Thoughts on UE5?

Thoughts on UE5?

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wow he looks just like me!

>Mixed race cretin is the first thing they show

we wuz unreal n sheeeit

All thanks to St Floyd. Thanks St Floyd

why is it black?

Nigga this shit's been going on for centuries, if not millennia.

Zoomers are mostly mutts, what do you expect

His hair is alright, but why does his head look like a poker face emoji?

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unreal engine 4 went to go get cigarettes and never came back

what is this suddenly obsession with facial fuzz?

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wow a new engine that makes your games even uglier

Half nigs are so fucking hideous. Their hair looks like absolute shit.

This is the best Tencent can do?

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looks like the amerimutt meme

Quiet negroid

I really wonder who made that study when the black population has actually dropped. There aren't enough blacks for the wholesale race mixing they keep saying is coming

Demolition Man Origins game. Cool.

bend over kraut

That's a realistic looking nigger not gonna lie

What was the need for showcasing a nigger?

What was the need for you to post?

wow I love epic games now

Cant wait for the dickgirl porn bros!


pro-mutt propaganda, more mexicans doesn't mean more race mixing


nigger if he real

So you have all this expensive to develop tech and the first thing that comes to find for a demo is... making a negro? just wtf

I wonder if there are black people who are mad about essentially being made the de facto brand ambassador race of the world

European blond face bad.

Negro blond face good.

As opposed to...?

More creepy than the guy that models hat in time models.

Imagine the porn, we might finally get a replacement for all these daaz goblin models

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Who said that?

Is that a bikey boy?

a black ginger chinese jew
your life is now complete

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Epic. They would never use a blond European baddie.

I'm mixed race.

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No they didn't.

A cute woman or maybe an animal. Why an ugly negro?

engines like ue have made the industry so soulless. Seriously thinking of just going full retro gamer

Birdy origin story.

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The most common interracial pairing in the US is Hispanic female/White male

you must be top of your class

Because they want to show how realistic their engine can be, and this looks like somebody you could find on the street. I don't like the push for realism but you're clearly racist and also probably autistic.

Dios mio...

Yes they did. White men bad. If there is a white it's always a female.

I want some actual goblin models

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unironically looks way more tolerable than the thing on the op

I just wish Sony would licence and commercialize Decima.

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When did they say that white men are bad? Do you not see the chasm blocking your train of thought? Any non white person or white female will only embolden your retarded belief.

You first antique farm equipment

I hate CCP companies, and this won’t take long to be dated with how technology keeps advancing, so I don’t view it as a big deal

I'm not a racist, I'm simply an aesthete and negroes are for the most part ugly specimens and overrepresented in media for some bizarre reason.

whites are a minority in the us when looking at the population under 30 years old. whites are only 7 percent of the world population. africans are set to be the largest population in the world in the next 30 years overtaking china. the us is aggressively importing non whites under a policy that is actually called diversity immigration. we are on track to that pic being the majority and there is no other path at this point.

Great, ethnic horrors in ultra-high definition.

All I care about is the Chaos system.
Did it appear at the presentation?

I see more and more photos of this face type when I browse 4channel imageboard.

>africans are set to be the largest population in the world in the next 30 years overtaking china.
thanks Bill Gates lmao

user you're trying to talk sense to people who gotten their minds rotted by /pol/.

You will never have an ethnostate. Now grovel.
If you care about that then you shouldn't care about realistic unreal doshit in the first place since real women can never match up to 2d women.

Why do you think they want to make their intensions clear? Dummy. Their replacement plan works the best when it's done covertly.

That's not a real person

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doesn't run on mobile

What do you think is happening in our countries?

>Africans set to become the largest global population

Only if we keep sending food

That's your belief, but I believe that they're only doing it because they feel like it and/or it makes money. Neither of us can prove our claims so neither of us are wrong.
Also on an unrelated note there is nothing wrong with replacement so long as individual rights aren't violated.

>Hispanic female/White male
Latinas are the hottest women

I see you fags are incapable of defending this shit beyond crying about /pol/

Even if it was a preferable subject matter, realistic graphics in 2022 is a snore fest.

You don't own any country. In fact, countries don't really exist.

This better be bait

maybe when they are young, but they hit the wall fast and get really really fat

You can't refute anything I said with logic. You have to use logic because I don't believe in statistics. They can be interpreted in any way from their inception to their distribution and finally by myself at their receiving.
Your only option is to use trust, but I trust my belief in individual rights more than your faggot collectivist beliefs.

if Yea Forums isn't one person, how come its so easy to make a thread and be able to accurately guess 90% of the replies?

Sorry for not having a mental breakdown over seeing someone with slightly darker skin. If you really care so much about the white race go have some children already instead of shitposting on an vietnamese fruit collecting forum.

The West is European territory. Everything else is encroaching on our territory. That's just a historical fact. Is everything clear to you now?