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I wish there was a format where you could draft cards using legacy packs. It would be a total clusterfuck but man wouldn't it be fun.
Also give us more Eldlich support, Konami.

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The game is perfectly set up for a sealed draft type of game mode with the packs being theme relevant. Why it's not in the game is beyond me.

is today National Numeron Day in Chinaland or something? it feels like 2/3 of the matches I found today were against those cunts

People are playing easy decks to grind out the duel pass. It's why I'm playing Eldlich

ikr it's even more hilarious when it works
albeit mostly against trash players
suggestions welcome

Is dark ruler no more better than droplet in the current meta?

Why are there so many Yea Forumsirgins complaining about accesscode talker?
Do people really have that much trouble outing a 5k beater with negative protection

Sexiest card?

Yea Forums can you guys help me think of some of the most fun archetypes I can splash the dogmatika engine in to?
I just made dogmatika-traptrix and i think it'd be fun to do something similar with other archetypes.

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Anyone got a True Draco decklist?

Are you playing a go second OTK deck that has basically zero protection once its unga bunga monsters are on the field? Then no, add more board breakers instead

You could make a case with since this season flooded adamacipator trannies and halq auroradon combo decks.

It's a game ending card and a great out to subpar boards if you can't stop it. I have zero doubt in my mind that the sort of player whining about it would be whining about Borrelsword or another game winner even if Accesscode Talker or Halq was banned

I've bust to Amazoness ngl

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Downerd Magician. I need that delicious smelly hikki NEET witch pusy in my face.

Or heck, even some arena-style draft where you open 10 packs from a secret pack and try to get to 7 wins with only those cards. You get to keep the cards you opened, and if you get enough wins you get some other great rewards on top of it. It could be fun, refreshing, and konami would STILL find a way to fuck it up.

It would also be a good money earner since people would 100% dumb RL money to do it like they do in MtG arena.

Harpie Girl

No. The only reason to ever play drnm over droplet is if your deck is legit shit and can't afford the discard.

Sexiest by far

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I would rather duel infinite amounts of Eldlich and Numeron players if it means never seeing another Altergeist or Boarder Stun ever again.

Do these fucks even listen to feedback?

Borrelsword is really underrated. Its better than Accesscode in basically every deck that can't afford the ED space to link climb.

Yes, but only if you're Japanese.

Are downerd and slacker the same girl?

I just us accesscode since it's the only thing I have that can out a 6 material The Arrival.

Yeah. Slacker is when she's going full-on hikkiNEET mode really lazing around. Downerd is her actually showing a little gumption and brewing potions.

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>tfw I've lost to every Blue Eyes deck I've ever gone against
>apparently this is really stupid and terrible, it basically means I'm a braindead retard
>the compounding trauma of not only losing but being a retarded enough shitter to lose in the first place has given me Blue Eyes PTSD
>to the point that when deckbuilding my mind now frames things around the question "yeah but can it out a Chaos Max?"

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5x the sex

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Just put accesscode or some other half decent extra deck monster on your deck and you can beat chaos max

Stop listening to the retards that post here. Blue-eyes is a decent rogue deck that easily shits out super strong monsters that not every deck can deal with very well. Add to that the fact that they can easily run stuff like Skill Drain and Rivalry of the warlords and it can be very nasty.

>Losing to Brick-Eyes
Normally, I'd laugh at you.
But recently, the Kaibafags have gotten smart and started evolving past bricking lately.
I just lost to a Blue-Eyes Eldlich today.

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The boomers are learning, natural selection

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>shits out super strong monsters that not every deck can deal with very well.
Name then.

just say to yourself you bricked, easiest cope ever.

I don't think I've faced a Blue Eyes opponent that didn't set 2 pass in their first turn. the deck is a meme mostly because it's a brick magnet

master duel has reinforced the fact that chinese people do not deserve happiness

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a bunch of 3k beaters can easily be enough to overwhelm the other guys. Doubly so if they're running floodgates and stuff to stop your plays

If you have no options in your deck to beat Chaos Max, the worst variant of Blue Eyes, your deck is bad.
If you just never draw the shit you need, your deck is still possibly bad, but if you beat everything else a decent amount of the time that's just unlucky, it happens.

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thankfully they can't ever be happy since they live in China

why eldlitches always topdeck lava golem when they need it

What is it with people plat 1 and still just playing their solitaire drytron..i switch to fun stuff

I just finished playing link evolution and I feel great. Destroying smugass Joey with a shitty story mode dinosaur/dragon deck is one of the best feelings in the world.

Congrats user. You beat the ai in a children's game.

It might be hard for an autist like you to understand but some people like and have fun with those decks

Can't be targeted. Can't be destroyed with effects. 4000 atk beatstick. You get rid of it, they just shit out 3 more 3000 beatsticks. It's a monster!

There's no way somebody enjoys playing Drytron, they only play it because they enjoy the easy wins.

Yes, and it's exactly what I needed to feel better. Now I can go back to losing 5 duels ina row against metafags in master duel with my meme deck.

Maybe thats why they enjoy it?

Did you know that people have been playing Herald decks for years?

spending 10 minutes playing by yourself in a multiplayer game is the real autism

Even before Harold was good people played Counter Fairies user

They'll still end up playing against Drytron decks

Sure but I'd say the brain dead retard that doesn't understand that people can like different things than them and that's valid is worse.

Redpill me on d/d/d

Beating Chaos MAX is easy, the problem comes when you fight an actually competent BEWD duelist. Yesterday I lost to one who summoned on his first turn BEWD, Silver Dragon, Spirit Dragon and Baronne de Fleur, with Skill Drain as the cherry on top, he only had one Chaos MAX and one ritual spell in his deck.

Have you read DRNM? You can't OTK with it.

The easiest way to spot a bad player is by seeing those who thoughtlessly dismiss DRNM over Droplet despite the fact Droplet can be negated, and dismantling a board is more beneficial for control decks than OTKing

I think tri brig decks have more interesting play even then..even adaman has lots of lines of play that change

Extremely long-winded archetype used by someone who barely dueled in the anime they debuted in, but he still only lost like twice

They are scumfuck shitstains in the face of the earth.
They're a good deck, depending on how they're made, and annoying to deal with because of their retarded card removal shit and card recovery shit.

I hate them.
You might like them.

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That's not really enjoying the archetype itself, they would get the same enjoyment from playing Adamancipators or some other tier 1 omninegate deck.
>b-but what about the 3 herald players
Don't kid yourselves, 90% of Drytron players only play it because it's strong and will instantly drop the deck if it ever stops being bs.

is there ANYTHING more satisfying than resolving this card?

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Yes, negating it

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I enjoy kaijuing somebodies monster and then yoinking the kaiju

Two cards in a deck that makes me cum buckets.

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can't wait until DPE is out so I can use the opponent's as material for my own

Negating it with this

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I know you're playing 60 card WC motherfucker, gimme your list.

Oh you're a mind reader that knows what people are thinking now? Impressive, user!

>Have you read DRNM? You can't OTK with it.
My post was meant to be read as "if you are playing this kind of deck, do not play DRNM, play these other cards that let you do damage"
Also DRNM can be negated, it's just that S/T based negates for that kind of stuff are harder to get to for a lot of meta decks currently I think, you just have to hope you set Solemn or your opponent can't play through Left Hand or something

Using it to make this with only your opponent's monsters.

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How do you keep the same number of cards in hand? Seems bothersome

I added this to my deck thinking I could use it to get rid of eldlich and summon starving venom dragon. Imagine the surprise when it didn't work and I remembered the golden bastard is a LIGHT zombie.

>DRNM can't be negated

I like long combos if they cant be made into a flowchart. So I think that is nice
So they are good in long games. That sounds fun

hit him with the anaconda action user

It's this one

That would do literally nothing different, you tard

Are Predaplants even good now that Verte is banned? Feels like Konami really fucked over the deck.

They were never good.

Verte can change a monster's attribute

anaconda has 2 effects retard. One of them is to change attribute of a monster on the field to dark

Blue eyes max decks dont run any interruptions aside from hand traps which they will most likely waste on something irrelevant
If you cant out chaos max on your turn with minimal to no interruptions then you are just bad at deck building

Fableds is a hand manipulation Synchro deck so they have ways, they're just not good ways because they're an early-Duel Terminal era archetype (like Worms, Lavals, Allies of Justice, etc) and they don't have much modern support.

You can summon this

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>Solo mode scenarios
Not the in-universe game we wanted, but at the very least it’s something to make others aware that the cards have a tangible story.

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I hadn't thought about this, thanks user!

My wife (coming to MD in a few decades)

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I'm a netdecker who doesn't know what my own cards do, what other people's cards do, or how to use my cards, user.

Is not like verte did much for them, they need the branded engine just to be decent.

me, bottom left

See you in 4 years, user.

The fuck does Eldlitch need support for? The card is practically already busted by itself without its floodgate army behind it.

At least it will give me some good time to save gems.

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Its kind of fun setting up my grave yard then passing then watching as my opponent slowly realizes whats happening on thier turn

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I want a manga about the Dogmatika Despia Swordsoul world with Ecclesia as the protagonist.

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That actually sounds good, do you have his decklist?

The story mode did give me more appreciation for other decks I wouldn't have cared for
Geargias being a self aware megaman knock off is funny
Shiranui being shaman king but if the main characters took themselves more seriously

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely add this to the zombie world deck I'm working on