Shit games Yea Forums tricked you into playig
Shit games Yea Forums tricked you into playig
kek why would I care about the opinion of someone with no personal criteria
Sounds like someone didn't read the tutorial on weapon affinity and got filtered on elemental dragon
>Games that Yea Forums convinced me into playing and while I don't think they're bad games I found them boring or plain unfun:
The Witcher, Nier Automata, Dragon's Dogma, Scarlet Nexus
>Games that Yea Forums convinced me into playing and are irredeemable, indefensible garbage
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, Valkyrie Drive
>look at me I dislike popular thing
>look at this game
>can ever be convinced to try it
Shits your fault 100%.
Dragon's Dogma
Its not worth doing that honestly. Forge 1 Piercing, 1 Slash, and 1 Blunt and just buff yourself/debuff enemy. I have no clue how you were supposed to utilize weapons having +EVIL and using it against EVIL enemies but missing all the time because weapon type seemed to matter far more.
Also fuck the game for not having an easy way to swap weapons in combat, and I bet 90% of people couldn't find out where the enemy status was after scanning them
I'm still so mad about this game, that I'll be happy when Platinum goes under for just how garbage this piece of shit is.
>games Yea Forums tricked you into playing
how fucking stupid dumb can you be to accept a stranger's opinion? you either play a game 'cause it looks cool or not, not cause some random retard told you to, next you're gonna tell me you read reviews before playing something
>hating Senran Kagura
You have to go back.
Wait what? I did scanthem with the spell and just thought it failed everytime... where do you see the info??
Also yes, having quick weapon slots would make the game raise to a 9.9/10
Kill yourself
If I was as bad at videogames as you are, suicide would probably be all I'd think of too.
it's great!
How did this game got popular, it might be the worst designed game ever made, is just a platform game but extra tedious.
In the status screen, where you see YOUR info, just hit R1 and it swaps to the enemy you just scanned. That game is plagued with dumb ass UI shit and problems easily fixed looking back
>le music!
>le SOVL
>game is incomplete and tedious to play
>only maybe like 7 remotely meaningful characters
>Not even in the top 10 of its generation or the previous one
Postal 2, the game really isn't anywhere as good as people on Yea Forums claim it to be, it comes across as shit made by some edgy ledditor, haha cat suppressor so funny right! no it isn't, the guns all feel like shit to use, exploration leads you to empty houses, the humor really misses the mark. Hey look at this, we're righting people who protest against violent games, that's funny right? Nope
I like exploration and shooters, but the game fails at both, on top of the humor being fucking awful
forgot image
Wanna know how i know you didnt play it
Here in germany "Offizielles Playstation" magazine it got the highest rating with FFVII and MGS1.
I bought it from my hard earned pocket money... it was shit. Poor written dialogues, boring fighting system and the worst dungeon crawler ever.
I did play it and dropped it after the first dungeon, and I was so eager to play it after everyone told me the game was great.
I have Viewtiful Joe nostalgia and I fell for this shit too.
Here's mine
It was good. I'm sorry you got butthurt over the chrono trigger bad ending it implied.
Most of Yea Forums unironically does what the board orders them to do.
Your favorite game.
I don't really care if they want to give the chrono trigger characters a bad ending as long as the writing is solid. A lot of the trigger ties seemed like a cheap attempt at emotional impact for characters people cared more about because there weren't enough developed characters in cross.
It's time travel, there is bound to be 80 billion more bad futures, so whatever, if they get a bad ending after all they do, I don't give a shit, but it was a slog of a video game held back by its ties to trigger
Filtered. I don't mean that in an ironic, meme sense. You were actually fucking filtered. It has a clicking point that requires a fair bit of play and that might be different for different people depending on their competency and awareness. You are actual, unironic, bottom of the barrel filtered garbage. You are a drooling fetid cretin.
Yea Forums lied to me about Numale Sky being "redeemed". I was with someone else's gayman laptop and had nothing to do, he had the latest version on it that people fawn all over, so I said hey why not it's a second morbid curiosity thing. It's the same fucking shit as before, shoot rocks, craft item slots to put all the differently colored rocks that you shoot. Also there was a different thing, now I had to keep collecting certain rocks and oxygen or else the 3 bars drop and I die at the first planet. It's just busywork on top of the boring as watching paint dry shoot rocks nonstop gameplay loop.
While walking on the planet floor, you constantly see space ships doing low level flights, yet when you finally get out of the first planet, there are only space rocks for you to shoot, where are the space ships that I was seeing all the time? Then you are railroaded to another planet to repeat the same old shit of shooting rocks because you ran out of fuel or whatever it was. Fuck you and fuck sean once again, this game isn't merely mediocre, it's straight fucking terrible with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It is possibly one of the worst games I have played in the last years
>Game is too shit for gaming standards
>It has mediocre ecchi rather than actual sex scenes so it's not even good for coomer standards
I will never understand Senranfags
You're projecting
>Unironically thinking Vagrant story is shit
Nah, it's true.
Just look at any Steam sale threads: a simple "yes" / "no" from a random user is enough for another to spend his money or remove a game from his cart.
only right answer
How can people defend this game?
I don't understand coomer games in general. Why play Xenoblade 2 or Genshin when you could be playing either an actual game or an actual H-game?
Genshit is shit but it is an actual game, thieving wholesale from BotW. Xenoblade 2 is a great JRPG. Your only awareness/exposure to these games is the shit posted about them on Yea Forums? You should probably take a break and develop a sense of self awareness and some decision making capacity, you're ngmi if you believe everything you read on Yea Forums.
100% Dragon's Dogma
Combat is good
Everything else is bad and empty
By actual game I meant a good game, which neither Genshin nor Xenoblade 2 are
Not him; I've never played Xenoblade or Genshin, but I've give a try to many coomer games and almost all of them were bad games, even horrible games.
There is a couple decent ones, and still I could easily just play a good game belonging to the same genre rather than setting down for "decent".
trails in the sky
hollow knight
>a game discussion board has people who play what other people recommend
Dunno user, one can take 20 mins to download and check out if it's really good, it's not like we're signing a perpetual slavery contract. Sometimes a game can be so bad you want to see the trainwreck yourself
>game's combat is objectively bad and tedious
>my autism makes me enjoy it for some reason
I don't feel like giving Senran Kagura shit even a try, the gameplay of tall the games looks fucking terrible, but I have been positively surprised by what I thought were only coomer games without anything good in them, Nier Automata and Atelier Ryza 2 were 2 of that category that I enjoyed them going in thinking they were mere coomershit
Recommendations are a flawed concept by themselves because no two people have the same tastes.
If I listened to Yea Forums the amount of games I played (and enjoyed) would be 85% smaller, and many games I like are unanimously reviled by the board.
Elden Poo Poo
I know you've probably seen the japanese "humor" thread every day for years, but Xenoblade 2 isn't actually a coomer game, the ero designs are incidental to what it actually is. Genshin can fuck right off though, it's a waifu gacha revenue vehicle.
literally one of the two good Ivalice games, and yes, the other is FFT.
DABS on shitty FF12
Here's a little trick to get good recommendations
>go into niche (key word: niche) game thread
>ask "So I just finished all the games in the series. Anything else you lads would recommend?"
>you get recommendations from anons with a similar taste to yours
I don't have to posses an identical taste compared to someone to appreciate the same game, what kind of autistic shit are you talking about? There are objective things in games that can be discussed pointing out why a certain game deserves a try, there are features that they have similar to X and Y and people identify what they might like about a game before giving it a try. Just because someone accepts playing a recommendation doesn't mean they take everything the user said as gospel
Fuck you faggots you know who you are
you unironically recommend games like this if you never played a real game before.
Disco Elysium is the epidemy of reddit taste and modern normalfag "aesthetic". You never loved games the begin with
I'll put a couple examples:
I like the Dark Souls games and I liked Nioh 1, Code Vein and The Surge games. I've never met another Souls games fan who likes those games and sees them with anything but repugnance.
I like the classic Resident Evil games (I played them as a teenager back in 1997 even so I'm not a bandwagonner), and I like the RE2 remake. I've never met another RE fan who likes that game and sees it with anything but repugnance.
Basically those people and I have "similar" tastes, but their opinions didn't help me in the slightest. Had I listened to them, the people with similar tastes to me, I wouldn't have played those games in the first place.
Were you alive in 2004 user?
>porn game requires two hands to play
>porn game is too depressing to fap to
fuck you shills
yes, I was 16 y/o in 2004 and skipped it completely, did I have to be 12 to enjoy it?