Just use black knife tiche

>just use black knife tiche
Shes dead before the second phase every single time
What are some realistic ways to beat this god awful unfair cunt of a boss

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>night comet her down in phase 1
>comet azur her at the start of phase 2

ez boss

Tiche practically soloed her for me.

Swarm of flies is good if you get a tanky ash to distract her.

>Shes dead before the second phase every single time

I literally beat her last night with Tiche and she survived until the end of the fight. The only time Tiche had trouble staying alive was when she'd eat a waterfowl dance to the face and even then I never had her die before phase two. What kind of dogshit low damage build are you running?

bleed, bleed, bleed BLEED

> Shes dead before the second phase every single time
Literally how? Are you hiding and let her fight Malenia alone or something?

Wtf my tische is +10 and gets mogged

>summon mimic or other really tanky summons
>just spam swarm of flies
oh wow, you've beaten the "hardest" boss in like a minute without taking damage, congrats

Learn how to beat her first phase solo and summon on the second phase, lol


Just use Tiche and don't forget to actually attack the boss with her

you gotta rush her down if you're using summons. Tiche will definitely not survive multiple waterfowls.

Second phase is RNG, she's way more aggressive and can just endlessly spam waterfowl, just play until she spams Scarlet Aeonia :)

Be a little bitch and summon Like I did

Unless you're getting bad RNG and she's taking multiple waterfowl dances to the face, Tiche should have no problems surviving.

>rivers of blood L2
thank me later

>one of the few bosses in this game that doesn't have one hit moves on every turn
Nigger, I...

if you're posting on Yea Forums you have enough time to just practice her and beat her normally. First phase becomes a fairly straightfoward no-hit phase when you learn the patterns enough, and phase 2 is just straight up a bad RNG coin flip but you just dps race her using the patterns you learned in phase 1 with some variations like hyper aggression and more hyper armor, more waterfowls and clones, AoE attack that's a big opening to punish.

>he isn't powerstancing keen godskin peeler +25 and bleed godskin peeler with seppuku + bloody slash.
She never got off a single waterfowl dance when I killed her.

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>one of the few bosses in this game that doesn't have one hit moves on every turn

Waterfowl is basically a death sentence until you've practiced the movement for it enough and even then it's still pretty tricky. I don't think there's another boss that requires such specific movement to avoid an attack or die.

user I’ve been summoning for hours. They unironically die before the end if first phase nearly every time. Im beginning to think this boss is bullshit

Malenia is actually one of the only good Elden Ring bosses. She only has 1 bullshit move and you still have plenty of time to run away from it and roll through the last bit of it. Every other boss has stupid tracking 20 hit combo bullshit. She is fair.

user, you're supposed to at least do SOMETHING. She can take half her healthbar so go take the other half while they're busy fighting.

>finally beat this dumb bitch
>get my trophy on PS5
>20% of players have this trophy
Fucking how? By the Playstation metrics less people have beat the game than beat her!?!

She'd be the best boss in the game if not for the lifesteal and waterfowl dance.

The easiest way to beat her is hoarfrost stomp + mimic even after the nerf

>Fucking how
Tiche, blood loss, summoning other players. You know, using the options the game gives you.

I was a mimic tear cuck until I got Tiche. He literally solo'd Loretta for me and I never looked back

>summoning other players
Oh, you mean Malenias extra healthbars? Yeah no thanks.

>so many summoning faggots

What a sad state of this board

Just block it, lol
I like the lifesteal, honestly. Even more pressure to not fuck up.

>nooooooo you can't use something that the game literally provides you


Here's a secret guys; pulley crossbow with bleed bolts. It's a free bleed proc when she's in her flower rot egg

If that's not what the devs intended then why add it to the game?

They added it so shitters like you won't cry. Git gud and beat her solo

This is one of the first Souls games I actually had an online subscription to be able to do multi and it really does make me think how huge of a crowd it is that beats these games with a summon buddy by their side the whole game because holy shit if I ever got summoned I would be the main reason the boss dies.

Rivers of Blood/Flies build with Mimic +10

Kills her in about 10 seconds in each phase.

kek, fair enough. Point still stands though. There are many ways to kill her easily without even minmaxing.

I used fingerprint shield combined with the spiked spear with cold damage. The bleed + frostbite combined with the impenetrable defense of the shield allowed me to slowly whittle her down with pokes.
No it wasn't fun

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spam Moonveil/DMGS weapon arts
or bleed her to death

>lady maria, sister friede and malenia are edgy to the point of causing second hand embarrassment
>meanwhile king allant, gwyn, vendrick, gehrman, gael and isshin are all genuinely cool as fuck
what did mitsubishi-san mean by this

Use Tiche, always keep medium distance, manage Malenia's aggro, and don't be greedy.

Basically, hit Malenia until she's focused on you. Let her come at you while Tiche sneaks a couple of hits and takes the aggro off you, then go for Malenia again. Repeat until the bitch is dead.

Bloodhound's step helps with her Waterfowl Dance attack, just don't spam it because it can still catch you.

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Not an argument.

>people struggling with summons

Try frostbite? I used the frost grease on my weapon, and it made a difference.
It does feel like the waterfowl dance is cheap though. Just pucker your anus and hope you get lucky like I did.

i used tiche and blasphemous blade and i feel dirty. it's not worth it

Killed giant before finding rivers of blood bc i dont use guides like a faggot

I am Melanina, blade of Niggella.

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Imagine the "controversy" if Malenia was colored and was voiced by a white woman haha

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Summon a dude dual wielding Rivers of Blood. Fight bullshit with bullshit.

Lmao play the fucking game. She's not getting hit by a single one of those beams unless you have aggro drawn with a summon, in which case you're a shitter.

Look like your DPS is the problem
Try to fix it then you are good

Someone said in a previous thread a freeze pot instantly frostbites her and can knock her out of waterfowl. Has anyone tested this?

you summon after phase 1

it's not colored, its PAWC!

gee, your mom lets you have TWO godskin peelers?

>find merchant set in the most fuck off annoying spot
>it doesnt give any discount when you trade with merchants
What the fuck.

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Rollo rolls her first phase. Still don't know what the fuck to do at the second. I can get her to like 1/3HP before she decides to press her "I win" button.

It works but you need to be practically constantly waiting for it. You need to throw the second she jumps into air.

Put bloodhounds step on your weapon
Have the most fun you could have in this game

its actually not hard and most people's error is not having quick access to the freeze pot while also having access to your restoration post