Oh yeah hotwheel chan exists.
>puts echoes around Levine but not Spector
What a dumb goy. I didn't even know that site is still up.
>autistic faggot making an autistic faggot post with autistic faggot colours
dont care
didnt read
still playing system shock
cuckchan mad
Go back to your dead website full of bigger spergs than the farms.
sorry they have higher standards on games
>screenshotting your own post
go back to dying website where one of your 5 biggest boards is a diaperfag board you fuckin nerd.
The site is full of newfags utterly obsessed with politics who think their opinions matter way more than they do.
>autismos are still desperately trying to push the "half-life was never good" narrative
it would be funny if it weren't so sad
Even in that (probably your) post the retard brings up colonialism for no reason.
>anti-half life schizo now shitting on system shock 2
Sad really.
maybe the games suck
Imagine being this contrarian. Is there actual satisfaction to be gained from it or does it actually make you miserable all the time to find no joy in things?
>shit on Halo and COD
>based and redpilled
>shit on HL and SS2
>take your meds schizo stop pushing that narrative
nah just sounds like you're a jaded contrarian
We can see you samefagging Alf.
all good games
seethe geriatric faggot
for you
And nobody mornes there loss that isn't over the age of 60.
You're time is over old man get over it and hobble back to your CIA honeypot website.
old Yea Forums would have agree with me
Old Yea Forums would have the same reaction to an autistic retard such as yourself.
So you admitting HL and SS2 are zoomer tier?
>Didn't understand the first fucking thing that made System Shock 1 and Deus Ex great ...
Wasn't Deus Ex released after System Shock 2? I also don't think there's any intentional "subversion" about colonialism or whatever. The story is just supposed to be about a space expedition gone wrong. This is just a cripplechan /pnd/tard having a schizophrenic episode (as per usual of them). Why rail on System Shock 2 for "immersive storytelling" and "background journal storytellling" but not rail on Deus Ex which does the same thing?
Get your head out of the past old man.
No one cares anymore.
He's not wrong
Both System Shocks are beyond dated
non linear multiple ways of achieving things
Because Deus Ex was directed by a based Christian man, pic related.
"Beloved" game
Half Life IS kinda mid though
I first played it in the Orange Box back in 07
Was the least interesting part of the package compared to Portal and TF2
Going back to HL1 was even more mid
Neat little games but beyond their tech influence they really aren't anything special
Lots of things wrong with SS2, but that guy sounds like a schizo.
He's right about Shodan though, literally the worst thing in the game, cartooniest shit ever with a terrible voice acting.
>Turbo contrarianism
Correct. SS2 is GOAT.
This guy really comes across as a massive faggot.
>Pissing and shidding yourself at every 3d FPS without billboard enemies
Why is he like this?
This isn't even right. That's not how the game ends.
Imagine being such a contrarian schizo even /vr/ wants nothing to do with you lmao
people who post on these Yea Forums alternatives are completely deranged lunatics with no exceptions. this place fucking sucks but those others are much worse
>/vr/ schizo shifted from shitting on HL to System Shock
when will it end?
imagine defending garbage games
/vr/ jannies have no shame
Yes, Deus Ex does that when System Shock 2 doesn't, yet that's not the point I was trying to make. The poster in OP's image is attacking System Shock 2 for things that Deus Ex does without being aware of his hypocrisy. Probably because he has the schizo narrative that System Shock 2 is a subversive Jewish work in his head so now every single aspect of it is as fault unlike Deus Ex which was made by some of the same people.
>my whole identity is being contrarian
>I take it personally when a commercially homogenized AAA game comes out
take your fucking meds holy shit
>contrarian retard talks shit about a video game they didn't play
And the world keeps on turning.
>seething this much over a videogame
i will now, play systemshock 2
Somehow they have all the faults of this place while being slower with none of the positives you might associate when Yea Forums was younger and smaller site
I don't think this person ever played System Shock 2. The ending (and last few levels) see the player destroy the Many and go on to kill Shodan. That's hardly a cliffhanger where the villain wins. Also the critic doesn't have any actual analysis. It just lists a bunch of terms and references other games and calls them bad. But yeah, sure, SHODAN coming back out of nowhere was stupid and barely a twist when the boxart spoils it. The Many were a really cool villain on their own, no idea how this person managed to connect a hive mind of worms accidentally discovered to IRL colonialism, that's not a theme of the game at all.
>Using the ttlg forums as a counterpoint when talking about popularity
That site peaked at maybe 200 concurrent users. Half Life 1 and 2 sold millions and even now retains an Overwhelmingly Positive user review score on steam with 150k+ reviews. Same goes for metacritic user reviews. The games themselves have their issues and you can definitely point to it as the ancestor of a lot of annoying trends but you can't deny their popularity.
I'm curious what games a decade older than Half Life he's talking about.
Cripplechin is still alive?
System Shock, Ultima Underworld
I'm really glad I got more shit going on in my life other than videogames. I feel like the only way you can get this fucking torqued about this shit is if it's all you have.
>words words words words words
they don't deserve to be acclaimed
Half those reasons are
>X is bad because modern devs have done it to death, and poorly
Nobody gives a fuck.
>Oh noes system shock is le reddit gayme
>but not like deus ex which is good and baste vidya
Why do contrarians always love the most normie shit? They always try to act contrarian but end up with the exact opinions as the masses, I mean when is the last time a redditor said anything good about system shock 2? They only sometimes briefly talk about 1, but 2!?!?
Also newfags thinking they are cool using pink text, real men use orange
good games inspire good games like Doom
>words words words
dont care still playing videogames.
Also if you wanna rag on System Shock 2's plot it's worth conceding that System Shock 1 basically plagiarizes it's main character from Neuromancer. Right down to the negative character arc where the guy goes back to hacking and doing illegal shit right after he finishes the mission. That's not a cardinal sin, especially since basically every cyberpunk setting steals from Gibson, but still. Like cmon, you can't change it up just a little? Maybe have the hacker go straight after all the shit he went through? If I was trapped on a space station with SHODAN I'd never want to use a computer ever again.
Okay. They are. Now what?
Why is Yea Forums against contrarianism now?
Why are you here? Some sperg on cripplechan got the feds to shut you down again?
That said makes sense that a contrarian schizo comes from the worst of the Chans bar 420chan
escapist forums hated half life too
Imagine still going to 8cuck lmoa
Is it a requirement that the most autistic websites hate HL?
>8cuck thread
>it's one schizo off his meds and a few people trying in vain to reason with him
every goddamn time, and you wonder why your site is fucking dead.
schizo contrarianism is totally different from classic Yea Forums conrarianism
Contrarianism is too popular
sometimes you can tell someone actually kind of resents video games in general but doesn't know what else to do
the stupid kind
it's pretty fucking sad.
Yea Forums cares about actually informed opinions, not opinions from someone who didn't bother reading the wiki
A lot of websites that actually had people who played games hated many of the acclaimed cult classics. Mostly because they played dozens of better games, too bad most those sites are long dead. Now all the kiddies want to fit in by claiming how much they love these old games, usually it's obvious because they only play the first level or so, seriously go look at a Vampire the Masquerade thread on Yea Forums. Half the posters have only played Santa Monica, aka the starting tutorial area.