>a game with a bad writing is always hated
>a game with bad coding can be redeemed
So does that mean writing is more important than coding?
A game with a bad writing is always hated
Programmers and computer scientists have the most delusional sense of self importance because they think “Muh singularity god bot” will happen.
Honestly for true AI to come about the concept of coding will have to see an unimaginable innovation. Thinking code can bring about true AI is like a caveman thinking he can build wings out of the smoke. While smoke does rise, he knows nothing of why it rises, how one could store it, who one could touch it, nor why it is black. Code is too static and binary to replicate even a fraction of what a brain can that "Muh singularity" will likely come from advances in neurology before computer scientists.
bugs can be fixed, a story is already set in stone and you cannot fix it, even if you retcon what was done in a DLC or update/patch, there will always be that lingering bitterness that the original story was what was intended and it sucked dick ie Mass Effect 3
Programmers have a massive ego because they think their jobs are all important despite the US Department of Labor basically ranking those professions as terrible to get into due to the massive number of constantly increasing people in that field+lack of retirees. Good luck getting your sick code monkey job when you have to compete with 700000000 other fucks, many with 20+ years of experience on your ass.
>surely the software engineering field will hit its saturation point this year, says increasingly nervous man for 7th time
lmao cope
even with the increasing number of coders the field is always going to going to have 100x more demand than History or Psychology majors can even dream of
lel you wish. All of India can learn to code. All of China can learn to code. But an ESL will always be an ESL.
erm, you realize that less than 10% of people who declare a compsci major graduate with one, right... ?
thankfully our job security is guaranteed by weed out classes.
>a game with a bad writing is always hated
Every Soulslike has abysmal writing and they're some of the most beloved games on the market
Shut the fuck up. You may find unearthing the stories compelling, but they are presented terribly.
>US Labor is lying to you!
Enjoy your D Grade profession
I love posts like this because it makes my job more secure :)
>Work in childcare
>Technology is progressing slow enough that the tech cucks LITERALLY can't unmake my job within my lifetime
They try their best to make it fucking AWFUL for me though. Did you know preschool teachers are now expected to plug in updates for parents to read in apps all day? AND take like 2 dozen photos of the class doing shit? Parents sending you angry messages mid day asking why little Tymmy (because every kid name is retarded now) hasn't had his lunch updated yet is a daily occurence. Im not a preschool teacher anymore, thank god, but when I was 70% of what sucked ass about my job was wrangling with the technology we were expected to use.
A bunch of frivolous apps, all so that tech cucks could attempt to justify their existence and sheer overload of incoming new employees to the workforce. They literally go INTO OTHER INDUSTRIES just to make life hell for employees so they can justify their degrees. Makes me fucking sick.
Ok retard wrangler
>Literally everything needs a seperate app and 5 layers of passwords
Day of the rope for techcucks soon
Maybe, but my job will survive the collapse of society. It's not something most people can say.
>lmao cope
cope with what? only one coping here is you
in my bumfuck nowhere eastern european country the capital has rapidly filled with pajeets and chinks because of the rapidly expanding tech companies like microsoft, oracle, huawei, ibm, amazon
just like with anything in great demand, why pay someone a decent wage to do it when you can import third world dime a dozen monkeys to do it for a slice of bread and a pat on the back? pajeets are the tech future
>a videogame can be a masterpiece without story
>a videogame can not be without coding
Don't know why you'd want to outlive society
To see what lies beyond.
Nothing but misery and struggle
>Nothing but misery and struggle
For the unemployable.
Tech cucks will be stuck working as literal serfs on farms. The lone settlement school teacher will get to chill inside all day and parents have to barter me some kind of good each month for me to take their kid in for classes
Pure luddite cope, the only thing holding back true AI is hardware.
>Code is too static and binary to replicate even a fraction of what a brain can
this is a hilariously ignorant statement
The truth is that you need both if you want to make a truly great game.
However, you can get away with bad code as long as your writing is good (e.g. Undertale IIRC)
t. code monkey
Thank god you're not around children anymore. Jesus christ, lol. You're more emotional than they are.
Counterpoint: Tetris.
You can make a good game with no story.
You CANNOT make a good game that has bad gameplay. It may have shoddy programming under the hood, but if the gameplay is fun that doesn't matter so much.
What? Its the opposite dude, I dont care much if the cutscenes and story are dumb, I care way more if the game is lagging or crashing all the time.
A very rosy image of post society earth
Not true for me, got a job at a large bank without previous experience.
You can have a gem in the rough.
But no matter how much you polish a turd it will always be a turd.
Not the case in my country, family member works with recruiting and they have to import poos and chinks with good wages because there isn't enough people applying here
this is delusional, nothing guarantees that you're going to be teaching random people's kids for food and goods after "society collapses"
you're more likely to die or be forced to work hard labor to try and continue existing
Kids aren't going away retard.
Kid wrangler is literally the second oldest profession.
Anyone can kid wrangle
Maybe, but you decided to get a position in an inherently impermanent field. Speaking of fields, get to work, tech serf.
clearly none of them want to then
have you seen alpha gen kids? they're FUCKED
They don't patch the writing of a game a lot
The reason childcare is not suffering from competition is because it's an undesirable field when you have the option to do something better. If those options were taken away do you think your position is safe?
Programmer here AMA.
are you a tranny?
>Random basement dwelling neckbeard techfag with zero experience speaking to people, let alone children believes he will steal my job
This thread has been so much funnier than I ever anticipated.
How do you still do it? I did it for 5 years through high school and a little post. Quit because I wanted to fucking die over time.
are you indian or chinese? If so, thoughts on their effects on the job market
Lets read the thread!
>more projection
You would think that getting your major in ABC would be more fulfilling.
I don't envy your position techlets. Being forced to kneel for New World Order and repeat slogans to not get the bullet into back of their head will get tiring.
Hope you will like the taste of gov apparatchik cum.
You do know as a techfag I have to speak with a multitude of people from all over the world daily, both co workers and customers
>Speaking to customers
Bro you have a fucking customer service job
No i'm product owner in a telecom company
I was just kidding I'm actually learning programming in university, specifically embedded programming
And I'm not indian / chinese.
what color thigh highs you wear
>And I'm not indian / chinese.
then answer my fucking question or are you deaf.
kind of unrelated, but i took a java course last fall, and all the youtube guides on java stuff were made by indiands. their go to examples for coding stuff like say object were fancy exotic cars. why are they so dumb and weird
>product "owner"
>still works under someone
Big think.
No, when you are running a service you need talk to your customers.
>a game with bad coding can be redeemed
Not if a game has absolutely horrible spaghetti code like pic related. It's the reason why it hasn't seen a re-release.
May God have mercy on your soul.
No because you question was:
if((You)==Indian && (You)==Chinese){
I have a computer science degree but know nothing about computers. All I did was do opioids and drink and pay this Indian kid I knew to assure I passed my online classes.
I am now sober and have to decide what to do with my life.
Do I just IT fag it till I get a bit of money and experience and then decide from there?
>embedded programming
I'd try to learn OOD in you free time.
Most places have a position dedicated to communication with their customer base. If that's what you're doing you're literally just working a fancier customer service job. If they're having you do that AND tech stuff you just got conned into working two positions for one salary.
That simply means that i'm responsible for development and services related to that specific product.
>No because you question was
Oh I meant to say "If not, thoughts on their effects on the job market". Of course a coder can't fill in the blank of a typo lel
You could look at it two ways
>writing is more important because you have to get it right
>coding is more important because it can save the entire endeavor
Good Writing is just not quantifiable and abstract as coding. It’s holistic and thus uses intuition more than brute reason.
>online degree
Its useless