How do I git gut at this game? Recently started playing. I don't like the low amount of control over your deck.
Rougelike thread
play a better game
Why isn't dark souls considered a roguelike? it got the difficulty and everything to be one
because it already has a meme genre name
Fight more enemies in act 1 for more chances to add good cards to your deck.
Don't add Clash to your deck, it's fucking shit.
Post run history.
If you aren't playing Isaac, play another genre.
They're the only ones who got it right IMO.
jesus christ fuck off with soulshit
please, enlighten me. Whats the best roguelike?
The guy on the left looks like the guy from blazblue
>Fight more enemies in act 1 for more chances to add good cards to your deck.
I try to, I usually want to try at least one miniboss
>Don't add Clash to your deck, it's fucking shit.
I did some experiments with it but yeah it's too situational and too many enemies fill your deck with fluff cards.
>Post run history.
How can I do that?
idk maybe because rougelike isn't solely determined off of difficulty you fucking obsessed retard
card removal good, keep a small deck for more consistency
Isaac is probably the most prolific, but Gungeon is better IMO. BPM is an FPS roguelike with a rhythm mechanic, and it's a lot of fun but the balancing is way off
Also, play more, there's a lot of stuff you just won't be able to prepare for without prior experience, e.g. you build a deck that is reliant on one-shotting the encounter by exhausting your entire deck, but there's a boss that has two healthbars.
fight elites as much as you are able for the first map (or first two maps)
make sure you have cards that draw
potions are very good but make sure to use them (don't let yourself end up in a situation where a potion drop goes to "waste" cause your slots are full)
some of the grey cards are stupidly overpowered, don't overlook them
>I don't like the low amount of control over your deck.
don't add a ton of cards, keep your deck very focused. remove strikes when you can
you can skip card rewards you know. dont always just add something, its better to have a very small deck of all good cards
none of these are card games, how do you compare them to sts? Youre trying to compare turn based to action oriented you fucking retard
Where in the comment that I replied to were the words card game or turn based? Seems like your ESL brain is fucking broken, Panjeet
>these are the bests and they are because im a contrarian who doesnt hold his own opinion!
this is you
>Isaac is probably the most prolific, but Gungeon is better IMO.
These are roguelites
What the fuck are you talking about Sukhmit? Don't you have to go shit in the street or something?
Shut the fuck up berlinfag
yeah so is the game in the OP you absolute fucking monkey
My bad, nonsense terms confuse me.
yes, rimworld is the best roguelike
Because it ain't u dumbass
How in the fuck is it contrarian to say that Gungeon is one of the best?
trial and error
personally I got sick of doing the same shit over and over and over only to notice 30mins into a run that it's mathematically impossible for me to win because my deck wasn't good enough
Keep your deck small, don't add every card you come across, you can skip them. Trim the fat and remove your shitty starting cards at shops or event spaces. The easiest unga bunga braindead build for the warrior is a body slam build. Just get a couple of body slams, upgrade them, and just focus on defense.
This is not a Roguelike. Fucking Zoomers.
Why would you call games that have absolutely nothing in common with Rogue roguelike?
I've been trying out the Downfall mod recently and really dig the twist of playing the enemies.
Unironically Elden Ring. Also, an Elden Ring thread died for this.
ToME4 is lit
play synthetik
>girds and turnbased
the worst kind of roguelike
Don't bait me user, I've had a rough day
You might as well call shmups roguelikes if that's your definition of one, retard.
>fight elites as much as you are able for the first map (or first two maps)
Disagree. Act 2 is the hardest act by far, barring act 4. You want to get your elite/burning elite fights in acts 1 and 3.
This is not a roguelike
Been playing dead cells a bunch. With all the DLC. Holy fuck the game is still kicking my ass. Only at 2 cells atm, but damn its pretty fun.
It's not even turn based
Not that user, but I unironically think that some of Act 2 hallway fights are just as bad as the elites, but at least you get a relic from the elite fights.
Roguelike is a literal term. It means a game which is "like Rogue". Rogue is a singular game which is the primary point of comparison.
Roguelite is a term which means a game has several overarching systems which Rogue was infamous and at one time unique for, like permanent death and random progression. Despite these similarities the roguelite games are mechanically unlike Rogue, i.e. they're a different genre of game entirely.
Most importantly, the latter term is a shitty useless term invented by pedantic nerds in retrospect and every single roguelite is recognized as a roguelike by non-autists, who don't know the game Rogue exists.
your mom is a rougelite
>Most importantly, the latter term is a shitty useless term
It's because we live in a different age where more words are too hard to deal with, the gaming journalist era. If all the different shooter genres came out today, they'd all be under the blanket "shooter" genre.
Distinguishing between rogue"like" and rogue"lite" is irrelevant and worthless to audience which hasn't played Rogue. Also prescriptivists never win and pointing out that the namesake of a term doesn't live up to the term's literal meaning is worthless nitpicking.
The meaning of words is designated by the agreed upon definition by the majority of people. Faggot is not a word used to describe a bundle of sticks anymore. You can get autistic about it all you want, but languages and words change, and all you're accomplishing in the end is just that, being autistic about it.
take cards that give you more control over your deck
Hey idiot we don't dispute that. That the meaning of words is determined by consensus is specifically WHY people should take care to speak and use words in a precise way so that we don't fucking ruin them. Like "literally".
No procedural generation.
No permanent death.
Not turn based.
Distinguishing between any two terms that an audience isn't familiar with is meaningless to said audience, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea.
same, it's really good so far. Feels like a lot of effort went into it. I've won with the hermit and a couple bosses but haven't done any ascensions yet. Feels pretty balanced so far.
kill yourself you illiterate fuckbag. This goes for any and all people that don't know what a roguelike is or how to spell rogue. Yes I'm mad and yes I got baited. I fucking hate all of you.
Roguelike is a non-literal term that simply describes a collection of similar games with general similarities, it is not a literal term which means "like the game Rogue"
>so that we don't fucking ruin them
Words cannot be "ruined", they can simply change meaning, your argument comes from an inherently wrong position. Languages evolve, faggot is not a word used to describe a bundle of sticks anymore, it doesn't mean the word is "ruined", it is simply used differently.
>Choose your route to include as many minibosses and ? As possible
>Focus on what makes your deck better NOW instead of "oh yeah combo piece" I will use two floors up
>Don't waste your time on healing if you're already not running a deck that slaps shit, always upgrade cards on bonfire (healing before boss acceptable but still kinda wasteful)
>If you need to heal you will die soon anyway, better to start a new run
>Health is a resource and should be used almost always to make yourself stronk, having 70hp and 10hp is the same if you have a winning build
>Shiv build is easy mode
And in my opinion, some of the required general similarities is turn based and grid based.
Nobody calls DMC1 a soulslike, despite both of them having a gothic design, a large focus on difficulty and enemies killing you easily, heavy emphasis on rolling to dodge attacks, and NG+.
the term roguelike has almost become as muddled as RPG
Roguebook is basically a better version of this game.
Incorrect, the language as a whole can be made worse by the words becoming fundamentally indistinct, meaningless, robbing us of a means to describe some things, and generally lowering the level of discourse possible with it. Literal/literally is an excellent example. Literally now means literally, figuratively, is a generic statement intensifier, and a filler word/exclamation, rather than just its original meaning. When someone actually wishes to use its original meaning, they have to rape the language even further with statements like "literally literally not literally", or outright robbing us of the ability to use a word to denote we're specifically talking about a literal scenario.
How you actually choose to use words matters you fucking double plus good faggot.
wtf is hakumen doing there?
I think deep down I know it's supposed to be written "rogue" but since you pronounce it "row-ge" spelling "rouge" makes more sense. Also fuck french and fuck english being not phonetically consistent.
Isaac is still the best roguelike IMO because of how intensely and fundamentally the central mechanics can be impacted by the items in a run and how dramatically each run can depart from the norm. If I see shit like
>+5% damage output
in a roguelike and that's actually considered a significant buff it's so fucking boring.
Toppling a tower.
I haven't tried the hermit yet. From the boss characters, Hexaghost and The Champ are my favorites so far, but I haven't unlocked all bosses yet. Some feel a tad bit overloaded at first, especially the hexaghost with the ignition mechanic but all in all it feels really well thought out. If I didn't knew better, I would have thought that Downfall is a paid expansion instead of a free mod, it's just that well made.
not to people with functional brains
>How you actually choose to use words matters
Yes, and as a collective we have agreed upon that faggot is no longer a bundle of sticks. You can be autistic about it all you want, it won't change a thing, you'l just going to be autistically screeching all day long about how you screaming faggot in public isn't insulting because you're just referring to a bundle of sticks, except nobody is going to buy that, you yourself are being hypocritical by adhering to the new definition of the word while claiming for another word to never change its definition ever. Roguelike has a general perception in the minds of people, and that includes things that you don't, but the truth of the matter is that you're entirely outnumbered, and languages don't care about anything but the majority perception of what their words mean. It cannot "ruin" a word, it cannot make a language "worse", it can only make it different.
Killing a pillar.
>Play Hades
>your dash leaves a little AoE behind it
>play Isaac
>restart the entire run keeping all of your items
>your active item activates twice
>your power is equal to how much money you have
>duplicate all pick ups on the floor
>your tears become bombs
Look for cards that can be exploited. Cards that make double an existing card's damage. Cards that let you grab any card from your deck/discard pile. Cards that completely nullify damage. And pay attention to what upgrading does for them. Defect has said "nullify damage" card and it becomes "nullify next 2 damages." That's a game changer. Same with "Play next 2+ energy card twice." It can be broken easily.
>not a single roguelike in the thread
You faggots are literally the people from the death of a hobby image, fuck off and get your own genre name instead of piggybacking on one that has been established for longer than you have been born for clout
The fact you are aggressively wrong does not make you right
The death of the hobby image has always been untrue cope to justify hating women
Classic tier:
One Way Heroics
(And countless others, many pretty good)
Fort tier:
Dwarf Fortress (fort mode)
Card tier:
Slay the Spire
Monster Train
Pause tier:
Action roguelite tier:
Nuclear Throne
Streets of Rogue
Have been after getting it from a key thread but a couple things still confuse me
>ammo type effects and when to use them
>deciding on a gun to stick with
>what to spend credits on
>deciding whether to stick with 1 class until I get all their unlocks or spreading my time out between the classes
Losing your "souls/gold" is not nearly the same as starting a new run without your powerups.
you have much more control than you think, but an autistic amount of game knowledge is required