Play Warframe.
Play Warframe
>not mirage
reminder that nova is fat
DE's ineptitude has drastically cut down the time I spend playing.
>200 different currencies
>Need to search wikis and generals just to have a basic idea where to get shit, constantly
>Things you spent days or weeks farming and building regularly become garbage through nerfs
>0 cuties to keep you company through the tedious grind
I'm good
what, you don't think one minor update every 3-4 months is enough?
More like their design philosophy. They keep removing the fun aspects of systems by "reworking" them in name of curbing powercreep but then go right back to adding stronger and stronger stuff. Next up on the chopping block is removing the only fun thing about operators (using void dash to travel).
Fuck no.
I'd rather download the models and jerk off in VRchat with them or something. ANYTHING besides actually playing Warframe.
Your game is a chore to play
I have over 1400 hours in the game. I'll probably reinstall in a few months. I've played no other game so much.
if only she had feet..
This game DIED once they started the open world meme
how's the anniversary skin's ass? i never logged in for it because of fucking course i didn't.
can still not say trap in chat??
I haven't played in awhile, but my main reason for leaving was due to the fact that if I wasn't playing Rhino or Inaros, I was effectively relegated to being stomped by anything above level 50.
I want to play Harrow, but you have to go through so much effort to keep all his buffs going only to end up doing just as much as a Rhino that pressed 3 and held his m1-spam macro.
Not ever touching this game after playing it for the first time in 2015? Then again 2018 being extremely underwhelmed by how much grind and time you need in order to be up to snuff. This game is only good if you're an addict or a teen with the virtue of seemingly endless free time.
i do the weekly nightwave stuff for free arcane grace and to hoard more umbra formas
Frame asses have kept me going for the last 300 hours, soon to be 400. I have been playing 100% thanks to them and nothing else, but even that has a limit.
i like jumping around
noooo not the mack
>filtered by lvl 50
>filtered by WARFRAME
what? You can't be serious? Just use life steal on your melle if you're such a shitter.
pen and paper then
>Harrow upkeep
>hold 2 for a second or two
>spam 1
>press 3
4 isnt really necessary as your weapons should be strong enough without it, but it is very handy in eidolon hunts
>Playing a Dead game
Played for around 1k hours, think I had my fill
I haven't played the game in years and I won't start again Steve.
harrow was one of my favorites before I stopped playing. I remember using strun with him because hearing that rapid clicking from reloading was nice
I like the core gameplay but the open world grind is too boring. I quit after the aids planet.
I like big butts
Simple as.
mechanically harrow only falls behind nidus, on par with lavos.
top tier frames imo
>nyx has been my main for years now even before her rework
>develop mind control fetish
Post more nyx
he cannot lie
we can't deny
I thought blender could run on toasters though.
You should be able to make atleast a basic animation on a void background, right?
>Spend a week non-stop farming for a necramech before the six years of development story line drops
>use it for 5 minutes
fuck you steve you piece of canadian shit
nidus was also fun, stomping as much as isaac in dead space.
I don't think there was a frame I didn't enjoy, but once I got to the point of grinding just because, and not being interested in what was coming out I knew I was done with the game.
lmao the gameplay is like that of a gacha game, except warframe isn't gacha.
there is literally nothing to fucking do, why would i want to farm same fucking peashooter and for what? 100% of the content is trivial lmao it's a colossal timewaste also devs and mods are pozzed and trannies.
rate my nyx
nothing wrong with it but nothing too interesting
I did years ago
Is Wisp still the best ass frame?
I hear complaints about grind and whatnot, can I open my wallet and just buy that character?
yes you can, cant remember the plat price from the top of my head though
I'll play once they add cross-save to the game
eat dick, DE, your game is a shitty shallow skinnerbox with no fun gameplay that hasnt improved in over 5 years
She was my main long before her buff years ago. How is she nowadays?
imagine getting filtered by Warframe
Did they add a Werewolf frame yet?
Whenever I would pop into the game it seems like their community loved talking about furries and UwU's
did nekros ever become good
outside of being a desecrate slave? no
Still under used because people want to just glass everything instantly which is no fun
I don't know anything about Warframe, just that the faceless robot women are hot.
you're better off not knowing, honestly.
post frames
I can't play this shit for more than 30 minutes without wanting to jerk off. That's why I have to play with male frames.
Play Pandora's Tower.
So... what are warframes now?
Are they people? are they clones? are they alive? are they undead?
Do they have a will, and are mindcontrolled by the pilot? Are they just mindwiped puppets, basically alive in the sense that their lower brain works but there's no input in the body beyond what the pilot says?
Are they basically human-sized Evangelions?
They were people that were mutated beyond recognition and stripped of their will to be controlled telepathically by angsty teenagers with superpowers, at least early on they were. Now they are just flesh golems built in a 3D printer with raw materials. I think that's how it goes, not paying close attention. Too busy staring at the ass on my screen
Original frames are people twisted by the Orokin's established flesh warping powers + a different strain of the Infestation than what we have today. These people went utterly berserk and could not be tamed, throwing them at a conflict was a gamble as to which side it would wreck havoc on, oftentimes both. The Tendies then got WALL'D and could now somehow connect to the Frame person and calm them down enough to direct them at will, a sort of symbiotic relationship where they both understood each other and sought to bring and end to the suffering abound in the system. These original frames all went extinct or lost, some outright killed, some memed themselves into nonexistence like Limbo, some just went away for reasons.
The frames we have are inferior copies made of flesh, sustained by the Helminth infestation inside our Orbiters, these were not made by mutating a person and are not autonomous, they are controlled directly by the Tendies and are useless flesh piles without them. The original frame designs were lost, and the Primed version of the frames are basically the reconstruction of the original Orokin design at full power, only still without the need to mutate a person into it.
The only original frame with a person in it that we know of that is still active is Excalibur Umbra, such that when you phase out of him he will still fight on without you instead of just stand there uselessly.
Is the game still a tedious grind with endlessly recycled mission types ?
Havent played since Ivara Prime was released.
Also is DE still fuckijg up everybodys build every 4 months or so ?
I used to way back when it was new. I participated in the forums and was really hyped at the thought of helping a new game become better. I eventually realized that the devs really didn’t give a shit about player input. The game was filled with useless content, weapons were being added and removed left and right, some frames were being nerfed on a whim, others were completely broken, gamemodes barely worked, there was no real incentive to play other than to keep farming and the new player experience was utter dogshit. Then they got bought by that one shady Chinese company. I called it quits and many others did too. It’s a shame because it really did have potential. The artstyle is really good.
he cute