Which Adol from the Ys series is your favorite?

Which Adol from the Ys series is your favorite?

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I like his look from 7 and his non-Monstrum look from 9 the most.

Definitely 7
9 looks like bootleg alucard

Seven, no doubt
all the ones before those make Adol look like he's wearing fucking pajamas, and the ones after that make him look like an otome game love interest

1988, peak retro anime. It's all downhil from there (for anime in general, not just Ys).

I didn't like seven as a game that much(even though the second half was great again), but its obviously peak Adol.

The art in seven was top tier in general.

Felghana is still the best and Ys has only been getting worse with party members. Kondo said the series would change in the next installment, if it's like monstrum nox I won't even buy it, still have yet to finish that piece of garbage, and that's coming from a huge fan.

The ones after it look like completely different characters and the ones before look funny.

>Ys has only been getting worse with party members.
Party members are literally only a variant of the different weapons to use.

Also, Ys VIII is top 3 Ys next to Dawn of Ys and Chronicles, so your assessment is wrong.

1993 has soul tho
He looks Castlevania inspired in 2019

2003 or 2009. I don't mind new bishy adol but I prefer when he has cool armor.

>variant of different weapons
>that do damage
>and have a lifebar
>make the game have 9999999 dialogues
>make the game easy because it's another healthbar
>skills are only damage, no interesting situational skills like the weapons were
>like using yunica's thunder iframes to dodge
>no, everything is just damage with different flavours

Every way I look at it, the game design since Felghana just gets worse and worse.

What the fuck happened in the last two games? His design was relatively unchanged between the rest.

Dana felt as soulless as Monstrum Nox, the kisekification of Ys was a huge mistake.

Just for completeness sake, here's Adol when not fighting in IX.
The blue-ish hair is because he's supposed to be in hiding and people are searching for red hair.

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>>that do damage
>>and have a lifebar
>>make the game have 9999999 dialogues
>>make the game easy because it's another healthbar
How to spot nu-fans 101

>Party members are literally only a variant of the different weapons to use
I think his main point is that the party members themselves are shit, which I have to agree with, at least in regards to 9

Played 1, 2, origins, felghana, napishtim, seven, celceta, dana and monstrum nox. Didn't play the sidescroller one or the really obscure ones, should I? Are they as bad as Lacrimosa or Monstrum Nox?

>Dana felt as soulless as Monstrum Nox

IX was shit because they made it about exploring a town and running in between NPCs instead of the straight up action that Ys is known for. I won't argue here. Even thugh the second half opens up again in this regard. But its too little too late.

But VIII delivers on that as good as Ys hasn't in a long time.
If you're one of those morons thinking Ys VIII was "kisekified" just because it had 1(one) camp with NPC, a number of which is even smaller than many old Ys games, then you're just straight up an idiot.
Especially since Ys VIII is 98% action.

hes just one of those typical felghanafags who lament that ys isn't just more of that 1:1.
despite napishtim already being the better ys game than felghana, which is nothing but a necessary remake of the worst ys.

DoYs = VIII > Chronicles > VI > V > III > Seven > IX > Celceta

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i really like seven but I dislike 8 and 9. and really don't know why.for some weird reason 7 is the last game that felt like a Ys game. 8 and 9 felt like they were trying really hard to turn ys into something else. and dogi is the only party member that ys needs

>What the fuck happened in the last two games?
In Dana, he was ship wrecked and didn't have his old armor. He was given those fancy clothes from a rich aristocrat.
In Nox, he's skulking about in a big city and trying to lay low so he's wearing stuff more intended to sneak and blend in.

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Felghana was peak ys no matter how much of an apologist you are, that's a fact.

I like origins

the party system itself isn't a problem conceptually, the problem is that for FOUR fucking partYs games straight all party members play the exact same and fulfill the same roles, just with slightly different attack range/speeds/damage, like if you're playing an FPS but your only weapons are four slightly different assault rifles
they make you switch characters only because of the forced triangle damage resistance system and because of the passive effects that each party member offered (which were active so long as they were in your party, so it's not like you had to switch to them per se)
IX gave you another reason by giving each character a different movement ability, but even then you could access all these without having to switch and it was all stuff outside of combat anyways

literally the only thing the partYs got better at over time was the adventuring/exploring aspect, although given that Seven/MoC had no jumping for whatever reason that isn't a terribly high bar to manage
the combat stayed practically the same because Falcom never managed to do anything interesting with the idea of "single player tag fighting game", and because Flash Guard is a horrible fucking idea with an even worse implementation

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story reasons aside, they seem to really want to make armorless adol a thing from now on.

don't forget pic related

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play dawn of ys and lost kefin

How the fuck does his hair change back to red only when he's fighting

>despite napishtim already being the better ys game than felghana
I like napishtim but the game has so many little problems I don't even know where to start. felghana might not be as interesting but it's a lot more polished and fun to go through imo.

that's from memories of celceta

For what?
And no, it wasn't peak. 1 is.

monstrum and lacrimosa

I liked IX. Fight me.

Because the Crimson King (the guy Adol transforms into) is not really Adol but someone else taking over his body, it's hard to explain.
Yufa also changes her hair color when turning into a Monstrum.

forced meme.
and imagine getting upset at party members lmao
>Flash Guard is a horrible fucking idea
neither flash guard nor dodge are horrible ideas

Nigger WHAT

Why is Falcom refusing to port Oath to consoles?

>DoYs = VIII > Chronicles > VI > V > III > Seven > IX > Celceta
Dawn will forever be amazing and I respect anyone putting it in first.

Peak for me and I > II because the first is tighter whereas the second drags a little bit. Ys I is literally my perfect game. Short and on point, no filler, everything is amazing.
Original is trash, remake is great but none of my favs, due to missing the variety of other entries.
Dawn is a masterpiece. The wink at the end towards Felghana is peak nostalgia for me. Mask is garbage and I'll forever hate Falcom for making it canon.
Overhated due to being too easy and having the OST held back by SNES tech. But its one of the best Action RPGs on the SNES and one of the best SNES games period. But yea... you can literally facetank the final boss and kill him before having to heal. But it has one of hte best stories.
I loved seeing the story of the two towns unfold. Fuck making grind necessary though. Fuck that x1000. For some reason, still one of my favs tho.
Hated it until the second half, which made me ease up on it. Still the most retarded story tho.
Hated it. Way too much weeb drama that dragged out way too much for a Ys game, and shitty mechanics and pacing. Terrible bosses too.
Good game but literally just the final part of any Ys game turned into its own title.
>Lacrimosa of Dana
Return to form. Best Ys since VI and one of the best JRPGS/Action RPGs of the last decade. You wouldn't think that Ys with base building, material hunting, and horde mode minigames would work but it does. They manage to never lose sight of the Ys focus. Also one of the best stories.
>Monstrum Nox
WTF were they thinking tier?
a) people play Ys to run though dungeons, not do fetch quests between NPCs
b) Falcom doesn't have the budget to attempt a big city like this and they should never attempt so again

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Playing 9 atm is Hard a good difficulty to start at and what others should i play

The one where he wears silver armor with two shoulder paldrons over a red outfit.

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I liked it but it left a much weaker impression on me than VIII. I'd like to use all of IX's mobility options in an environment that's actually interesting

>and imagine getting upset at party members lmao
if each party member plays nearly the same, why wouldn't I be? why does this system then exist other than to fake depth?
>neither flash guard nor dodge are horrible ideas
how in god's name is "nullify literally any attack by pressing a button at the right time" not an absolute death knell for meaningful enemy or boss design
what the fuck are you as a designer supposed to do if the player can defeat anything you throw their way by pressing the flash guard/dodge button at the right time
if the way the player deals with shit is always the same, then in practice every attack is fundamentally the same

it turns all bosses into rhythm games where you flash guard at the right time and then mash the boss to death during those windows, every single one
all your other skills and mechanics and what else don't get tested because literally all that matters is pressing the flash guard button at the right time

>It's good because I say so, even if it makes all battles play in a very similar way

It was on PSP.

Blame Snoy for not letting you play PSP games on PS5 or whatever.

Origins was also a PSP game and that got ported to other systems

The story of IX is pretty silly, there's a bunch of shit with reincarnations and homunculus.
The big twist near the end is that the Adol you played 99% of the game as is a homunculus of the real Adol, who has been locked in a cell for most of the game, similar to the Dana segments in VIII.

1995 and 2009 were the best look for Adolf

VI only has one issue: forced grind, and maybe that jump that many people had issues with.

Felghana is probably more polished you'Re right, but it left a lower impression on me than Napishtim. Mainly since VI has a better story, more optional bosses, and Felghana's complete and utter reliance on its magic system is a step backwards imo.

You can dodge 90% of attacks from almost every boss in 7. Exception is that one boss you fight in the arena which is most easily fought by flash guarding.

No it wasn't.

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>V's adol has the expression of "Fuck I washed my colors with whites. Guess I have to deal with it."

What did they mean by this?

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'93 has so much soul.

Newfag tourist here, is he really the same protag in every game or just alternate versions of him with no ties between games?

>why does this system then exist other than to fake depth?
>it didn't even occur to him that it was done for the characters sake
>he thinks ricotta plays the same as dana
fake outrage
>how in god's name is "nullify literally any attack by pressing a button at the right time" not an absolute death knell for meaningful enemy or boss design
fake outrage part 2, or you literally never played a game with perfect blocks or dodges before
also not true because neither of that is the case for the bosses and many bosses are designed with that in mind, still posing enough of a threat.

i doubt youve even played the games.
reminds me of dmcfags trashing bayonetta for witch time when it came out

Weird. It seems like it should have come out on PSP.

I liked VIII and IX

Probably Seven

Same dude just going on new adventures. Aside from the latest one that has clone fuckery.

The same guy.
Games are standalone but there's callbacks to previous/future games in each, since the timeline jumps around.

Do they even explain why he isnt OP since last adventure?

Literally what she said. She was a simple maid, then got retarded ghost seeing powers and had to wear a mask, which in turn made people in the city be weary of her.

Same Aprillis is best girl and should have been playable.

>even if it makes all battles play in a very similar way
he says in a franchise known for bump combat
he says that despite 90% of Napishtim engine games bosses are just a repetition of jump > magic/attack over and over again

you fags are literally high

Because he falls off boats and loses shit he found on last adventure.

He's always losing the gear somehow. I almost lost it in IX's intro when Chatelard straight up punks him.

I've played OiF and Origins and enjoyed them, but heard mixed things about the later ones. Are they worth picking up?

Everybody liked VIII. Its one of the highest rated entries by fans in ages.

IX, I wanted to like, but the city stuff really turned my dick limb. The got going later on, but much like Seven I felt like its not enough to combat the early slog.

>neither flash guard nor dodge are horrible ideas
No but the windows are a bit too generous.
I loved them all except Celceta. Just give em a try and don't let the mob on Yea Forums cloud your judgement.

Yes, all Ys games are worth playing unless you are Felghana autist. Except maybe original 3.

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I fucking love Falcom games. It's jank, has shit animations and is a generation behind but I like how their games are made. Music is great, NPC dialogue out the ass, and the games take themselves seriously

I love them too although I think my time with Trails has come to an end sadly.

>unless you are Felghana autist
why are you trying to push this schizo narrative? this isn't a thing and you know it.

Based dawn enjoyers.
Also how did we go from that... to this?

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It absolutely is. Well, maybe not anymore but it was around Dana release, when Ys threads were nothing but shitting on party games. I've seen opinions that go as far as saying that Felghana is the only good game, calling games like Origin, Dawn of Ys and 2 shit.

Not him but there's a portion of the "fanbase" that started Ys with Felghana's reputation, and who shit on anything else.

Obligatory reminder that Adol died a virgin and so will you