You did not catch the pokemon
You did not catch the pokemon
Other urls found in this thread:
>not wrestling it to submission like a wild mustang
my mewtwo is telling me otherwise
>decide to actually catch mewtwo legit in my last playthrough of Yellow
>accidentally froze it and could chuck balls all day
You did not catch the pokemon
this but exclusively female fighting types
>he doesn't exclusively use Premiere Balls on Legends.
MewTwo is the exception as thats "his" ball.
>saving right in front of the Elite 4 entrance
you did not become pokémon master
Masterball only exist for shiny legends that's about to struggle to death. Though a good gamer will use Harvest Trevenant+Skill Swap+PP Berry+Trick+Sunny day
You didn't get a shiny
I did not catch the fearow
This ball was made for Mewtwo.
No I went for tentacruel
You didn't catch the Graveler.
I caught Groundon with a premier ball in soulsilver. Did I really catch him?
No, because "Groundon" isn't a real Pokemon.
>mon is frozen solid
>cannot fight back
>is completely helpless
>repeatedly escapes from pokeball
What did Game Freak mean by this?
Always felt unsatisfied after using it on the last legendary or that pesky roamer, but then what else are you supposed to use it for?
>any ball other than Poké or Premier
You didn't really catch the Pokémon.
>pokemon "faints"
>Welp, can't catch it now.
>felt unsatisfied you didn't sit there mindlessly rerolling a 3% chance over and over
Smooth brain take, faggot.
Fuck you, I'm not hunting all those asshole roamers down.
Pokeballs don't physically restrain pokemon. They mindrape them into serving you as a slave. That's why you have to beat them to near-death so they lose their will to resist. Why do you think it's called a Master Ball?
>encounter lv 5 oddish
>send out lv 100 CHADizard
>unleash the flames from the deepest depths of hell
>enemy oddish """""""fainted""""""""
Well maybe they shouldn't have put roar on a roaming pokemon
Wtf I could have sworn it was groundon all these years is this the Morgan freeman effect?
>using balls at all
You didn't play the slots
>roamer uses roar
>disappears from your game
thanks FRLG
Big fuckin agree, premier balls for legends and shiny UNLESS the shiny would look nice in another ball
Premier balls suck.
Luxury Balls don't suck.
>buy 10 pokeballs
>get 1 premier ball
>buy 90 pokeballs
>get 1 premeir ball
Did they ever fix this?
full health, no status effects, poke ball only
otherwise you didn't catch it
I caught Articuno with a Great Ball in Blue yesterday, it almost fainted all of my party when I was throwing Great Balls, it kept saying 'Miss'
That's kinda hot...
>used Master Ball
>used anything other than Poke Ball
>weakened the Pokemon
>inflicted paralysis/sleep/poison/burn/freeze
You did not catch the Pokemon.
>used type advantages
>used items
>used status effects
>got a critical hit
You did not beat the trainer.
Why premier balls? I just use the OG poke ball on everything. I use ultra balls for just filling out the dex then breed better ones and put those in OG balls. The original is best.
That's what false swipe on a lvl 100 pokemon is for.
What was you guys' worst Master Ball waste?
Mine was on a Lunatone in Meteor Falls in Pokemon Emerald as a kid. My second mistake was thinking that if I released the Lunatone I would get the ball back.
Premier balls actually look special and premium rather than stupid. 100% OG pokeball is acceptable, though.
>When used from the Bag in a wild encounter, it attempts to catch the wild Pokémon with a catch rate modifier of 1×.
>If used on an Ultra Beast, the catch rate modifier is instead always set to 0.1×.
So it's a masochism thing?
I'd use my master ball on a cute boy and make him my slave :3
>My second mistake was thinking that if I released the Lunatone I would get the ball back.
>My second mistake was thinking that if I released the Lunatone I would get the ball back.
Not a bad thought desu.
I used my masterball on snorelax in Gold because "whoa, look at how big it is! It must be super hard to catch."
Wait you're kinda force to used Beast Balls on ultra beasts in SM and USUM. In SwSh you only get one of them iirc
you did not catch the legend unless you insulted them by catching them with a dogshit pink healball.
(i unironically did this with every legend for a couple games)
I have ran into TWO separate Shiny Gyarados. FUCKING TWO!!
I could have lived with one, but motherfucking ZWEI!?
Why do the Shiny gods hate me so?
i also caught a separate Shiny Ponyta in Legends Arceus ;_;
The only time I ever actually used the master ball was on fucking Raikou in Silver
I used my masterball on snorlax in blue because it was the last one, I hadn't caught the previous one, it was about to faint, and it had been hours since I saved.
i have balltism, so i choose a ball that suits the color of the pokemon, regardless if it is legendary or shiny.
shiny pokemon was such a lame idea. Most don't even look as good as the original colors.
Premier balls look nice.
my best catch ever was an Entei in SoulSilver with a Love Ball at full health
I'm pretty sure that was the first ball I ever used on him too
Fuck the fucking roamers
Pokemon with slight differences like that one butterfly with a gorillion possible wing patterns is a neat idea
Shinies are too rare for what they are even with all the tricks they added later
Is it possible to use pokeballs on humans?
Only the master ball.
That's why they never came to market.
Pokemon don't have genders besides nidoran
Damn straight I didn't. I edited this fucker in. Game is gay and edgy
yeah, id love if there was to be a to edit the colors of your pokemon in game, that way they would feel more personalized and you would feel more attached. i have seen mods with alt colors, but it be neat if gf adopted it, but they wont because they haven't done anything good in years sadly
>trying to catch Latios in Ruby
>level a faggot Wobbuffet for Shadow Tag
>spend forever trying to encounter the fucking thing
>finally find it
>suffer through using faggot Wobbuffet to wear it down
>health is in the red, barely visible
>start chucking Ultra Balls
>ball after ball after fucking ball
>piece of shit won't stay inside, usually can't even get past one wiggle
>run out of the massive stock of Ultra Balls I purchased for the occasion
>notice I have a single unused Poke Ball in the pack
>fuck it, toss
> Masterballs can enslave humans
That certainly paints the scene where the president gives the protagonist one as a 'reward' in a different light...
I got a shiny Flaffy in Crystal once, took the shitty fucking thing up through the Ampharos evolution until it was stronger than everything else I had
Wasted it on an Aron in Ruby, I was a dumb little kid
There's no indication he knew his prototype worked like that yet. He certainly wasn't intending for you to go find Misty and start her nonconsensual training.
Oh, bittersweet ending to this story: I got all 151 on my original save file without cheating, aside from using the mew glitch to catch a wild mew.
Then the cartridge's battery died.
Fucking kek. What about the retarded-looking metal mouse made you want to chuck a Master Ball at it
Not to worry.
Once she's fully 'captured, the psycho-indoctrination protocols will *make* it consensual. (See: )
I got angry just reading that
I did it all, user. It was a sweet riding off into the sunset. I'd have been mad if it was at like 147/151 or something.
If you used the badge boost glitch you didn't beat the game
Every version of the first game, I always try and wear mewtwo down and get him with a bunch of ultra balls. What I found is that, for every version of the game, it's certainly not impossible. But it will be a little more challenging than what you're probably used to. Same with Lugia
What was you guys' go to "cheat code" for catch rates?
Either I had literally the greatest coincidental luck ever or this actually worked for Emerald - I would hold/tap the B and A buttons down at the same time when:
>the ball opened until it closed
>each time the ball bounced
>each time the ball shook
It literally never failed. I caught all the legendaries, even Latios, at full health and no status problems, using it, and I have no explanation why.
nigger what lmao
I don't play shitmon
Oh to add, with normal Poke Balls too
>shiny pokemon was such a lame idea.
It's a pretty brilliant idea because it gives players incentive to keep playing so they can hunt for that specific sparkly color. If you catch one after days, weeks, or even months of hunting/hatching, there's a definite feeling of accomplishment.
>Most don't even look as good as the original colors
Who gives a shit. Black Haxorus, bitch
Hold my breath and drop internal importance, becoming empty and indifferent towards catching it. It was my "magic spell" that seemed to work. The power of intention in the absence of importance is strong I think
I was mashing through the menus like a spastic, I didn't realize until it was too late
Blue was actually the only Gen 1 game I ever got 151 in. I also had to use the Mew glitch. I remember fucking around obsessively as a kid in Red with shit like Missingno and M(00)
In the main games I always catch pokemon in regular pokeballs, unless it's one of my top favourites, in which case it gets a luxury ball if I have them available.
It did not often work
theres a video going in depth on pokemon and it covers which pokeballs are the best, and what increases your chances the most.
if i recall correctly its the greatball and a status effect, would have been nice to know in the early 2000s
the video is josh strife hayes video on pokemon red/blue, he goes into the catchrates at ~1:05:30