You DO pick Marisa in the character select screen, right?
You DO pick Marisa in the character select screen, right?
Marisa has been the worst pick since Touhou 15 and ever since then she has just been getting worse
>Marisa with black gloves
90% sure that's a boy
>hand fetish
this is a thing? U niggas be crazy fr fr
Of course I pick Marisa in Megamari
What's the matter? Can't handle hard mode?
she's awesome in HSiFS
Well Alice fucking sucks in that game so yeah.
Shut up fag
Censoring vaginas really did a number on the Japs.
how about you create sum bitches
You already exist so that seems redundant.
im not the bitch i wear the big boy pants
more like big girl bloomers lol
bloomers are for small girls only fag
i got raped by Marisa with a futa cock :(
Elly's Ellys
My character picking process goes
Other character (except Cirno) -> Marisa -> Reimu
Then it depends on who these other characters are.
yeah little girls like you bitch
Yeah you
Play Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story
Here, yesterday's Yuugi
i am a big boy MUMMY SAID SO
marisa A or B
I'm busy getting bullied by LoLK please be patient
It takes me a dozen tries to leave Stage 1 having grazed everything I want and then my energy is drained so I will inevitably lose a life in Stage 2 or 3 that I wasnt supposed to because I didn't press X in time and so i reset.
Make me.
no, never. also IN is trash.
No, dummy.
The same fucking attack
Every single time
it's because you didn't pick up those point items
they were telling you to go left and you didn't listen
bros... I want to get blasted by Yuuka's master spark...
Does it really matter what side I'm on? I always move to the right.
If only I had the image... :(
Finally cleared Legacy Mode
Congrats dude
Now do it as Sanae
I'll think about it
I did PD with her
Memory of stages as her kinda fucked Stage 5 as Reisen
I can't handle the tinnitus laser, I want old marisa back
What shall I create?
A drawing of Junko
murasa in a rowboat
Why is DDC so hard? I can only win with Sakuya A and it feels cheap.
PCB was my favorite and none of the earlier or later entries scratched the same itch. There's just something comfy about it.
i get that feeling as well. its probably stage 1 and its theme feeling so inviting even if youve just come back from fucking up stage 5 or something. also character art is pretty good
I heard it's one of the easyer entries tough.
Unless the shot & bomb do it for you, which the 2 best shots do, getting ressources in DDC is pretty involved & difficult, at least to me. It's not easy to PoC past Stage 2
Also above average difficulty overall when it comes to patterns & stages. Benben's nons in particular are a bitch, Shinmy is pretty difficult, Seija is fine for Stage 5 but still.
DDC is a nigger game for niggers. It only has two playable shots, SakuyaA and ReimuA. Clear it with those and move on.
It's the easiest or one of the hardest, depends entirely on which shot type you're using
>borderline cheating
Marisa B
Sakuya A
>really fucking good
Reimu A
Reimu B
Sakuya B
>oh no no no no
Marisa A
I have nothing intelligent to say.
Rank the five Touhous you want to fuck most
say something dumb then
>there are anons smaller than shimmy itt
I wonder how far I could throw the inchling...
Which Touhou canonically has the biggest titties? This is important.
Do not open
Urumi is a canon milktruck.
Do not open
Open this post
just fucking shit my pants
Urumi probably
>Has breasts in ZUNart form
>Even ZUN can't not talk about the fact he gave the cowgirl tits and that he can't help but think of Urumi as a mother in her SCoOW page
Why is the suku selling that, so dumb.