You DO pick Marisa in the character select screen, right?

You DO pick Marisa in the character select screen, right?

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Marisa has been the worst pick since Touhou 15 and ever since then she has just been getting worse

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>Marisa with black gloves
90% sure that's a boy

>hand fetish
this is a thing? U niggas be crazy fr fr

Of course I pick Marisa in Megamari

What's the matter? Can't handle hard mode?

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she's awesome in HSiFS

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Well Alice fucking sucks in that game so yeah.

Shut up fag

Censoring vaginas really did a number on the Japs.

how about you create sum bitches

You already exist so that seems redundant.

im not the bitch i wear the big boy pants

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more like big girl bloomers lol


bloomers are for small girls only fag

i got raped by Marisa with a futa cock :(

Elly's Ellys

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My character picking process goes
Other character (except Cirno) -> Marisa -> Reimu
Then it depends on who these other characters are.

yeah little girls like you bitch

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Yeah you
Play Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story

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Here, yesterday's Yuugi

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i am a big boy MUMMY SAID SO

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marisa A or B


I'm busy getting bullied by LoLK please be patient
It takes me a dozen tries to leave Stage 1 having grazed everything I want and then my energy is drained so I will inevitably lose a life in Stage 2 or 3 that I wasnt supposed to because I didn't press X in time and so i reset.

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Make me.

no, never. also IN is trash.

No, dummy.

The same fucking attack
Every single time

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it's because you didn't pick up those point items
they were telling you to go left and you didn't listen


bros... I want to get blasted by Yuuka's master spark...

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Does it really matter what side I'm on? I always move to the right.

If only I had the image... :(

Finally cleared Legacy Mode

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Congrats dude
Now do it as Sanae


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I'll think about it
I did PD with her
Memory of stages as her kinda fucked Stage 5 as Reisen

I can't handle the tinnitus laser, I want old marisa back

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What shall I create?

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A drawing of Junko

murasa in a rowboat


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Why is DDC so hard? I can only win with Sakuya A and it feels cheap.

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PCB was my favorite and none of the earlier or later entries scratched the same itch. There's just something comfy about it.

i get that feeling as well. its probably stage 1 and its theme feeling so inviting even if youve just come back from fucking up stage 5 or something. also character art is pretty good

I heard it's one of the easyer entries tough.

Unless the shot & bomb do it for you, which the 2 best shots do, getting ressources in DDC is pretty involved & difficult, at least to me. It's not easy to PoC past Stage 2
Also above average difficulty overall when it comes to patterns & stages. Benben's nons in particular are a bitch, Shinmy is pretty difficult, Seija is fine for Stage 5 but still.

DDC is a nigger game for niggers. It only has two playable shots, SakuyaA and ReimuA. Clear it with those and move on.

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It's the easiest or one of the hardest, depends entirely on which shot type you're using

>borderline cheating
Marisa B
Sakuya A

>really fucking good
Reimu A

Reimu B
Sakuya B

>oh no no no no
Marisa A

I have nothing intelligent to say.

Rank the five Touhous you want to fuck most

say something dumb then

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>there are anons smaller than shimmy itt

I wonder how far I could throw the inchling...

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Which Touhou canonically has the biggest titties? This is important.

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Do not open

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Urumi is a canon milktruck.

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Do not open

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Open this post

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just fucking shit my pants

Urumi probably
>Has breasts in ZUNart form
>Even ZUN can't not talk about the fact he gave the cowgirl tits and that he can't help but think of Urumi as a mother in her SCoOW page

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Why is the suku selling that, so dumb.

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