs so deep it gets the place anyway. Seems like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin might also become one to mention, at least due to journos.

Sigma 1 is actually the better game and harder than Black on MNM. But console fanboys shit their pants at the mere mention of Sigma.

Castlevania 2, Zelda II and Fighting Force 2? All way been.

Please take your reddit buzzwords elsewhere.

ds2 and mgs5 are the only good games on there. you probably have actual mental issues if you enjoyed dmc2.

IW was actually good and the only reason it was hated is setting

That's exactly what I mean, even though the changes are on the whole smaller (though still almost direct upgrades everywhere) so many have to try their hardest to paint them as negatives. I understand the idea of being accustomed to the version you like and being put off by certain mechanical changes, but that's barely even present here at all, it's almost all new toys so I cannot understand the attitude. Though on that note, despite there being more cause for concern in that regard Sigma 2 is also still a better game than 2, but to a much lesser degree and not in the same way. Sad that they all share this infamy.

You never even seen Razor's Edge, much less played it.


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Doatard please

RE6 was so fun in the gameplay department that it could have been it's own original thing. There's nothing "survival horror" about running away from a tsunami of exploding cars and doing gun kata.

Infinite has got to be the biggest crime here. It was the proper space COD everyone wanted, damn shame they released it when the future shit was fucking exhausted.

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Th situation is a sad joke and i can't find any parallels in any other game series. The series is cursed.

>Hey it's me! The resident schizo!

Holy shit what a pest.

unironically God Hand

IW translates to Invisible War in my head and yes it is good. Idk about Infinite Warfare.

MGSV only filtered crybabies. It was critically acclaimed and people just disliked Chapter 2 and how unifinished it was.

What the fuck is it with Dark Souls 2 on here? It was almost universally hated on Yea Forums when it came out and now everyone acts like it's the best Souls game. It's the worst game in the series.

>Hey it's me! The resident schizo!
But enough about you. I should've known you are behind these shiteater cope rhreads

The open world in MGSV is how open worlds should be. It's not a sandbox, it's literally just a realistic map, with some bases where missions take place in. Making it interconnected made immersion much better than if they were separate levels. We need more sparse maps like that rather than more boring collectathons with maps denser than the average retard.

>It's the worst game in the series.
Nah that would be Elden Ring. You probably weren't around when Dark Souls II came out but it was loved and had the same amount of sperging that Elden Ring does right now before people realised it was shit. Yea Forums will unanimously hate Elden Ring in the next 6 months.

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Nah, both have their own merits.
You can't really say Sigma is harder when it has more save points and muramasa statues, just this alone mitigates that they changed like 3 puzzle rooms (which still had enemies) to be just generic kill rooms.
You have new dual swords which on-landing charged Y attack is absolutely fucking broken even for MN run.
Often people say that Sigma has new enemy types but they are actually just repurposed enemies put into different places (e.g. horseman are like the motorcycle enemies or fishmen are exactly like bast fiends).
Same with the better argument, how can it really be better when it has more loading screens due to shitty programming which cannot be even fixed on PC version to this date? You will genuinely have a better paced game if you just emulate NGB simply because S1 has those bizarre loading screens when opening any chest or between specific parts when traversing the city which was not in the original version of the game (and it even happens mid-combat as well).
But I agree with the whole console fanboyism as back then any discussion regarding those games was trashed by ps vs xbox fanboys outside of ng forums.

Hm2 is universally loved

both are garbage

>The open world in MGSV is how open worlds should be
Lifeless shitty corridors with respawning camps and shit traversal? Neck yourself

>it was loved
Oh yeah, I remember the "Shockwaves" threads and how people discovered that Heide's Tower is just a fucking sprite on the horizon

I didn't make this thread you mentally ill mongrel

Sure you didn't, shithead
>Searching for posts with the filename ‘Peak Miji.webm’. 56 results found

If nothing else they at least are continuing with other games and series', and while I'm expecting the RotK game to be a kind of spiritual successor to NG I think eventually they will do another proper one, it's just a matter of time. Since I mentioned it though, have you played Stranger of Paradise? I'd be curious about your take on that either way.

When it comes to Infinite Warfare, many were filtered by the multiplayer, which was apparently terrible. I wouldn't know of course, because I didn't play it. But I did play the campaign, and it was surprisingly fantastic. Probably the best one since Black Ops 2. It had likeable characters, a cool story, and while the world-building was a bit dumb, the series was never really known for it's prowess in that regard, so I could forgive it. I would ever argue that IW's campaign is much better than Titanfall 2's campaign. What really dragged this game down was the COD name. Had it just been called Infinite Warfare and was primarily a singleplayer game with a longer story, people would have loved it.

Dark Souls II was almost immediately hated.

Imagine being codfag

>actually taking the effort to search filenames
now whos the schizo lol

Elden Ring is much better than DS2 is or ever will be. Sorry the truth hurts.

I haven't played evil within and hotline miami yet, are both worth it or is it another thread where Yea Forums doesn't know what it's talking about?

Wrong and lying is bad user.

I'm not. At least not anymore. I stopped being one after Ghosts. I didn't even care about the series and was one of the people that mocked IW when it was first revealed. I played the campaign and loved it. Nothing more, nothing less. I didn't even buy the game. I pirated it.

>liking the worst game in the series
god you have shit taste

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If you've not beaten God of War 2 on Titan Difficulty you haven't beaten the game.

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Considering the op is meant to bait Yea Forums, god hand doesnt really. it did filter journoshitters though

If you haven't beaten every game in existence you're not a gamer.

If you truly believe that Elden Ring is the worst in the series, but think DS2 is good, then I'm sorry to say but there's no hope for you.

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RE6 is fun in every department. I refuse to believe anyone can be an RE fan and not have fun with the story and characters. It's premium quality schlock, the kind we don't get nowadays. It's nothing but fun.

Survival Horror is literally a marketing meme. There is unironically more "survival" in RE6's highest difficulty than in the majority of RE games despite it not trying to be anything more than a horror themed action game. I will never understand this meme, it simply does not correlate to the reality of the series and how the actual games play. Maybe you were thinking of the pace.

The only caveat to 6 is that you need to change a couple of options in the menu and play on the highest difficulty (despite this not being advisable for first timers) to get the genuine and best experience.

I've been watching the canon RE movies for the first time too thanks to one kind user and they are pure schlock kino too. I only watched the first 2 and maybe it's because i am a nerd, but i had a blast. Animation was a bit stiff in the first movie though.

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No I think they are both bad.

TEW is like RE4 but better in every way. It's a very old-school gameplay-focused game that is a ton of fun and very challenging on the higher difficulty settings.

Hotline Miami 2 is the first game cranked up to 11 and makes the first game look like a glorified tutorial. Just make sure to use peek and mind windows and long lines of sight. These filtered a TON of retards

>1337 4chans hackzors searchers for filenames of a post that is not OP but can't read the fucking IP count


alright thanks user, appreciate the genuine reply

people meme about shit games being amazing, and all it takes is one autistic retard to legitimately agree and make this thread every day

Let's just say i am not in a position to play it and probably won't be for a while. Because of this i kind of stopped following the game. I am guessing it did not do well based on the fact that i don't see e-celeb trash playing it.

>Shitter tries to divert attention

You sure like eating shit.

>TEW is like RE4 but better in every way.
I like TEW but you're a delusional shill.
>inb4 filtered
Beat RE4 on professional and TEW on akumu with no upgrades.

That's unfortunate, gameplay-wise I feel it turned out fantastic and has a lot of interesting quirks to it so it's worth checking out, but a fair few journos and such were filtered by the story, though most of it reads like them not playing through the full game or ignoring things out of assuming it was all like the memes which sells it a bit short. I don't even need to mention the gameplay going over their heads. Sales didn't seem great though I suppose SE is partly to blame, but I didn't see digital numbers.

No, youngfriend. Dark Souls II was not at all well-received. The best people would say about it was "It's a good game, it's just not a good Souls game".

I like forming my own opinions and since i am not a fucking child or an NPC i don't feel the pressure to fit in with every other NPC also wanting to fit in. I got a lot of enjoyment from all of those thins and i don't get a lot of enjoyment from video games these days.

Ace Combat 3 opened my eyes to how worthless professional reviews were.
RE6 opened my eyes to how worthless word of mouth in current year and counting is.

Maybe one day you will have similar epiphanies.

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I saw some class videos and it looked cool. Maybe one day...

I'm also not a FF fan since the only ones i played were X and X-2. Borrowed X from a friend who was really into FF and loved it. Bought X-2 with my own money and it was a big mistake.

I'm a die hard GoW fan who has gotten the Platnium trophy for every game in the series. I even read the novelizations. Ascension is mediocre and only worth playing once. It's not awful, but far beneath every other entry in the series

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Post proof of Akumu no upgrades, or you could just be retarded. Mikami improved on his masterpiece.