Who would you pick for your kino game?
For me it's
>Dr. John
Who would you pick for your kino game?
every character is a mystery armor man
The most obvious team up
Crotogus I just love blqck people what can I say?
>not picking Crotogus for his sentient crotchpiece that talks for him
Demday, Armor man and Dr John for me.
Mystery armor man or Dean-0. Crotogus can come too but he's the bad guy or ntr victim.
Gunner, Warrior and Scientist
balance team
What game would all of them fit? I'm thinking of something like Killer7 idk.
cute cheetah
I would pick Crotogus and make every enemy my wife and the only way of combat would be grab attacks where he fucks her in many ways.
At the end of boss fight I would just straight up use the real life video of my wife being fucked by Tyrone.
either a Quirky Earthbound Inspired RPG, or some kind of game thats deliberately playing with genre and crossing over different tropes
or maybe something involving time travel/different dimensions
>Building for balance
>Not building for kino banter
For me, it's Crotogus and Swimblo
Does someone have the OC folder for this?
I wish, this shit looks kino as is
forced meme
>A wojak thread died for this
Dr John and Dr John only.
name 3 games like this
Dean-O, Dr. John, and Crotogus are about to unearth the reason behind an Alien Artefact being discovered in Africa.
Crotogus will act as a conduit, having found it first on a hunt 14,000 years ago and being absorbed into the artefact as a sort of host.
Dean-O and Dr. John will find it second, and learn through Crotogus the reason for the artefact's presence.
mystery armor man
I choose Dean-O's Vergil/Sam.
>Dean-O vs Evil Dean-O
Kino match-up in any other team up. Imagine if Dr. John or Demdey were there cheering him on in the most kino mirror-match imaginable
The one that's a little girl.
>Dr. John
Anything else is snowflake shit.
tell me about swimblo
why should I pick him
unprotected sex with swimblo as mystery man watches
>Dr. John
he has a gun
he has a gun x2
>Mystery Armor Man; the chill, kinda quiet guy who knows when he has to be serious. Kills evil monsters and beasts on a daily basis. No one's ever seen his face
>Demday; the quiet but hard-working kid. A complete pacifist
>and Dean-O; the loud, gun shooting guy who just wants to have fun. Bullies minorities online but only for the funnies
Some user should make a game out of these three
Quirky furry creature that may also be a girl(?)
Looking at this makes me want a video game version of Drawn Together. Anyone here remember that show? We almost had one with that one game on that Nintendo Direct but it was just for the ads. Shame really.
>not choosing genocidal Demday or evil Dean-O
We need that pic of the evil versions
>Not choosing Mystery Armor Man and inspiring Demday to become the real hero of the world
>impling that Demday didn't reset the universe after genociding everyone
crotogus with dean-o's personality
I ship Dean-O and Demday.
>Deon-O and Demday are half brothers (or siblings, your choice)
>They have diculty bonding
>Weird spooky shit happens
>Both are turning into monsters
>Dean-O thinks that pretty freaking cool
>Demday seens indiferent (kinda scared)
>The same thing that's turning them into monsters is bringing demons to the city
>Each major demon is tied to character in town (who's also turning into a half monster)
>Each major demon they slay, makes them stronger
>Final Boss is their own demons
Mystery Armor man > Dr John >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
>Dean-O is a mercenary for hire, hired by Dr. John, to clean up a fuck up he made in a local mountain town
>Demdey is a resident of said town when she (yes, she) witnesses SKELETONS RISING FROM THE EARTH
>these are in fact not normal skeletons, but super radioactive hyper-death skeletons from HELL
>they're also Italian Nazis
>Italian Nazi Skeletons take over the town as Dean-O makes his way on in
>each district is ruled by one bug skeleton, known as a Chadington
>They each call themselves Chadington with a suffix (Chadington the buff, Chadington the spooky, etc)
>Mid-way through Dr. John joins the party with his unnatural athletic abilities, including the ability to launch himself off of sloped surfaces to enact the Johnathan Space Program Attack (or the JSPA for short, he's an acronymfag)
>Final boss is Super Skeleton Hitler with multiple Italian bonars
swimblo every time
Sounds a bit MDK.
Exactly, just enough dumb bullshit to loop it back to being kino
If you ain't a Dr. John chad then don't fuckin speak to me
>Mystery Armor Man
>Dr. John
>Secret boss is Evil Dean-O who has a unique moveset including punching the shit our of you
Mystery armor man...
wait for it
... turns out to be a hot woman
that would be like metroid being a woman
Dean-O and Mystery Armor Man buddy cop co-op adventure
That's like saying Samus is a man, we all know Samus and Metroid are as different as Hideo and Kojima
mystery armor man is just swimblo
Swimblo and the evil dr. John
>it's a banjo-kazooie episode
I'd feel like Dean-O and Dr. John would better fit a buddy cop duo
Swimblo, but only because they seem like theyd have the best porn
I like that the two personalities clash
Makes their eventual friendship that much more rewarding
If you're going off of Sonic logic then by extention fem-swimblo would also have the best porn
Dean-O + Demday has the highest potential for kino.
>Dean-O provides the gameplay kino, being a character action or boomer shooter protag
>Demday provides story kino, with loads of meta bullshit that integrates seamlessly with the gameplay
>They'd also both have great senses of humor, albeit in completely different ways
Like, imagine trying to do stylish combos against a horrific photoshop abomination that can use save states to fuck with your combos/dodges.
Golden axe ripoff with Mistery armor dean-o and crotoblo
This is why I just go for Dean-O, Demdey and Dr. John, there's just too much kino potential with all 3 of these fuckers
I like the contrast of the grumpy demeanor of Crotogus and the Upbeat happy nature of Swimblo