Favorite places to invade?
Favourite enemies?
Why aren't you invading?
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Games level sync is beyond fucked.
Makes no sense in an openworld.
I'm RL6 with level 22/somber 9 weapons. Try as I might, I cannot summon, be summoned, or invade.
I've never done it before. I would probably just end up doing some silly emoting with the host, maybe pointing out a hidden path and leaving.
because I don't fuckin' feel like it, man.
that's because nobody your level has such high level waepons dummy. you're scaled to level AND weapon level
Jesus dude are you brain dead? Of course you can't be summoned or invade, you're level 6 with near max level gear. Weapon level effects mulitplayer range. Retard, it's been like that since DS3. I've seen a lot of people make this mistake
Limgrave / stormveil
lvl 20 +3 normal +2somber
why invade when every invasion is just 3 faggots with moonveil or rivers waiting to gank invaders?
It is a somber existence, but one I would not trade for another. Every fight is a challenge, every victory relished.
because they are invariably shit at the game and can be easily outplayed unless you are equalliy as shit
>maxed weapons
okay retard
What build should I use for my second playthrough?
>maxed out weapons
>tries to summon
>acts like he's living in a society
>doesn't even invade
You don't know true victory
I win a decent amount but seeing 1600 hp phantoms with fingerprint shields/RoB when i invade at level 30 with a +8 weapon gets tedious after awhile
The graves with chariots.
Just fucking AFK, free rune arcs.
invading in this game is utter garbage
hosts have massive advantages and they STILL choose to sit in safe rooms for 20 minutes waiting for you to offer yourself up to him and his butt buddies
make a low level invader and youll even see a lot of people being escorted through the area by their friends who already beat the game
DS3 got it right because the average power level of weapons was far lower and at worst you could wait 5 minutes for another invader to show up
>killed godfrey on a low level character
>slapped this ash of war on a spear
It's like spamming wrath of the gods. Love it.
Just don't upgrade your weapons for invasions/summons.
Pic related. I'm level 22 with +1 somber weapons and I can still get summoned for Godrick, Margitt and all over Limgrave & Liurnia.
I'm a co-op fag.
btw last night I realised that the rune arc effect is gone when you're summoned. fuckin disappointing.
>why arent you an invaderchad?
Because the game gives me "CONNECTION ERROR OCCURED" literally 90% of the time and I'm on 1gb up/dl internet on an ethernet cable.
I'll be invaderchad when the game fucking works.
I became aware of a way to flag online players for the subsequent wave. I invade daily, searching for the following:
>Moonveil users
>Rivers of blood users
>Fingerprint shield users
>Self carian retaliation users
>high arcane madness users
>and in some cases, depending on my mood, bloodhound step users.
If I see any of the aforementioned, I proceed. If you're using something fun or interesting, I leave the invasion so you can get back to pveing
This but for co-op
>walk to boss room
>step in
>halfway through the healthbar
>Connection error has occured, returning to your world
>captcha: GGAAA
and the invader just wants to be chased to the nearest mob. I specifically enjoyed destroying an invader in leyndell last night, fucker didn't know that we had cleared almost every area and he was running in vain. finished him off with a kukri as he was fleeing.
>Why aren't you invading?
Constant crashing and disconnections in the middle of matches due to EAC.
Wish I bought the game on console.
Maxed weapons on an extremely low level character don't delete bosses the way high level characters do. I still have to learn enemy movesets to not get instakilled, the weapons just let me still do reasonable damage in the meantime.
If you skip boss cutscenes too quickly, it can cause a connection error for some god awful reason.
>high arcane madness users
Madness doesnt scale off of arcane retard.
I don't pay money for games
yeah happened to me three times at the fire giant cutscene. fuckin unexplainable.
>what is the bugged dragon communion seal
Isn't it funny when retarded people confidently call others retarded?
i got past fire giant with a +1 weapon and level 16 just so i could invade low level areas with everything dont speak to me casul
I play in offline mode. I don't summon randos, nor PvP, nor allow invasions. I get to play truly by myself and have a great time.
Keep your lagfest.
I pirated ):
shit costs more than a kidney in this hell hole
you can stay online and not participate in multiplayer. I like having messages/bloodstains/white phantoms.
>can use Rivers of Blood at level 9 with thief class, arcane gargoyle helm, and dex medallion
Will this still let me invade people as soon as they step out of the fringe folk hero's grave? I want to be everything a new player has heard horror stories about. What armor would be appropriate too? Something edgy like Royal Remains?
sorry but a lot of people who summon apparently just want help with phase one so they can "beat the boss themselves" in phase two. It's retarded
>and level 16
Nice leveling, faggot.
Did I just fuck myself for leveling to 126 instead of staying at 125?
enjoy never invading or getting summoned again
you fucked up by leveling past 70 for pvp
You can invade people at the first step around level 20 with +1 somber weapons.
Use whatever armor you want.
Oh, get bloodhound step so you can deal with gank squads there, too.
>buying fromsoft
its a shame that death sorceries do fuck all in pvp
how's fia's mist?
really shitty. they have to sit in it for a while
i want to be hardcore but the elden ring mommy wont let me without ps+
Because I invaded during release week and have no desire to anymore.
I pirated the game
because i ripped and unlocked it then seeded it for anons like this:
I am
after some deliberation Morne is more fun to invade than Stormveil
You see this? Use it, it is absolutely broken in both PvE and PvP. Even if you are a poiselet you can trade
>but my -25% Lightning!
You will only encounter faggots and will never find someone absolutely based enough to be using Gransax anyway
>spend more time in loading screens than actually playing the game because build is designed to 1shot or die instantly to a gang
Wow sounds so fun!
Because the game is broken
I refuse to play until they fix this mess
I just run through the level while annoying the host and phantoms as much as possible
Thank you based fren.
>level 22
>244000 runes
then you are playing against shitters who dont have 10+ weapons and weapon-swap mid-fight to change up attacks and ash abilities
>not walking through buffing enemies with mohgs rune till depleted squads have to fight your full strength self
I havent got invaded at all. Never actually. My settings are on default and i've co-oped/policed several games
also, use Golden Vow or any body buff after it. It hides the visual effect while still stacking
This happens to me all the time when invading...
You can only get invaded by other players if you have summoned another player as help if I'm right, no more humanity equals invasions.
you can only be invaded if you summon another person
>we had cleared almost every area
So what you're saying is that you set up a basic bitch ganksquad and killed a lone invader who tried to use his only defensive option (that wasn't there) with your phantom(s)? Damn, what an accomplishment.
What are the rules for invasion.
What's the level gap allowed, weapon level difference? Can I invade people if I beat the boss for the zone? What other restrictions are there?
this is why niggers run bh step
I am invading in first castle / liurnia with lvl 33 and +6 misericorde and buckler. Normal swings do fuck-all but reposte does almost 1000 damage and can kill even over leveled rivers of blood/moon veil summons instantly. Feels good.
thats gay
You can't get invaded in solo unless you use the taunter's tongue. Otherwise it's only during co-op. If you get through the fog gate fast enough, you probably won't even see an invader either.
>3 man gank squad waiting around a corner, one is cosplaying as melina
>other is rob spammer
>its raya lucaria and im lvl 40
Did they just ignore matchmaking this time around
all signs point to yes. i invaded some retard on console who had a summon with 8k+ hp
either they were summoned with a password which ignores restrictions or they moved all those items to alts
I've got a lvl 30 stormveil invader and a lvl 80 Leyndell invader. Any other fun RL levels and areas to invade?
PvP in From games has always been incredibly gay, and cutting it down to functional irrelevance in Elden Ring was the smartest thing they've ever done.
I hope you were in the initial pirate thread (:
its the only thing that keeps these games relevant beyond finishing the game
What said use taunter's tongue if you wanna be invaded.