Wow. Just... wow
Wow. Just... wow
Don’t care didn’t ask, pixels look better when they’re CRISP
Fucking based.
>yfw second-hand CRT shills never have a response when you point out that the comparison image is being displayed on an LCD
why waste money on a CRT when I can just take off my glasses and get the same result?
Hyperopiabros, we won!
>single red pixed turns into different shades of red
So CRT was basically DLSS before DLSS?
I dunno what those letters mean but your DSLs and my dick are a match made in heaven
Just never wear your glasses and the world looks a lot nicer in general
It's almost like old games were made with CRTs in mind.
I take left over the vaseline smeared shit that is right.
This, staring at CRT crap will legit give you brain damage, if you don't believe me look at how many retro collectors and speedrunners are trannies.
dumbest opinion ever. You also play games rather without anti alias. And you set all games resoltion to in render all games in 256x240 without anti alias of course...
Damn you are stupid
Soulless vs SOUL
>staring at CRT crap will legit give you brain damage
another dumb mofo that also plays any game in 256x240 resoltion without anti alias of course. Show me a clip of you playing Elden ring in that resoltion without anti alias because you are a dumb mofo who loves CRISP PIXELS.... dumb mofo
Can you achieve this effect with filters?
someone post T E E T H
Wow, CRTs can do THAT!
this looks like bullshit
pixelfags eat your heart out!
Wow it looks almost exactly the same when viewed as it would be in-game
left is better. more clear and not as dark. filterfags are stupid
Crisp pixels look like shit and I hate faggot indie devs who have brainwashed zoomers like this
If you want a 2d game built for lcds look at vanilla ware games, not indie shit.
I know it's a meme, but you gotta give props to the guy who made this for getting everything lined up so perfectly between the two.
No arguing with that I guess, heading down the landfill to dig for a CRT monitor.
it is a filter, and many CRTs like the Sony Triniton look like shit unlike real CRTs. So you should rather use a filter instead of buying the wrong CRT
I zoomed out to 33% to emulate how I would see it in game and they look pretty much the same to me.
Real CRTs are like real women. You will never be one.
>it is a filter
It is real even? OP-post I mean? If yes, then which filter is it?
I've tried some filters on RetroArch and it doesn't seem to have the same effect.
You're supposed to be looking at art, not pixels
Real CRTs are the old GE/Sharp coax tubes that sometimes came with a composite input otherwise you had to use the vhs to convert the signal. This or the 1702 c64 monitor that your Dad gave to you after he upgraded to a 486 or pentium.
Damn. Really made me think.
indie game dev here
I just use a crt filter on my games
>there are still no good CRT post processing filters in 2022
We have the capability to show what CRTs looked like on an LCD because we have so many more pixels. Surely we should be able to make post processing that can leverage all those additional pixels to make lower res pixelated games look like they're running on a CRT.
soul - soulless
>Nvidia CRT soon
Finally someone said it. I hate blurry shit, but I agree nuPixelart fags got the whole thing wrong
>tfw I will never be a CRT
It's from a twitter, the guy claims is from a Sony KV-13M51 using Composite.
My guess is that it's shoped. Still, I'm a fan of filters when emulating old games that were clearly designed to be played on CRTs. I use CRT-Royale for my games.
Sure, but it depends heavily on your display and usually requires alot of tweaking. It'll usually only look good on your display's color profile and brightness/contrast settings so posting screenshots and looking at them on another display will look off.
If screenshots look good in any display, why can't real thing look good on any display?
I mean I'm not a graphics pro and I have no idea how exactly this works, but somehow I smell bullshit.
its still awful at full resolution right in front of your face. the bottom was meant to be played at from a reasonable distance away where the dots wouldnt kill your eyes
Because it's highly dependent on if and how well your screen does HDR and its contrast ratio to make out the masks CRT shaders use. That you can kinda tweak and emulate with bloom effects on a shader or rely on your monitor's native pixel glow. So it's very dependent on the tweaking of your specific display.
>It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was brought here by humans who wished to pay me tribute.
>blows up the pixels to over 4 times their native size
CRT babbies are literally retarded
the point is that crts dont have a "native res", they can display any resolution supported equally well.
there is no pixel distortion on a crt lol
fippy bippy
crtfags eternally seething
>makes everything look blurred as fuck
>"dude this is totally better because no native res!"
just use the HSM shader pack if you don't want to bother with tweaking tons of shit.
I wonder how many hours it'd take to make a mod for the entire game to look like the 2nd image
Also that pic is a pretty bad example because I'm using it on the PSP version of FFT. Here's a screenshot of a PSX game.
>tfw want to shill HDR
>tfw no one else has a monitor that can display it properly
The marketing material always makes me laugh too. They just crank up the saturation.
I don't like the bloom and blur like effects a lot of shaders apply which fucks up the text, so this one is perfect for me.
Is that... an elevated CRT scanline filter?
It's so artificial! AH! I'M... SHIT.. GOING INSANE!!!
The brightness, contrast and sharpness is all fucked up now and you're still stuck with 60fps = high mprt. Eventually one day we get 1000+ nits fald with a proper BFI implementation but atm it's Wii emulators + old composite tube for me.
Just squint your fucking eyes then. It'll have the same effect