This is no longer canon.
This is no longer canon
Are they giving him 5 fingers this time?
Nah, it's canon. Only the games that after it have been decanoned
you WILL forget about the best MI and you WILL accept the low budget artstyle
But.. its canon from a "it was all a dream while guybrush was trapped in lechucks haunted anusement park!" Perspective.
I bet the real Elaine from Monkey 1 and 2 will free guybrush from there but also accidentally bring Murray with him.
Shhhhhh, it's okay. Go to sleep.
Hmmm yess peacefuul sleep away from the flu and the pain.. perchance to sleep perchance to dream, perchance to die and play monkey3 in vga on a dos computer in heaven in 1993
proofs? don't know anything about this game except the announce trailer (that didn't even show guybrush).
>make a new game
>all out of ideas
>lets retcon the old ones so you can recycle ideas
>do new shit anyway
also, MI3 was the comfiest game of my childhood. All the MI games were but 3 was my jam.
Don’t listen to that fag. Ron Gilbert explicitly said that MI3 is canon. Murray is in the teaser, ffs.
No proof, just speculating.
At this point we're still unsure if the pirate world is even real.
It could all be the fantasy of little Guybrush who wandered off while at a Disney park with his parents.
Wether or not lechuck is a real ghost messing with little guybrush is yet to be seen.
I'm betting on a fantasy type story where guybrush got so caught up in his fantasy that it caught the attention of a spirit there at disney. Causing some sorta neverending story thing.
That was Murray's brother Murrey.
Holodeck experiences in star trek are also cannon, but that doesnt mean the girls they kissed were real.
Elaine in MI3 and beyond never felt like the real Elaine, she was.. made nicer.
How bad are the Telltale games?
Just pirate it
So glad her VA is back to voice her.
I didn't like the MI3 artstyle. Too "Saturday Morning Cartoon".
Curse is unironically the best Monkey Island game
I will take saturday morning cartoon asthetic over this awkward puppet-like calartshit
I really dig the new artstyle they are going for. Can't wait for the true MI3
Yeah, I'm glad that it's back in the hands of Ron Gilbert instead of that fat cuck but I'm not at all sold on the artstyle.
Funny, even back then I distinctly remember thinking that the Telltale games looked ugly as fuck, I never finished them even thought I own all 5 chapters.
Are the Telltale ones worth playing?
>reading the little sign replaces every instance of "Youch!" with "Papapishu!" for the rest of the game
raw fucking soul
Alexandra Boyd has been voicing Elaine since Curse, she didn't start with Tales.
What? How have I missed this?
I marathoned them all back when Tales came out, hated Escape, but quite liked Tales.
Tales is perfectly okay story-wise and humor-wise. It's just simple in puzzles.
Again, it's only a thing that happens if you examine the one little sign in the one area. You might go the entire game without noticing it.
i think user is blowing it out of proportion, it only triggers like a handful of times on the whole game from what i remember
>immediately afterwards, when you remove a thorn (requires reading the sign first)
>when you whip the cabana boy
>when you try crossing the heated sand
>when you try a specific drink in blood island
My worry is that the game will rely too much on fanservice and references to the classic games. Just hope they go wild with new jokes and just be as creative as they can. New jokes, new characters, new locations.
>Announcing Return to Monkey Island, the long-awaited follow-up to the legendary Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Curse, Escape, and Tales have been retconned out. Ron Gilbert's said he's willing to steal "good ideas" from those games (and Murray is a good idea), but for the most part they didn't happen.
Hence me predicting that Curse will be retconned into having taken place in lechucks evil themepark at the end of mi2.
I wouldn't worry since they had two original characters in the trailer (the two ghost pirates), while also using a song other than the main theme
Considering he said Return takes place after 1 and 2, no. Curse takes place AFTER.
Yeah true, I've just been burned by a lot of older devs bringing back franchises from the dead and the creators being too self aware of the series and relying too much on fanservice.
>The series that ends one of the games with "the entire story was just two kids playing" now has a different canon
They're keeping Murray so you can be sure at least the characters will be present. Good ones at least.
Those are ghost pirates of LeChuck who were in MI2.
The bird is show to be brought back from MI1.
Murray is shown.
The island on the website shown is Melee Island.
Not one new thing has been shown. It's gonna be a massive nostalgia wank game.
I don't doubt you but do you have pics of their sprites from MI2? I wanna compare em
At least the ghost pirate designs in the trailer are new at least. They look good.
I'm gonna laugh when this game is 60 dollars
How do you know it's the same pirates? Maybe LeCharles cycles them out.
Do you actually know how bad it is out there, Murreeey? Do you ever actually leave the ship?
I should play 3 sometime, only ever played 1 and 2.
I love monkey island so much, bros. Hope they don't fuck it up.
3 is great
>>The series that ends one of the games with "the entire story was just two kids playing" now has a different canon
Did you not see the last two seconds of LeChuck's Revenge where it establishes the ending is some kind of Voodoo trick by LeChuck?
3 was the best one by far. Not really excited about a new one by someone who left before then.
>Did you not see the last two seconds of LeChuck's Revenge where it establishes the ending is some kind of Voodoo trick by LeChuck?
You referring to what Elaine says?
Him and Elaine marrying never sat well with me, like Fry and Leela from Futurama they were supposed to be this couple that despite loving each other just never reached that point. they were supposed to be stuck in the eternal "break up and then fall in love again."
MI2 established this, and then in MI3 she was suddenly head over heels with Guybrush, total shift of character.
>and then in MI3 she was suddenly head over heels with Guybrush, total shift of character
Yeah it didn't sit with me either. I can understand the appeal of it, but it's a little generic. Really looking forward to how their relationships unfolds in Return.
There are hints in the first game already that the whole game is a theme park ride. In 2 it's further reinforced with the showdown taking place in the maintenance tunnels ending in LeChuck's dismemberment. Then you have them being shooed away by the staff and they meet up with Guybrush parents. In the last few seconds though Chukie's face turns monstrous and then Elaine is being shown waitt for you still...
That's why I hope that MI3 will be some sort of dream world, and Guybrush gets yanked out by the real Elaine who promptly tells him that she kinda moved on after he disappeared. (so he has to start all over again simple because she's so fickle)
I mean I love MI3 as much as the next guy, but like Futurama they wrote themselves into a corner when it came to this couple.
Guybrush also seemed more spiteful and klutzy in the first two games, he became more two dimensional as the series carried on under different leadership.
All these MI3 fans thinking Return needs to be consistent with the lore of Curse.
They can just bring back Murray and it can be the first time Guybrush meets him. It doesn't need to be consistent with the lore of Curse as this is the "true" sequel to MI2 and not a prequel to Curse.
I don't want Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman to have to restrict themselves creatively because they're obliged for Return to make sense with Curse. It's too much extra baggage and the game would suffer for it.
You don't know that.
The Tell Tale games are charming enough, they have some good jokes, I like the new main character of Morgan LeFley. And the character interactions are nice.
It's more a game for people who like the characters enough to want to see more of them.
Puzzle and gameplay wise, it's similar to the Tell Tale Sam & Max games, but a bit less good.
But she was replaced by a different voice actress for the fourth game.
Where she had an American accent
>the fourth game.
Doesn't exist
Nobody knows anything, i think we had established that already.
>Where she had an American accent
Yeah that was awful.
This is the second worst board I've ever fucking visited.
this is canon
People expect Curse and the relationship between Guybrush and Elaine to be rewritten, but we really don't know that either.
I mean the reason why we think that is because of blog posts Gilbert wrote in like 2013, almost ten years ago.
Nine years is a long time, we don't know if or how much he softened to the plot of Curse.
Back in 2013 Gilbert wanted to make a throwback, meta, cynical point & click. Somewhat similar in that sense to his vision of Monkey Island 2.
But since then he made a game like that, he made Thinbleweed park (or whatever it was called) years ago, and we don't know if that took away his desire to make that meta P&C throwback game.
And it seems that Gilbert is dismissing his old comments about what it would take for him to make another Monkey Island.
I mean the trailer does have Murray say "I heard Ron Gilbert say he wouldn't make a new Monkey Island unless-" Before he's knocked into the sea.
No, THESE are cannons.
Oh fuck off Schreier.
>It's too much extra baggage and the game would suffer for it.
If it's a prequel, there's almost no extra baggage at all.
I hope it's not a prequel. I don't want the game to have to please MI3 fans and sacrifice their creativity cause they have to tie it to MI3. Murray should be enough.