The reason video games seem pozzed today is because they are...

The reason video games seem pozzed today is because they are. You are all buying from companies who've shaped themselves around obtuse concepts of social inclusivity because that's literally how companies are destined to operate if they're to survive our ever-changing pop culture. And our era of dispassionate outrage isn't going away anytime soon. So long as you support AAA releases, video games will never NOT be pozzed.

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I pirate though.

Don't enslave people and don't suppress them culturally afterwards, and you won't have to deal with the consequences.

I'm assuming you're talking about black people, but I don't see how that's the fault of video game companies. They're bad but they're not that bad.

Niggers duck kikes' cocks they play as female and make games bad. That's no one else's fault but yours.

I like your vague take because it gives you wiggle room to seem like you had a real thought.

Then you're not even part of the problem, user. Pirate away.

every race ever was enslaved at some point, but only niggers can't shut up about it.
Stop committing crimes.

Holy shit, seriously. The native americans were fucked over way harder than just about any culture in recent history I can think of and even they don't whine as much.

Maybe that's because there are abrely any of them left. Meanwhile nogs consist of like 40% of amerimutts.

>The reason video games seem pozzed today is because they are.
seems like pozzed just mean "anything I don't like"... much like reddit

Even africans hate american joggers lol

Stop playing AAA garbage.

there's a whole continent full of beaners though

Yes, that was... exactly the point I was trying to make, guy.

Everyone hates Americans in general. Doesn't matter if they're nog mutts, asian mutts, ((((white)))) mutts or latin mutts.
They're all fucked.

We are fighting capitalism by giving all our money to Netflix and Amazon and doing as Bill Gates says. Touch grass chud.

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So what I'm getting here is that you're mad that games aren't solely aimed at straight white american christian males?

Only American leftists tbf

Nah, right wingers are just as cringe and retarded.

No, I just don't like how our modern zeitgeist has affected the very hobby I go to in order to escape it all in the first place.
And believe it or not, I'm black.

Everyone on Yea Forums calls Deathloop pozzed but I find it pretty fun and I wanna hatefuck Juliana.

Overwhelming majority of the world is conservative and highly religious. AAA games are made specifically for a minority of people that reside in urban areas in liberal states of USA, or for residents of liberal cities in western europe.


That game suffered simply by existing in (current year). People sucked it off for all the wrong reasons before it even came out, and so it provoked the usual responses until everyone realized the game was decent, just not amazing. Then everyone moved on and nothing was learned.

>Overwhelming majority of the world is conservative and highly religious
>Overwhelming majority of the world is also a poorfag 3rd world shithole
Coincidence? I think not.

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So how come all degenerate bullshit originates from muttland?

Yes, liberals are rich spoiled kids. We already knew that.

No, jews are even worse. They most likely weren't even enslaved by the Egyptians and yet that's an integral part of their founding myth. Nigger wailing is them aping jews.

How is having no basic infrastructure spoiled?
USA really is 3rd world.

I heard americans can't drink tapwater because it contains aids and other shit. Is this true?

Companies shape what is going on, not the other way around. They do not respond to consumer sentiment, but create consumer sentiment. They want you consuming pozzed Successor Ideology content for its own sake, not to respond to the mythical troon, female or progressive market.

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This, but also what even is their endgame in this case? Are companies trying to characterize themselves as freedom fighters or something?

>freedom fighters
It's about appealing to the lowest common denominator to sell as many products as they possibly can, retard.

I generally try to avoid games that get overly political but even traces of the modern day agenda seep in, such s with Elden Ring. And the reality is there's not anything we can do to stop it.

We didn't. Learn actual history.

>It's about appealing to the lowest common denominator to sell as many products as they possibly can
Absolutely wrong. Why would you aim your games as trannies and liberals if you wanted to sell as many products as you can? If this was about the 'free market' companies would be making games that were aimed some of the largest markets on the planet like China, where pozzed content is essentially banned. Products depicting 'effeminate men' are quite literally outlawed by the state in the PRC. To take a less extreme example, most consumers in the west are relatively milquetoast in their beliefs. Why would pushing tranny shit into their faces, making them hostile, be conducive to selling products to them? It isn't. It's not about selling products at all - at least not in the short term. They're sacrificing one audience (i.e. the sane) for another (a tiny handful of twitter trannies and faux-marxists who live on welfare)

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Oh, I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you were theorizing that there is no demand for forced diversity in media and that they were fabricating it to inevitably make actual demand for it in some galaxy brain political falseflag. Sorry, I'm retarded.

>The reason video games seem pozzed today is because
trannies live rent free in your brain

but its true. how many words in other languages are there that are an equivalent to 'savage' in english?

someone is going to get the short straw, and usually its the ones who are trying to break out from the slave mindset.

>trannies are the only things ruining video games
Open your eyes, retard. You're like the second person in this thread to even mention trannies.

The executives, and marketing people are the problem.
Devs, artists, people actually making the games aren't to blame, most of the time they actually criticize these bs decisions, saying straight up: "This is dumb.", "Are you willingly trying to implode this company?", etc...

Those making games are trying their best.

But the goddamn top people are so many levels of abstraction away from the real deal, that these criticisms aren't taken into account.

The system, the formula, is rotten to the core. We are moving closer, and closer to the biggest fucking crisis we've ever seen. Everything is so abstracted, so blurred, so speculative, away from the real deal. Money is fucking what even right now? It ain't physical, it's what? The fuck is going on with economics? Everything is gonna pop soon

Forcing in identity politics is far easier than actually making an effort to make a good game, it takes time, resources and money to come up with new unique idead instead of jsut copy-pasting existing assets to meet your deadline. Especially considering studios have replaced actual talent with diversity hires because stakeholders realized identity politics is what sells in muttland, which is still the biggest market. Another reason for this pozzed shit is because most studios have their games developed in Canada, which is already pozzed to shit. Why Canada you ask? Because game devs based in Canada get massive government subsidies making labour cost far cheaper, so to compensate for this lack of skill they focus on inclusiveness to meme retards into purchasing their pozzed shitheap instead.

>games became shit right about the time all this woke stuff happened
self correcting problem. my library is all decade old at minimum. there's already more games than i can play, who cares what twitter is hyping now?

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>stakeholders realized identity politics is what sells
This is an incorrect assumption. Stakeholders don't believe that identity politics sells products. It is not about making money.

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>MFW these types of Yea Forumsirgins could become the new version of my hyper conservative christian parents banning Disney movies in the house cuz they had a gay day at Disneyworld.

"I know all the other kids are playing that cool new game honey, but it has a black female protagonist and that's not what we believe in in this house. Now why don't you go play Kingdom Come Deliverance for the eleventh time?"

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Yea Forums wishes they could become parents.
The only reason this thread exists is because OP is bitter and lonely, and uses le wokeism as an excuse for why he's bitter and lonely.

This post will probably get a bunch of seething replies, and that's because I struck a nerve.

sounds like you drank too much of the koolaid user, companies are woke from no reason other than it is a net positive for them to project as much, it encourages more young people to buy their products thanks to so many lost souls participating in slacktivism for perceived injustices

>it encourages more young people to buy their products
But does it actually do so? Can you post some proof of this?

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the fact that they’re successful is proof

Imagine if your dad was a Yea Forums addict like one of these basement-dwellers
Poor kid

Dude, if I wasn't bitter and lonely I wouldn't be on this shithole talking to faceless walls of text. Vidya is all I have these days and it's ruined by what you dismissively call "le wokeism". You can feel free to lump me in with every other retard and assume I believe in arguments I have yet to even make, but that won't change the fact that the modern gaming industry fucking blows.

>the fact that they’re successful is proof
If I take you at your word on that they are successful, all you're saying is that there's a correlation between successful games and wokeness. Correlation does not equal causation, however. Do you have any evidence that wokeness in games causes them to be successful. Do you have any evidence that the purpose of putting wokeness in games is to make them successful? If it was true, perhaps success was just a side effect, and the true aim of putting wokeness in the game was something else entirely.

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People who aren't exactly like me are a potential threat and must be eliminated to protect me, and those like me.

Grug tribe good. Not Grug tribe bad. Grug must kill all that is not Grug so Grug can be safe.

Grug scared.

Unga bunga.

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I will do that, and i will also tell you to go outside, touch grass, and get a hobby.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go have sex with my girlfriend.

Based long nose tribe member.

Post weights NOW!

yes, this was the thought process of white people. thanks for confirming.

Do you mean my body weight? I'm 167 lbs.

Free ESG bank money endless printed.
That is what gaming companies want now

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its more that pipe infrastructure is a gamble, some places they thought ahead but some places have lead in the water because lol construction standards
t. east coast city that couldn't drink tap water for 3 months because of a main break somewhere else. not that we drink tap water anyway, I wouldn't even in civilized, clean places, not unfiltered anyway.
