Are russians going to replace Nazis as the cliché human enemies?

Are russians going to replace Nazis as the cliché human enemies?

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Russians are killing Nazis

Faggots are killing Russians

Havent they been (rightfully) used as enemies in games like cod anyway?

I hope not. Nazis had great aesthetics and shit like V1s, Russians are just a joke.

as a nazi, therefore an extreme right winger, I'm with russia, which is extreme left wing, therefore I'm a nazi commie and there's nothing you can do about it.

Of course you are. You are a sectarian pawn of Eurasianist subversion.

Russia did nothing wrong

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Games should use brits like films do.

and sand niggers

>Eurasianism LE BAD because... i'm just racist to chinese or smthng idk

Old ladies and young children aren't legitimate targets.

fascists fight for the wealth of the single person, commies fight for the wealth of the whole nation, both sides are bad, but you have to pick the least evil side, unironically fascists would find a girl and love way quicker with communism since they'd be forced to work and interact with people, eventually finding someone which likes you

It literally is bad. It serves no purpose other than Russian oligarchs. The entire ideology is explicitly to undermine the rest of the world for the benefit of Russia. Anyone who subscribes to it who doesn't live in Russia is the definition of a cuck.

Their existence is wrong and yes, this is my (objectively factual) opinion since before you were born. Anything east and west of me is swarthy at best.

>The entire ideology is explicitly to undermine the rest of the world for the benefit of [country]
Every great power in history has done this, russoids aren't the only ones. The amerimutts are much worse.

>Nazis had great aesthetics and shit like V1s
They had space-capable aircraft

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Have you been living under a rock or what? Russian as enemies is almost as old as nazis, it's all from the Cold War era

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but it used to be funny

but he's literally asking for the world to have a stroll on russian skies and drop bombs everywhere until russia becomes shared property of the US and China, Vlad sure as hell know this and he knows he can't use the nukes for many, too important reasons...he was probably bored to death and very lonely...he could have slapped a kid on tv like will smith and chris rock if he wanted to have some fun and be "le bad strong president"

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>Born just in time to witness Cold War 2: Electric Boogaloo



>fighting the british
Everyone would complain games were too hard
especially the french
Russia vs Everyone was one of the best times in video games, and everyone loved it, especially ruskies

jews are the enemies, and their white goyims keep them in power.

>to undermine the rest of the world
>and by "rest of the world" i mean usa

>Russian oligarchs
When will this NPC buzzword meme end? I hate you niggers so much

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What did russians do to Jews since they are so hated? Did they do something hundred of years ago, possibly in what is now known as the Ukraine?

Video games in general used to be a whole lot more fun.

umm... no sweetie, follow the narrative. There's a difference between literal nazis and ukranian opressed nazis, what russhits are doing is killing a marginalized minority.

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>cliché human enemies
Amerifat typed this.

Pick one.

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Russians did everything wrong and I hope Moscow gets nuked
t. russian

because they are oligarchs you baboon, you should read a book or something LMAO


pick one

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I'd rather have chinese, like in fallout and homefront

>uhh uhh uhh America!
Russian bots are retarded.

Remember, no russian

I know which one \v\ will choose.

Gave them a promised land in a super bumfuck nowhere

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I've fucked plenty of russian twinks user.

Rent free

those were korean

There are more games with Russians being the enemy than Nazis.
Antagonist choice algorithm in Western media looks like that:
Is it antagonized by US government? If yes then - > Does it have big market that you don't want to scare? If no then - > Congratulations you're now ready to make media content for the "free" world!
Can't wait until chink market becomes so big that US companies will use US army as an enemy.

is /pol/ unironically siding with putin or is it just russian shills? I dont go there often enough to tell the difference

Nah, they were already that during the whole cold war, haven't you seen 80's action movies (aside vietnam)? There isn't much interest in video game media except something historical/soviet era.

Meanwhile, in reality.

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>What did russians do to Jews since they are so hated?
Russians and Chinks (but we don't talk about them, shhh) want to kill the petrodollar.
What's funny to me is the fact the normalfag cattle started bullying innocent russia diaspora lol.
Normalfags truly are violent animals

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>Get to fuck mongolian bitches

How is this bad? Also I love how the regions in Russia get so lazy near the other end

I forgot how much empty land russia has

Yea Forums likes Russia because they make globohomo shills seethe

/pol/ is generally contrarian against the predominant main stream liberal thought

because twitter and reddit are so vehemently pro-ukraine, we need to obviously take a pro russia stance or else we look like bitches

simple as

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russia doesnt have a culture of wearing dresses & cutting off their cocks like jewurope & jewmerica

I mean they've always been the number 2 villian to Nazi Germany. Russians are usually protrayed as being friendly enough long enough to get a backstab in but you can still work with them too. A Russian is usually a very complicated ego maniac and you can only bet that they are on your side because they need something from you.

I saw a Ukranian store get egged literally because they were russian speaking Ukranians.

Why white paint?

Here's an american oligarch

Tell me you're not an 80's kid without telling me you're not an 80's kid.

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>act like a bunch of fasist niggers on global scale
>"da joos must be the reason why world hates them"
You have been programmed.

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