People claiming this isn't watered down are newcomers to the souls series

People claiming this isn't watered down are newcomers to the souls series

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Ok so it’s watered-down, whatever that means to you. Have a pat on the butt you win the internet for today.

i tried to like this game, i really tried, but holy jesus it is the most god damn boring gameplay style i have ever seen.

>press button to roll
>press button to roll
>press button to roll
>press button to roll
>hit boss
>press button to roll

Filtered faggots

I finished the game stfu

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Watered down in what way? Go play DeS and it's piss easy and basic by comparison, you can't get lost and there's barely any challenge. Meanwhile everyone's still bitching about the ER end game areas, or how obtuse the quest lines or how the world is too big.

>Muh le hard meme
ER isn't hard especially when there's thousand of video on Youtube for normies and casuls

>filtered! game hard!

you literally press 1 button to play the whole fucking game, and every single normie and their grandma are playing this.

if elden ring "filtered" anybody, it filtered out people with good taste.

Of course they are, all true fans of Soulsborne know how shit Elden Shit Ring is.
Elden Ring truly proved that FromSoftware is incapable of comprehending what their true fans enjoyed about their soulsborne games. The pattern is clear now more than ever, any FromSoftware project that has Yui Tanimura involved in anyway, will be either mediocre or garbage. Hidetaka Miyazaki said that with Elden Ring "he had to delegate things to others more than usual" and it shows. Elden Ring is not a good soulsborne game, it is one of the worst, if not the worst:
>Open world causes a lot of padding and time wasting by just running around on your mount looking for the good parts.
>Open world forced them to add a mount and thus mounted combat, which is far inferior to the traditional unmounted combat. Even FromSoftware understood this and disabled mounts in multi-player.
>Open world ruins the traditional progression of difficulty in zones and especially boss fights, the bosses are either too hard because you are underleveld or too easy because you are overleveld, it is an unrefined and unfocused mediocre experience.
>Spirit ashe summon system casualizes the entire game, it is literally an EASY MODE that completely breaks the game and boss AI. Some of the spirit ashe summons at +10 (mimic/tiche/oleg) can solo bosses with you just standing there and watching, doing nothing else. Unlike traditional summons, spirit ashe summons do not give the boss a boost in HP and stats.

Elden Ring outsold all previous FromSoftware soulsborne games COMBINED, it is literally over for FromSoftware ARPGs as we know them. All future ARPG projects by FromSoftware will feature an open world of some sort.

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Oh, you prefer the
>spam button to light attack
>press button to special attack when bar is filled
Or perhaps the turn based approach of
>menu attack
>select xnamed attack
>repeat when your turn
Wow, how complex and intricate battle systems!

Old turn based games had soul
You have none

This post is 100% on the money. So early in the game you realize, every cave, catacomb, tiny settlement is the same and 9 out of 10 will not have an NPC or anything other than at best an ash or a talisman which given builds, are only for lore and completion. Stormveil is the peak and Leyendell also delivers. Those two are the only places large and intricate enough as the places should be in an open world souls. They went openworld just for the sake of it, not to truly integrate and do it properly.

>Oh, you prefer the

yes user, i prefer all the more fun ways to play that dont include rolling 50 times, hitting the boss once, and then rolling another 50 times.

>press button to roll
>press button to roll
>press button to roll
>press button to roll
>hit boss
>press button to roll

Fallout 1/2 turn based combat which is 200 years old is way more fun than elden ring rolling around horseshit.

Mad because game bad

This shit is watered UP

Admitting to roll spamming is the same as admitting that you're terrible at the game.


>press button
>something happens on the screen
it's so tiresome

its the games fault, not the players fault.

>uhhhh the game MADE me roll spam!!!!!
Lmao you’re saying the game has control over you, kill yourself

>play a racing game
>press a button to drive forward
>Lmao you’re saying the game has control over you, kill yourself

>roll spam
>get roll caught by every enemy in the game
>cry on Yea Forums like a shitter
I accept your concession :)

>Early in the game you realize everything is the same
I'm not sure if deliberately trolling or too stupid to realize the irony of this.

you clearly didnt play the game at all.
what a noob.

Hello DSP, get a job you lazy fuck.

He's replying to pasta, so yes he's retarded


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>S team makes shitty games only popular among trannies
>B team makes masterpieces
Tanimura is being wasted on Fromsoft

Of course you need to see the rest to verify it, but when you see the same layouts being repeated early on you become worried.

ER sucks, dude. Im sorry.


elden shit is the ed sheeran of games.
a friend obsessed with it wants to get me into it, and showed me a lot of gameplay yesterday, including some PvE and PvP
>dude, its just people rolling around each other like complete fucking retards. Is that it? is that the whole game?
>dont be an asshole, its a lot more deeper than that!
>then why the fuck am i exclusively only seeing people roll around in this game?
>oh fuck off, this is the game of the decade, get over it

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Hm strange I didn't see that at all after close to 150 hours. Maybe I should have spent more time on /lgbtgamers to get more insight into Elden Ring flaws.

The game is overhyped trash.

t. beat it first week with 100hrs played and never touched it since

The immersion isn't watered down, it's the best it's ever been.

They went open world because Elden Ring is a game with RPG elements, and many people who love RPGs also love open world games. Souls fans seem to love linear games. But Elden Ring isn't Dark Souls 4. Elden Ring is its own game. There will be a Dark Souls 4 and it will most assuredly be designed around the kind of linear gameplay that Souls fans have come to expect with that franchise.

I'm one of those who loves open world games and RPGs. The Dark Souls games just never appealed to me because of the linear design. However, I am having so much fun with Elden Ring. I'm currently creeping around Stormveil, taking my time, looking in every crack and crevice. Prior to this, I was just riding my horse in a random direction and exploring whatever I encountered. If something looked interesting in the distance, I rode over to it and stopped and explored everything along the way. I think they did a great job with Elden Ring. They will do a great job with Dark Souls 4.Elden Ring isn't going to change the Dark Souls franchise. They are two separate things.

You put 100 hours into the game in a single week? Get a fucking job lmao

This the discord thread?

i decided to return it and get a refund.
what i expected from the trailer:
>awesome story, dialogues, you know, an RPG like it was advertised, like Witcher or Skyrim
>being playable on PC

and what did i get after buying this game for 70$?
>no story, no dialogues, no music, no sound, worst controls ever made in a game, laziest console port i have ever seen in my entire life, doesnt even support ultrawide in 2022, half of my entire screen is blacked out, jesus fucking christ

its pretty much just a soulless "boss fighting simulator".
you just go from a boss to a boss, even while trying to get invested in the """story""" on the way to another stupid boss, its impossible, because there is no story or dialogues.

it would be a good 10$ indie game on steam, but not 70$.

and i swear to God when i see pictures from Elden Ring and Dark Souls i cannot say which game is which, they are exactly the fucking same.

i just wish games still had demos - how much time it would save me (smaller downloads, no hassle with refunds).

modern gaming is a burning pile of garbage and im just sick and tired of it.

5/10 on metacritic for this game is too generous, for false advertising alone it should get a 1/10.

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Elden Ring has the most complex game mechanics and systems out of any fromsoft game to date
Maybe you're looking for a better phrase than watered down, because Elden Ring is not that

Oh user, i agree with you so much. A lot of us are saying all of this everytime we can but its like people wont listen. The game is extremely unrefined but combining all of its flaws makes progression so boring and so easy. I think i stopped dying to any boss after the first 3 or 4 bosses.

>The game is overhyped trash.
>100hrs played

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This is exactly what every single FROMshit game is about. The combat gameplay is a absolutely the worst shit tier in gaming. But as the answers show you, good luck in trying to deter the weeb rotten minds from sucking the dick of From.


>Elden Ring has the most complex game mechanics and systems out of any fromsoft game to date

jesus, you play the game by pressing a button to roll around, how did you play dark souls if elden ring is more complex?
holy shit.
honest question, i never played these japanese games.

>can't accept that they are a man
>can't accept that ER is GOTY and shits all over their favorite Bloodborne which they only like because the game reminds them of menstrual cycles they will never have

Yea the mounted gameplay is absolutely garbage, why did they even bother with it when the result was this.

spamming roll is le bad and punished by everything
spamming bloodhound step is le good and punished by nothing

Trust me,the other soulsborne games are a lot of fun, even with all the rolling. ER isnt any fun.

Unironically kill yourself.

>I didn't see that at all after close to 150 hours
oh be real. ER is a great game and have many strengths, but you're just outright delusional if you can't agree that for the most part, the ruins, the catacombs, the caves follow a certain design and there are only a few exceptions.


96 metacritic, keep seething

I have been in more than 20 caves in my real life and seen a lot of ruins, and I have some bad news for you...

meanwhile in real world your game has body types and an actual, literal tranny

wasnt it like 3/10 in user reviews?
but in a week jumped to 6/10 from all the poor butthurt fromshit drones giving it a 10/10 lmao.

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Well, the fact that you could get one shot any minute makes it a bit exciting.

What do you consider good gameplay?

i bet you think xenoblade is awesome

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>b-b-but le bots say...!

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Elden Ring is a piece of shit only held up by lower level thinkers. Sekiro is easily the superior game and if you disagree you are simply a lower level thinker, you're not a real gamer, but a lowest common denominator feeding on their skyrim pig slop

how is it watered down, you failed abortion of a shazamtroon?

> Taking my time, looking IN EVERY CRACK and CREVICE
>Riding in random directions
> Ride to somewhere in the distance you want to explore
> Mfw when user is still in stormveil

user, the way youre playing is the quick way to find out how terrible this game is. It wont last you long.

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>Horizon shills and trannoids who didnt even play it reviewbomb the game on Metacritic
>6.7 on PC
>Meanwhile on steam where you actually have to buy the game to post a review it has 8.9
Really makes me think

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meh depends on what you want, you can play with no summons and no overleveling and no weapon arts and it becomes a great game.

This. I feel like in previous souls games you didn't have to rely THIS heavily on rolling, because bosses didn't have absurdly long stings of combos with next to no down time. You used to always get a hit or two in between attacks, even for the faster bosses. It also doesn't help that by the end of the game, every boss has an overinflated health bar that takes an eternity to whittle down on top of the overly long combos.

It's been two months of non-stop TORtranny meltdown and it's beautiful.

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imagine being part of a team that can make incredible 3d artwork, and then being forced to make this

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no user, i couldnt give less of a flying fuck about horizon: forbidden shit with its chubby tranny protagonist, either.

real life doesn't have gigantic magic trees either, so?

what a fucking based chad, I would also give elden shart 0 score 10 times if I could bother

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anybody giving elden shit a 0/10 is ultra based in my book.

>I love streamers/ecelebs and make reaction images with them
>btw I'm not a tranny

I swear to you

I was a former "DS3 is the worst FROM game" zealot

ER, despite spending over 100hours in it, made me rethink my previous convictions

Im now playing DS3, giving it another chance. Im so sorry. I was wrong

I wasn't fair, this game is actually decent.

holyshit Idc even care about the swamp Im in right, not riding around on shitty copypasted torrent for 10 minutes around Liurna only to fight copypasted rocks picking up useless crafting materials and finding another gargoyle tomb/tree spirit.

I am euphoric.

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>people who dont like elden ring are TORtroons
ERnewfags cope just as much as the discord raiders, Elden Ring is medicore from a souls perspective and no ammount of buzzwords or bleating will change that.

did you try out some different approach

I hate DS3's story and how linear it was. The boss fights were usually good though

>There will be a Dark Souls 4 and it will most assuredly be designed around the kind of linear gameplay that Souls fans have come to expect with that franchise.

No it'll be a totally different IP like Bloodborne or Sekiro.

Elden Ring IS a Dark Souls game. It literally has the DS Basilisks in it with no changes.