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I love women in their underwear/nude in nice sneakers.
Why is there no tag for this specific fetish?


i guess it'd be the sneaker tag and then you combine it with some other tag like panties or no clothes or something

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Fuck off slammo stop copying metata.

Actually I don't care about sneakers at all beyond this.

Patrician fetish

My fucking NIGGA

i stopped clicking on shantae threads about a year ago because they always devolve into fat shantae posting. is it safe now?

no, give it an hour if the thread survives. i stopped because of that and i've already saved what i need to

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Im annoyed that that fat shantae posting is what stuck to this series.
>Not the potential for a lot of transformation porn,
>not the huge titillating amount of monster girls to draw art of.
>none of the other magic fetishes possible with this.
just fat faggots which have no relation with the game series at all.

blacked edit?

so many weird fetishes indeed

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besides her getting fucked by her evil version, this is the only other good fetish how about this one?

At least it's better than the dyke porn that people kept drawing.

Based Based Based Based

Isn't she 16 pedochud?

I want to _be_ Shantae!

why would a pedo care about a woman who's legal?

but why?

they confirmed she was at least 20 years old
also they draw her in bikinis like that in the games and artbooks so why the fuck would they make her 16


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>one does exist but you don't know the name of it
>one doesn't exist as it's a small subset of footfags that get lumped with heelfags

pick one

Hey girl do you like fitness? Because I have a large bone for you to examine.

Yes she's already of sexual maturity.
If law meant anything every girl would still be a virgin at that age.

Foreverial tiedup Shantae enjoying herself, loving the half she has been fished, fully complete permanently mermaidized and fully wrapped up, tiedup, rope mummified, all foreverially tiedup all over from her fully mermaidized head to her fully mermaidized fins. a full permanent mermaid body, a complete permanent mermaid head, two permanent mermaid ears, two permaent mermaid lip, a huge,thick permanent mermaid tongue, two permanent mermaid fins, permanent mermaid scales, permanent mermaid organs and permanent mermaid insides, at last a permanent mermaid nose. Foreverial tiedup mermaid Shantae swims around everywhere and every place happily tiedup, wrapped, rope mummified and fully mermaidized and licks everyone and everything she can with her huge, thick permanent mermaid tongue.

Shantae is so cute but also so hot. How can she be both? I don't understand.

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because cuteness is associated with youth, and youth is associated with sexiness

that's a really classy fetish

too old

Lip bite.

belly dancer catches the attention of belly lovers.

I know it's bait but the fact that people conflate hebefags with bonafide pedos will never stop annoying me. Double digit means into the trash you go hag.

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Blacked porn ruined that kind of underwear for me

rottytops breast expansion

Based pedo tranny

Kill yourself you tranny obsessed freak

In my head, yes.
She looks and acts 16, not 20 or something.

Best crouch animation for a female character.

Nobody cares you filthy kidfucker.

I agree

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>get into shantae in 2018
>start fucking slightly chubby brown girl
>eternally regret not making her dye her hair purple

I bet you're the type that wants to raise age of consent to 25 and call fucking an 18 pedophilia

You cared enough to reply loser

>came here to post this
Through dick, unity

I also came here to post this. My brothers.

Genie magic

Only illegal in your shit country, burger.

Not even there, really. 16 is the age of consent in most states.

Naked+sneakers is based

The assumption of 18 as the norm in America is just another example of extremely California-centrism dominating the narrative of America at large (other states have it at 18 but almost all the bleating of relationships under 18 these days comes from California native/Caliboo hippies).

Real talk, what should the universal Age of Consent be?

I'm surprised they didn't go the extra step and just make every guy there a FUB.

What's that?

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16, with a romeo-and-juliet clause.

Fat ugly bastard


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I prefer it to the mongoloid retards who keep falling for the same Twitter tranny bait over and over.