It's up

It's up

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CAD is unironically better these days.

Where’s the joke

I haven't bothered with any of these webcomics in like a decade, how come it looks so fucking ugly now?

Wtf is wrong with the faces

Artist behind it explained that he never wanted to get complacent so he is always "switching up the style" which means bigger and bigger hair

>hating on sauce tartare
Not just bald but also a philistine

He wants to get on the DBZ gravy train

Sounds like one of them is compensating for something

The bald one is the writer

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isn't it literally just drawn by interns aping Pigfaces style? The two of them haven't done any real work besides popping pills in a decade

Don't care, didn't ask

seems like I struck a nerve piggy, gonna run home and take more prescription meds?

L + ratio, also you're a nigger


cool it with the racism pal

No, Gabe definitely still does it. They don't actively run PAX anymore.

Why are they so bald


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are there any actual weather games?

kek that's retarded, did dilbert or garfield ever change their artstyle (ignoring early on when it was literally just bad)

Fuck you, nigger. Early Dilbert had SOVL and was certainly a lot better than the style Scott uses now

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If ever I see two men together in the super market I know they are homos

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there was a DS one that was more about controlling the weather to inflict natural disasters on SimCity cities
I can't remember the name of it but it was one of those classic shovelware games I played for maybe three days

Scott has been shit since he went full right wing actual schizo, it's ceased to become a criticism of middle management and instead just his random opinions plus I AM SILLY

I am silly was always a quintessential part of Dilbert but yeah, it sucks ever since he moved away from management insanity. I still like reading the Dilbert Principle on the shitter from time to time though

This comic and the Twisp and Catsby days were fun. The art style is undeniably hideous now. What went so wrong?

Was is the raped by dickwolves complaints that unhinged them or something?


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Desu this is one of their better recent ones.

I meant more his Twitter where he acts like a Democrat is going to come rape him or something, he's genuinely scared about something like that and it's weird

>Dude experts bad because someone without the experience makes a decision to follow one or another and do uninformed "research"
I hate this kind of populism, I studied hard in my field and retards who didn't graduate high school demand a podium just as big as mine because Facebook memes.

Whats your field?

What answer would you give dilbert in that situation?

I don't use twitter, and it looks like he posts fucking hourly, so can you give an example?


"I may look into the research on my own, but my uneducated opinion is not as valuable as someone who has spent time in the field. Disagreements are common among experts with different points of view and it is better to view such disagreements as the result of intellectual diversity rather than proof of wholesale incompetence."

The dickwolves one was hilarious, only one that ever made me laugh out loud

Ive seen a 100x more literally retarded, clueless "experts" than ones that are right

No, though they tried to do some artist's group thing.

I don't know what happened to it.

Ok, but what are you supposed to *do* if experts disagree? Which ones do you listen to?

You don't listen to anyone in particular, you realize that there is nuance and debate and that there isn't a right and wrong. Again, not a sign of incompetence but rather diversity of thought. The desire to be black and white and frustration at nuance does not mean gray means wrong.

Remember that when someone says the earth is a sphere, and someone else says that the earth is ackshually an oblate spheroid, not to side with the guys who are saying that it's a cube.

I am aware that this is not intuitively obvious for all things.

That sounds awesome, but I'm sure it actually sucks.

How would you know?

it's funny considering how their old self fucking destroyed the Witcher in the past when it wasn't famous, to the point they created their own "witchalock" to laugh at its dumb name.

>where do they want us to find pig venum
>they say you can replace it with pig hair
>urg I hate hair
>you would hate being bald either.

>which means bigger and bigger hair
post the projected artstyle timeline

he wont post one because he only heard on some leftoid forum hes "literally a nazi" cause he said trump will win and biden cant finish a sentence. he pushes vaccine bs regularly also

You can have the biggest podium in the world, I'm still not taking the jab.

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PA used to be genuinely funny. Sad to see the current state of the comic.

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>Was is the raped by dickwolves complaints that unhinged them or something?
Weren't they literally extorted over that?


This is funny to you?

it already wasn't funny anymore when people made the bald edits, which is why those were funny

I'm not (that kind) of doctor, isn't my place to tell you to.
Law. Everyone is a jailhouse lawyer these days because of the Internet.

how did I ever find these things funny when I was a teenager

This is funny but it has nothing to do with video games

I think it's a decent comic. There's a fair few of these "fantasy cookbooks" popping up - Delicious in Dungeon is a bestseller for instance. Observational humour about the faint ridiculousness of the concept is a valid gag.

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