13 Sentinels Switch: The Definitive Version!


>What most 13 Sentinels fans might be curious about is how well the Switch handles Destruction mode. Playing Destruction mode on the base PS4, and even the PS4 Pro at times, would cause a serious drop in framerate when the screen started to fill up with enemies. Before this port came out, I was wondering if the Switch would be able to handle some of the more intense battles. The answer Vanillaware gave me was, yes it can. All in all, the Switch version essentially runs the same as it does on the base PS4, and maybe even slightly better. There also didn't appear to be a reduction in the number of enemies during battles either, which would be one way of helping out the Switch's performance. The various kaiju still fill up the screen, and the infamous "Missile Rain" attack can still lag the game slightly, but I am impressed with the Switch's overall performance on this game.

>However, what is more worth discussing is how the Switch version makes some changes to combat overall. Destruction mode was often cited as the worst aspect of the game on PS4. Destruction mode in the PS4 version was rather laid-back. Combat wasn't too difficult, even on Intense mode. The famous Sentry Gun strategy was the great equalizer and rarely did any of the levels feel challenging until the last few maps. However, Vanillaware has adjusted 13 Sentinels' combat for the Switch version, as if to answer those complaints about the battles being too easy. Sentry Guns have been greatly nerfed, eliminating one of the foundations of successful battles in the PS4 version. With much less emphasis placed on Sentry Guns, combat is now more well-rounded, and it feels like each character has a much bigger role to play in battle. Intense mode now feels like a legitimate challenge, and it forced me to change up my strategy a lot from when I played on the PS4.

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>Part of this comes down to a change that was actually advertised before this port was released: the new weapons. Each Sentinel pilot now has two unique skills that they can unlock and use in battle, and that completely changed how I viewed some of their roles. There are four different "generations" of the Sentinels, and they each have their own part of combat that they're good at. First-generations hit hard, but they lack anti-air equipment, second-generations have a wide variety of equipment for different situations, third-generations are best at crowd clearing, and fourth-generations lend support from the sky. In the PS4 version, only about half of the pilots had some kind of unique equipment that they could use that made them different from their counterparts. Now, everyone feels different, and I believe that these changes make up a net positive in terms of engagement from Destruction mode.

>Vanillaware has handled 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim's Switch port with the utmost care and, with some of the changes, may even be better than the PS4 version. While I was hoping that Vanillaware would go back and add in a couple of new scenes that they had previously cut out of the game, I will also happily take the changes to Destruction mode. Now that a Switch version is available, I am hoping more people will get to experience this masterpiece of modern gaming. 13 Sentinels flew under the radar on PS4, so now I'm hoping the spotlight will be on this excellent game after word of mouth has spread. If you love RPGs, have an affinity for excellent stories, are in the mood for some good brain exercise, or just looking for a nice 30-hour experience in gaming, look no further than 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.

Thanks for beta testing!

Now if only other vanillaware games got ported


If I buy this game will they please port Muramasa Rebirth?

Just know I will edit that text

Kind of surprised out of all their games they didn't port Dragon's Crown first because it's their best selling game and more appealing and accessible to just about everyone.

dragon's crown too problematic, please understand

Is Megumi's uncensored ass in the ending yet? If not I don't much care.

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>Vanillaware actually trying with Switch and optimizing their game BETTER on Switch than on Playstation
>Falcom straight up saying PS is dead in Japan and they will include Switch in the pipeline for day and date day 1 releases after Kuro 2 releases
>Gust dropping PS5 support after Ryza 2 PS5 bombed. PS4 Sophie 2 doesn't even accept a PS5 Ryza 2 save file for the save bonus. It will only accept a PS4 Ryza 2 save, even if playing on PS5
>Vita coom developers porting their old games like Seven Pirates and Gal Gun Double Peace with new enhancements

By the middle of this generation all the weebshit will be Switch/PC only. It is becoming unsustainable for small Jap devs to rely on PS, especially after PS4 dies off.

At least they acknowledged that spamming sentry turrets made things trivially easy on any difficulty but hard mode.

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Sony moved to California. They'll totally be fine with their "exclusive" (also on PC) games. Nevermind they murdered all the cool IPs like Twisted Metal, Gravity Rush, Ape Escape, and so on.

enjoy my sloppy seconds

should i get this game

How did you not learn from PS3?

Better optimized and balanced with better seasoning sloppy seconds.

Nobody was in the wrong.

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Two new weapons for each character doesn't really make this the "definitive edition"

They should've included new story stuff and uncensored the ending for the switch version like they wanted to do in the PS4 version

no one played the game for the combat, stupid tendie. still waiting for those weeb switch exclusives lmao

Thanks for beta testing.

so the same game but with a patch? sugoi.

Borderline hgames have been on Switch for years now
It's doable

all that work just for it to flop on switch

>runs better
>no longer spam sentry guns to win. better strategy required now
>the additional weapons for each character you mentioned
It kinda is the definitive edition, even if that doesn't amount to much

And all this in 4k and 60fps.

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When are we getting news on the fantasy looking game they've been working on?

I will now pirate your game

Nah, not this time PCbro. Nobody wants to sit at a desk to read a VN. This is something you play in bed on Switch.

zero fucks
where is the muramasa psp port on shitch

holy fucking based

>Nobody wants to sit at a desk to read a VN
This is literally how VN came to be. And no other platform has half as many VNs as PC.
But most importantly, I don't care about others, I like "playing" good VNs on my PC.

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>428 Shibuya Scramble
Holy based.

VNs on a small screen suck. Best way to get eyestrain.

I finally got around to beating it a few days ago after avoiding Yea Forums's threads about it for so long
Who are the favorite characters here? If I had to guess I'd say Ida, Hijiyama, and/or Minami.

I'd think you'd be too busy enjoying those weeb ps5 exclusives to be worry about a switch port... oh wait

"4k 60fps" doesn't work too good on games that consist of mostly 2d assets, and I doubt vanillaware just threw high res assets onto the cart and the switch just downscales everything

I don't know, it worked well enough with Triangle Strategy, although it's not full 2d.

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this is blurry as fuck my dude, almost like it's 720p assets being blown up to 9 times their size

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Sure, but I play on a 1080p screen anyway, so rendering in 4k is mostly for better 3d elements and less aliasing.

Sell me on this game Yea Forums
I haven't played a VN forever

Is the rom available yet?

This is a turn-based strategy, not a novel. It's like calling Three Houses an adventure game because of monastery segments.

I play PC VNs from bed with a wireless mouse

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Miura and Tomi were some of my favorites personally. I really liked how they approached the culture shock of their situation in a completely opposite way, with Miura from the past being this soldier of a failed war trying to deal with how the world kept turning without him, and Tomi from the future acting like more of a tourist, laughing it up about how strange and retro everything is, before getting in over her head trying to solve the current situation because her friend is too busy trying to fix her ex-boyfriend.

Captain Space was cute too.

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Remember when snoys were arguing you couldn't run it on Switch?
It's literally a Vita game.

I liked these two. Though 426 kind of stole the show for me whenever he was on-screen.

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Blatant misinformation when it wasn't Nintendo that is responsible for the censorship. I hate Nintendo's anti-consumer practices, but spreading false info like this is even more cancerous.

Miura and Minami

I genuinely liked Megumi and Juro by the end, even if it does take a really long time for the plot reveals to recontextualize all their actions enough to finally understand what their issues with each other are.

Also have a soft spot for Nenji's noble delinquent thing, and whole time loop story.

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PC version when

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Tetsuya Ida was kind of an asshole

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They're trying to sell a game for a second time you fucking numbskull of course they're gonna put in a tiny bit of effort into it. Just like how disgaea 6 is now getting a definitive edition exclusively not on switch

When is this out again

when the switch version gets dumped


Compile heart also bent the knee and was forced to switfly port that nep x senran game after it bombed on ps4. Even Sony is publishing games on the Switch. The only one left is aquaplus I think.

If Nintendo manages to get Switch 4k/Pro/2 out before Sony sorts out their production issues, they will straight up wipe PS out of the country.

>Atlus' localization team has also gone back and fixed a couple of odd and mistranslated lines from the original PS4 version's English dub.
I'm going to need to see a comparison.

Do you think they were brave enough to correct the non binary line or whatever the fuck it was?

Compile Heart is launching a Nep game exclusive to PS4/5 this month, so they haven't fully removed Sony's cock from their mouths yet. The last Nep game they did was solely exclusive to PS5... Piece of shit didn't even chart into the top 30.
This time they added a PS4 version, so they know PS5 is a lost cause. That won't save them when PS4 dies off.
I'm fine if Kusoge Heart dies trying to prop up PlayStation instead of jumping to Switch anyway.

it is worse, its coming out two years later when everyone fucking knows the story already