Play fighting games

Play fighting games

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Fighting games are too boring for me to stick with for any longer than a month at a time.

>tells others to play fighitng games
>doesn't open a lobby
how curious.
+R gonna play ky unless its a mirror

I love faust so much bros

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I do. My favorites are Garou, KoF98UM and Vsav

Can't. I'm not good at them. Fighting games are a unique genre that suffers from an unfortunately unsolvable problem. Their inherently competitive nature means and that enjoyment is nearly directly proportional to skill level. If you're decent, you'll like playing them just fine, but if you suck or even just starting out, they are insufferable. It sucks, because there's a lot to enjoy about fighting games outside of VS, but in most cases you simply cannot avoid that aspect because that's primarily the point.

My own experience

I want to tongue punch Ram's fart box

>local mall
>go to arcade
>they have just about every fighter including shit like marvel, cvsnk chaos, tekkens you name it they have it
>arcades actually dominated by women
>playing mvc2
>at final boss big ass red dog
>some girls come over and one of them just throws in her tokens and interrupts my final boss run
>she picks magneto, storm and sentinel vs my strider wolverine and Captain commando
>match starts and she wave dashes her magneto in under a nano second into a magneto infinite super into storm super
>she caught the Captain commando assist and infinite launch loops him to death
>rams her storm hail into my asshole 3 times for cheese and kill on Captain

That's how I got my assblasted by some rainbow haired girl. Bitch stomped my ass in front of her friends and denied a game clear. I'll never forget this shit, I was so fucking shocked and confused at what just happened bitches just ignored me and played amongst themselves afterwards.

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Lol based trannies


>local mall
>go to arcade

Boy I sure miss those days.

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>Get new job with a long ass commute
>Get tired after work
>Play like shit with brainfog
Is this the end for me and fighting games? I have no idea how I can actively play with any awareness if I'm wiped out after work.

Is it just weekend play for me now?

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I do, I'm just bad at them. Doesn't stop me from buying ones on occasion and playing around with them.

Commissioning a piece with the best couple in the world soon. Any ideas for poses?
I think I'd like it to be a bit more cute than lewd, but I'll take all suggestions into account.

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The genre is 2pre-planned4me
I tried playing a couple of titles and 90% of it was memorizing moves, optimal combos, frame data, cookie cutter setups, punishes, matchups, etc. and just executing it ad nauseum every single match. And if you don't you are playing it wrong because there's always one correct way out of any situation or character. You don't get better for playing the game as much as you get better for sitting in training mode memorizing boring shit.
I like regular games like shooters or mobas better where you just learn what the parts of the game are and play organically, improvise, adapt strategies to the opponents, try new stuff and can pretty do whatever in the moment and it's usually not a total mistake outside of deliberate trolling. I never had to "training moide" anything to improve in any other game, I just fire them up and play.
Some people like booting up games and doing the same thing over and over I guess but it's not for me.

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>be me have brother
>always trying to get me to play tekken games on ps2 (4,5,tag)
>always tries to make me lab characters
>get bored one day and just give up
>"alright man I won't force you to play"
>fast forward to 2021
>haven't seen bro for 10 years prior since he moves around a lot as a 4 language interpreter, covid did not affect his job
>we finally sit down and talk for about 5 days straight since he's on vacation
>eventually he wants to play tekken like good old days
>for some reason in my head I thought he hadn't played any game for a real long time due to work
>"now man I play tekken and hack and slash all when I can"
>sends me pic with him having platinum in every tekken, street fighter, Bayonetta, DMC, souls game, guilty gear etc.
>sends me pics of when he got tekken God prime ranks
>my greatest gaming achievement is diamond 2 in league...
>we head online and he absolutely fucks the shit out of me
>does wall carries and shit you'd see at Evo
>played law, Jin, heihachifucking whole roster
>does kings rolling death cradle without skipping a beat
This when I realized I missed the chance to actually learn fighting games from my godly brother. I actually regret not just sitting down and learning tekken. I'd probably be having infinitely more fun with fighting games than league.

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Leo fucks THAT!?

Some truth, but some hard memes also.

Dude, it's never too late to start you just have to put time in. He'll probably always have an edge, but you could absolutely step to him if you try to get there.
No, he does not. Ram and Giovanna both show interest in him. Gio is obviously going to pounce on him first, though.

You are very fucking wrong but I understand why you see fighting games that way.

This pose

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I fucked up my wrist so I'm taking a break.

Wake me up when Strive:
>Makes official outfits for base female cast that isn't censored
>Make Testament look like a male again
>Get rid of RWBY like music

Have you tried playing 3D fighting games instead

>paying someone to draw something for you

still no Virtua Fighter on steam....

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Play good fighting games

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On the flip side the training mode grind is a great casual filter that'll ensure fighting games are never fundamentally compromised and true to themselves

I want to get a drawing and can't do it myself. There's a lot more dignity in paying someone to do it instead of hanging around in a draw thread dropping the same request every thread for weeks until someone caves.


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I don't play fighting games very often because I'm bad and have nobody to play with, and infinitely fighting randoms online gets boring fast.

I thought so too until I started running into regulars at my current rank

What fighting game

DNF Duel

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I did, they're pretty fun.

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>Lose the game once you reach the corner
Fighting games are so fun

reopen it fgt

>shitter who can't get out of the corner

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>+R niggas have to beg for games

>Find fighting game that looks interesting to me
>It's console/arcade only
Is there an active PC game like Virtua Fighter 5?

Tekken and Strive are most active on PC. SFV is (likely) more popular on console but its crossplay so it doesn't matter

Not really, no. VF5 is very much its own thing. The big 3D fighters are all noticeably different from each other.
Reread his question more carefully.

I had to reread his post like 10 times before I got it, I'm pretty fucked up after like 4 hours of straight SFV

imagine how bad it'd be after 4 hours of homo SFV

I can get games whenever I want

>good enough to wipe the floor with my friends
>not good enough to hit top rank in match making
I was stuck at floor 10 in GGS for the longest time
I can't deal with the grind anymore, I'm becoming an old man

The true key is to learn to have fun in matches where you lose.

I love Soul Calibur so much more than any other fighting game and could play it 24/7 but nobody else plays this fucking game.

>be too young
>never have the chance to play because you can't get your quarter in line
My local arcades were shit and filled with assholes. Only game I had the chance to play was Primal Rage and I guess it's why that piece of shit has a place in my heart to this day.

why will no one play 3rd strike with me

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Everyone larps about playing 3S, no one actually does

play it with me

I don't play boomer shit

SCVI is unironically the best fighting game out right now, but the fact that the previous titles sucked so hard made it so the series didn't garner as many pro players as the other fighters, and now SC pays the price

Why do you like it so much in the first place

But drawing is fun....

>Playing DP characters

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Is Hellish Quart fighting games?

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Go to bed earlier, don't masturbate. I am writing seriously, try this, you will see cool effects.

>don't masturbate

I can confirm.

Learn to defend and tech throws, silly.

>Want to play fighting games
>Internet speeds are atrocious in my area

I enjoy watching the matches though.

Speed isn't really the issue for fighting games, it's more the jitter that you get with wifi or a shitty connection

Because 3S is just a bad kusoge that nearly killed its own franchise for many reasons and is only heralded by contrarian posers who never actually play nowadays

Meme buzzword with no meaning anymore.

I can guarantee you the first time that you walk out of the corner by going under someone jumping/IADing in you're gonna feel euphoric.

>Playing online edition/30th aniversary
Move to fightcade, the player base is over 500, you can find a bunch of players that will play with you.

No, I don't think the mechanics are fun.