The Witcher 3 (plus expansions) is one of the best RPG games ever made and im tired of people with shitty taste saying...

The Witcher 3 (plus expansions) is one of the best RPG games ever made and im tired of people with shitty taste saying its not.

TW3 thread

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Did they fix the main story yet? Why would they cut half the content in Novigrad to never even finish it?

It's unironically the game of the decade but people here will pretend that everything that's massively popular and successful is bad unless it's made by the japanese

the game literally doesn't have any noteworthy rpg element

The shitty "combat" doesnt justify it. They should have just made a movie

Ciri fills that perfect niche of being a hot adopted daughter. You shouldn't thirst for her because you know, you totally raised her, but also that kind of makes her more of a match for you than anyone else. She knows/shares your interests, and history better than any other match. So you're stuck with this weird effect of do you chase after the brief but passionate affair with Yenna, or the clearly in it for the status trist with Triss, or be a born again wizard, or... just hear me out, OR go team Ciri? The latter will outlive the other 2 by at least a century, and has about the same physical needs as you, so I mean .... fuck sessions that last 2-3 weeks (clearly need to fill a tub with lube so nobody chafes). You can pop off in her all day because Witchers are sterile, and you don't have to see her get heart broken over losing yet another mortal to the ravages of time.


The Greedy God quest—a small insignificant quest, with no bearing on the plot—is still better than 99% of the quests of other RPGs
It's an example of why the Witcher 3 is such a phenomenon

Fine, here are your (you)s



No i need at least 3 more

nu witcher girls

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It's fine. Witcher 2 was better.

very vile fantasy you have there, ciri is for her faithful husband, not surrogate father you disgusting freak

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literal who?

me of course !

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Its got issues but is still great. Its telling the best parts are the side quests and expansions. If the new game just focuses on Witcher contracts and smaller scale things, it will be very good.

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You're gonna live like what...another 6 or so years? Witchers have had longer bowel movements than that.

>Keep telling myself I want to play NG+ once I have the time and my PC gets upgraded.

>It finally happens, but I'm at the point in my life when I'm not interested in the Witcher franchise anymore

Anyone else felt this way?

>RPG = Role playing game
>you role play as geralt

i'm sure ciri could convince yen or triss to make me some immortality potion or something

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as much as I enjoyed the game I don't know how I could ever do a NG+ run. it's just too damn long

Agreed. Playing Elden Ring made me appreciate Witcher 3 that much more. Each main zone in TW3 (skellige, kaer morhen, white orchard, velen) feels distinct down to even just the way people talk whereas zones in Elden Ring are just Limgrave, Limgrave with red sky, Limgrave with yellow sky, Limgrave in snow. TW3 has side-quests, main quests, contracts, brothels, barbers, shopkeepers, gwent players, fistfights, horse races etc. whereas in Elden Ring it's just kill, kill, kill enemies and nothing else. TW3 characters are actual characters that feel like they actually live in this world instead of ER's static Zanzibart dialogue dispensers that then warp to the next static position where they can spout more obscure nonsense.

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It’s not an rpg
It’s not even an action game

It’s like a qte cinematic game for waifufags. Genuinely one of the worst AAA games I’ve ever played. Asscreed games shit all over this garbage,

also not the best Witcher game

ER isn't an RPG

i want to download it again but
>that download size
just gonna stick to my 4GBs indie games

>posts the fucking shitty DLC

is this some mod for netflix actors?

only people who complain are stragglers who the game never appealed to in the first place and felt compelled by all the positive reviews to play it years later. Some people are just not going to like the game and will shit on any of it to justify not liking it. Everyone else that likes rpg adventure games already played it multiple times and probably played the two earlier witcher games as well. You're never going to change their minds.

what IS an rpg, anons?
like what specifically makes the genre what it is?

also witcher 1 love, anyone?

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Potions don't tend to do anything to humans except kill them or remove warts.

I like it, it's like Fable but they took out the weird social stuff and put in more traditional mechanics

>what IS an rpg, anons?
Not an action-adventure game with a protagonist being his own person.

TW 1-2 are action/rpg because of Gwralt amnesia, 3 with him finally remembering everything is not. Simple as

This game wouldn't be half as successful if the women looked like that lmao kwab
Also they didn't pajeetify yen

So according to you The Walking Dead isn't an RPG because you play protagonist that's his own person
Should we also not count Mass Effect as an RPG as well because you're always playing a human commander by the name of Shepard?

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>Walking dead
Jesus Christ, it isn't rpg in the first place
>Should we also not count Mass Effect as an RPG as well because you're always playing a human commander by the name of Shepard?
Correct. By 3 Shepard is his own character

so an rpg requires a considerable degree of self-insertion?
i suppose i could roll with that, but it leaves some massive grey areas; especially with voiced protags.
id argue witchie3 still has enough decision making to warrant calling geralt an extension of the player, though.
i think everyone can agree that telltale games are absolutely not rpgs in any sense, and i always saw mass effect as a cover shooter with rpg elements. i could be retarded.

Witcher 1 comes just behind 3 for me and it's my favourite incarnation of Geralt. I like the blank slate elements, the fact he'll happily fuck all the peasants and the implied internal conflict where he can't decide if he should settle down with a waifu or not, or who he should side with. W3 memory-intact Geralt is too taciturn and comfortable, made worse in English where he sounds like Clint Eastwood, Play with Polish VO, all 3.

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as a bookfag, i actually really liked w3 geralt. 1-2 felt like their own things, but 3 felt like i was actually playing the books.

also was 2 shit? i remember it being shit.

Skyrim is better

>By 3 Shepard is his own character
No he's not ya retard. He's YOUR character. You shaped him. You got a backstory in the first game for both him and Geralt but from then on all your decisions changed him as a person. By the end of the third game my Shepard and your Shepard are two different people

2 isn't bad at all, in fact it has probably the best writing out of the three. The political intrigue is absolute top tier if you're into that but for me, it lacked that comfy monster huntan feeling the other games had. Too many army camps and kings and stuff. I still respect the game, even if it is the least favorite of the three for me.

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2 frustrated me a lot because of the combat change, where it's basically a prototype witcher 3 combat but shittier, quenning and rolling everywhere but with potions nerfed to oblivion. But at the time I was just excited to get back to the atmosphere of CDP's witcher world, with better graphics added. it wasn't terrible for me but parts of it are terrible, like the 4 chapter pacing. I tried to replay it a 3rd time (2 plays were near release) the other year but couldn't get far - I don't think I'd have that problem with Witcher 1 or 3.

not a bookfag although I liked whatever short story that came with the collector's edition of Witcher 1 (the Adda Striga one). I'm happy to accept that CDP's Geralt is his own thing all round, but W3 compared to W1 seems like an older calmer version of himself. Made me nostalgic for being an irreverent rogue, banging milkmaids.

Oblivion is better, too

skilltree was basically "you attacks do more damage" in a game where there is no difference between swords and axes except statistic vise

you can still decide how Geralt will act regarding the world around him in all 3 games, and that affects how shit will turn out that's roleplaying

>game of the decade
clever way of excluding elden ring from the pool of comparisons

cyberpunk 2077 is unironically better

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I started this ages ago, and was enjoying it well enough, but I hit a brick wall with a random side-quest I bumped into in the second area where higher-level bandits just kept insta-killing me. I refused to leave it to just level up more and just ended up rage quitting. Never got back to the game for some reason.

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I skipped Witcher 1 a long time ago because of its basic combat, also decided to skip the rest of them, but in recent times I played them all and I ended up enjoying the series a lot. Witcher games seem to carry the banner of the dialogue choices gameplay that was once one aspect of BioWare games, shit Witcher 1 uses basically that engine that was used for BioWare games, and I think the RED engine is a rework of that engine, right? In a way they have been carrying that BioWare-like RPG torch, the base gameplay is different but the "choices will affect the outcome of the game" is not only there, but has surpassed what BioWare used to do.

might have to go back to it someday, gen 7 games just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

It's not even the best witcher game.

1 > 3 > 2

Still the best game I've played. The music is 5/5 the atmosphere is pure soul. The story is good.
The sidequests, small stories and little things were really thought out and made the world feel truly living.


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Is there any point in playing NG+?

Even with the higher enemy health my skills trees are such that I'm pretty sure I will shred any enemy.

Combat it's mindless as fuck, and that's the only gameplay experience from this game, The Witcher 1 combat after learning some new movements it's way, way better than Witcher 3 combat.

W3 is definitely an RPG since it has all the necessary systems for it.
but telltale games are Choose your own adventure books with QTE's

Jeez, some folks still have third world internet in 2022

>muh combat is boring

Who the fuck cares about gameplay in RPG? Story, choices, quests- that's what matters. There's not a single classic or great RPG with shit text quality

2 > 3 > 1

shit and wrong take


2 absolutely mogs 3 in terms of story but the world was much better to explore in 3. 2 is one of the few games that had the balls to lock you out of entire questlines depending on your choices. Not just a shitty cutscene at the end like for witcher 3, showing what happened to radovid.
The combat is janky af and doesn't have that same monster hunter feeling like 3 but it has a special place in my heart. As a bookfag, i sort of didn't enjoy the plot for W3 as much because I was one of the few people that really enjoyed the ending for lady of the lake.

>The Witcher 3 (plus expansions) is one of the best RPG games ever made and im tired of people with shitty taste saying its not.
Yea Forums is not "people"

felt so shit to play with m+kb but now I have a controller I might retry it
Lol but would bang all 3 unironically

There is no real RPG as a game. They are all too limited.