Let's try and account for all the assaults on Leyndell.
I heard that Malenia and Radahn defended the capital from Godfrey's bloodline but I can't find shit on that.
Let's try and account for all the assaults on Leyndell.
I heard that Malenia and Radahn defended the capital from Godfrey's bloodline but I can't find shit on that.
Other urls found in this thread:
What makes someone a hero in elden ring?
I'll bite, okay here's a question I've been thinking about.
Why is the Tarnished we play so fucking strong?
I mean think about it, not only is the player character the strongest human in the lands between, he is also so incredible strong that he defeats godlike beings that are on top of the fucking food-chain.
This is so out of the norm if you think about it, there has to be something to it. I don't believe that the line "a Tarnished of no renown" is really true, the player character hast to be something special.
Did you miss the part where you die like one million times but win in the end because you have infinite tries, like every souls mc?
its the power of hope, you just need hope to do all your objectives user !! thats miyasaki message for everyone lifes :DDD
what the fuck are the bloodhound knights?
>Why is the Tarnished we play so fucking strong?
We start out weak af user
Because you have Melina’s backing, channeling runes into strength and have torrent.
>Baiters start the thread
Oh, well, anyways, let's get it going
>The First Defense of Leyndell A sovereign alliance rots from within Traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy
The Nips version made it clear in the "bloody conspiracy" part that it was Mohg so this so called first "Defense of Leyndell" happened after the shattering, anyone wanna talk about this?
Finally a good lore question that can be answered by looking at things in the game. Did anyone confirm who's was the banner with the bird?
There is a knight set with Red Eagle banner but it was a cut content, some user post the pic it last night.
What is life like after each of the endings?
vyke didnt want to burn his maiden and sought flame of frenzy instead so he could burn the tree himself. is it possible melina is bodiless vyke after shabriri yeeted her? she has burned eye on the same side as vyke's 'fingerprint grape'. she wants to burn the tree pretty fucking bad and hates frenzied flame. and she had torrent which probably belonged to vyke.
>anyone wanna talk about this?
No, because it wasn’t Mohg
Elden Lord: Not great shit's on fire but things will progressively go back to what they were before until they break again.
Fia: same + zombies
Dung: same + everyone is a shit eater
Goldmask: same but with extra precautions so they can't break nearly as easily again maybe not even break at all. If you were a fan before then great, if not tough luck.
Chaos: no regular life just ash only some super strong individuals left alive
Ranni: everyone can do what the fuck they want cause god gives no shits so a lot more war and personal infighting
>Maleniasimp and Radahncucks turned everyone off with their console war
>Now, lore thread become a dead land
In the normal endings and it's variations the elden ring isn't bound to break again like a cycle, it isn't darksouls
Did i read somewhere that Radagon is the founder of the golden order or is my brain making that up?
>brain making that up
This one
It's not bound to break but there's no provisions for it not to break the same way since you won't keep your position forever. So it will break inevitably by some Marika equivalent of the future.
I may be talking bullshit but isn't the ability to get strong exclusive to the tarnished due to melina bestowing that power on him
They were the only people in here to begin with
so uhh, they're humanoid dogs with armors? like blaidd?
Maybe they’re demihumans or misbegotten
what makes you think they're turtles?
Rogers comments not to disturb the body at the bottom of the castle.
Spent an hour attacking it.
Nothing happens.
NPCs are just misleading in this game.
Isn't the Fia ending just Dark Souls?
you start building up deathblight if you stand on the thorn vine tentacles for too long
Is there any weapon in ER or the Souls game that are like the Hammer from MH gameplay-wise ?
I will test this later.
I was on the face for the most part.
I don't get why not apply the effect to the whole body if true.
>First Rosedale Defense Line
>The coalition of monarchs crumbles from within and becomes a defeated army. Blood Plot, There is a Trace of It
Because we turn runes into power. We iterally level up.
Does anyone really give a fuck about who defended the capital from Godfrey's bloodline? Is this just another jewtube shill thread?
>coalition of monarchs
Mohg is not a monarch
leyndell is something like rhodale in japanese
no idea how we get to Rose tho
>Does anyone really give a fuck about who defended the capital from Godfrey's bloodline?
Just OP, literally nobody else cares about his b8
>It is said that in the time before the Erdtree, stones were the first weapons of the beasts who had gained intelligence.
Are Maliketh and Marika older than the Erdtree itself then?
kek your pic reminds me of this
qrd on grafting and why it happens on humanoids effortlessly like plants
It’s the closest one to it, yes
But shared universe is not canon, just fun speculation
The dragon elden lord was in the age before the erdtree, but I dunno about Marika
Not raya lucaria magic but just fantasy fiction magic
Unclear, afaik. I'd assume Placudisax was around before the tree at least and he got whacked by Godfrey at least (although that might have been post-tree).
the beasts and placidusax are associated with each other too
>Spirits of beastmen from doomed Farum Azula, the slowly crumbling ruins in the skies. These ruins are said to be the remains of a giant mausoleum enshrining an ancient dragon, guarded by chosen beastmen who wield weapons clad in lightning.
Unlikely those 2 were alive. But beast type species did exist.
I didn't think to check if you could see the tree during his bossfight but I think the storm outside means no.
I doubt you can see it at all from anywhere in Farum Azula
I think beastmen devolved into demihumans which in turn evolved into humans.
dragon war was after the golden order was already established. Why the war happened after is weird, placidusax must have somehow given up or lost the elden ring to Marika, then the war happened at some later time. Makes no sense but that's the timeline.
Morgott, it's always Morgott and his Crucible Knights. He's the undefeated defender of the Capital.
Real question is why the attackers were described as "Heroes" when the opposing coalition included fucking Rykard and Ranni, the two most downright evil Shardbearers in the plot
>Rykard and Ranni
Because it isn't them
I assume this is the Dragon's Elden Ring. The pattern also kinda looks like the Elden Beast's tail.
dragon's elden ring has 10 rings. Wonder what the other rings correspond to, considering Marika's ring has only 4.
Pretty sure the first defence is different from the night of black knives
I won't post cute and vanilla Mogh and Miquella art if you faggots keep spamming rape and pedo bussy meme.
Reminder that Mogh treasured his Empyrean so the Outer God can take the host body.
Reminder that he waited patiently every day and watered Miquella's sleeping cocoon with blood to wake him up.
The tarnished who failed before us also had a maiden
The Elden Ring of the Dragon is probably different from the ER of GW, but it has the same meaning where ER is used to influence the world.
Ranni and Rykards coalition lasted longer than just the night, they had a plan to fight back Maliketh should there be a need to.
>On the night of the dire plot, Ranni rewarded Praetor Rykard with these traces. Should the coming trespass one day transpire, they would serve as a last-resort foil, allowing Rykard to challenge Maliketh the Black Blade, the black beast of Destined Death.
No, literally the shitter at the beggining tells you that you need a maiden to level up. Implying everyone who has a maiden can strengthen with runes or some shit and there's information of tarnished before us who had a maiden.
Oh fuck you're right, dragons had their own god. I got bamboozled by the Elden Lord title.
>But shared universe is not canon, just fun speculation
yes....just for fun...
Literally Stone Age, I would rather let GW keep a leash on.
>only those who are special by birth can do great things
Cuck. Even Godfrey was some random faggot barbarian before becoming Godfrey.
I find it hard to describe any wollful traitors as heroes, it's just a strange way to describe attackers.
doing my third run this time, never did summons before, summoned blaidd to the bloodhound gaol fight and he talks a bit before fighting. Is there any other summon dialogue like this?
Great faggot, you prove me right.
So....since the beggining everyone was unable to die in the lands between or it was because someone stole the death rune so it makes everyone unable to die? I was confused with that shit.
Because there isn't anything that proves it, it's just headcanon from schizos and one image with dubious credibility.
I think there are 2 assaults confirmed in the game but I didn't look it up, one of them is Rykard for sure.
All other tarnished are exactly like the player but playing on no-death runs. They return to erd tree after death. You don’t. For reasons.
But you can see Farum Azula, storm and all, from Malenia's divine tower.
>divine dragon
>came to ashina from west
>foreign god
>also a tree
>uses lightning
any questions?
>The coalition of monarchs
Probably the allegiance between demigods to capture Lyndell.
>crumbles from within and becomes a defeated army
They got defeated because of an inner conspiracy.
>Blood Plot, There is a Trace of It
Very likely related to Mogh.
I think I got it right?
owls are actually messengers/spies of Three Fingers
I kinda assumed all of them came from outer space but the jew demon was created by people and rot seems to chill underground so I GUESS???
Yes, and most if not all maidens are dead. Rather than killing the tarnished, he killed their maidens so no one could stand the fuck up.
Everyone we know is tarnished is just strong af from the start
It's not cut content, you can find it by the arm guy in lower Stormveil.
The Undead Curse was a consequence of Lord Gwyn artificially extending the Age of Fire, which prevented the Age of Dark from occurring, naturally.
Gwyn’s meddling caused the dead to awaken at bonfires, and to eventually become hollow.
This is why the Dark Lord ending is known as the True Ending. By vanquishing Gwyn, and refusing to link the fire, you are correcting his unnatural misdeed.
Marika gave the Death Rune to Maliketh for safe keeping, preventing death
Shards were stolen during the black knives plot but he kept the rune, eventually putting it into his own body to make sure it's never stolen again
There's actually been quite a lack of lore videos about this game. Are the lorefags actually stumped? Does the story not lend itself to odd videos?
It's the same Ring, there's only the one.
So people still can't die until we stole it again?
maliketh made the death rune into a blade, the black knife assassins basically chipped little bits off the blade and ran off. Maliketh took the rest of the blade and sealed it into his body to prevent anyone stealing from it again.
Just popping in to remind you that ER lore is shit and not to waste your time on it.
t. smarter person
I can't discard the possibility that GW improved its ER upon the dragon's ER.
It's not like the first time it was original.
Torrent is a magic horse who selected the Tarnished because he knew they had what it took. No clue why he knew that, but he did.
The "loremaster" is still trying to get his info from here but he can't discern between real stuff and shitposts
Shabriri didn't yeet Vyke, Vyke is still Vyke, he's just overcome with Frenzy. The maiden at the church of inhibition is probably his maiden. And it wouldn't make sense of Melina's connection to Marika.
owls are often tied to Athena, the goddess of wisdom
Gideon would make more sense
>wasting your time on Yea Forums
Pot calling the kettle black here.
>Let's try and account for all the assaults on Leyndell.
Big fuck off dragon (Gransnax?)
Radahn, we see him get smacked around by Morgott in the intro
Possibly Godrick? I think that's his troops assaulting Leyndell in the trailer
I cant figure out who is attacking leyndell and wo is defending leyndell at this point; eventually morgott takes over, but who was in charge before him?
Nothing they make will be groundbreaking, because even Fextralife commenters have figured out like 80% of the stuff that we discuss here. The lore in ER is a lot more obvious compared to the past games. Even shitty femtubers are able to explain the windmill village grannies and their connection to the Godskin fag because it's pretty much spelled out in-game.
Who was the aggresion force though? Anyone?
The dragons merely controlled the Ring for a while, Hyetta and the Elden Stars description confirm that the Greater Will sent the Ring.
the bird isnt quite the same
Where do you get this? I want to larp as a beaky
well we already know it can be altered thanks to Marika just throwing out death
so I assume GW arrived, kicked the dragon god out and made Placebosux its new vassal?
P-boy was biding his time until his god returned but started shit before that which led to the whole dragon war fiasco?
Morgott only became prominent after the 2nd defense of Leyndell though, the first one is obscure bullshit that make zero senses.
In one of those huge catacombs with the chariots, can't remember which one
Crucible Knights never worked for Morgott. They worked for Godfrey and after Godfrey was sent away they were scorned for their connection to the Crucible, which is why they're scattered and most of them are in hiding. Rykard is never implied to have attacked the capital, but Leyndell did attack him. Rykard's whole plan is hiding away and building power for an attack in future when he feels ready to devour gods togethaaaaa.
You still have the guidance of Grace.
Whose body is Shabriri in anyways before he claims that hunter guy in the snow mountains?