>heads or tails?
well, Yea Forums?
Heads or tails?
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my pocket
heads seems to have a good track record
the game was rigged, look at the scoreboard
buy yourself an axe
I'll fuk both
I need to know what I am calling it for first
Heads because the entire shitty QTE is scripted to always favor heads over tails
FPBP as always
that's one person
well then he can go fuck himself
Is that a scoreboard of what the coin lands on, or a scoreboard of what Booker chooses?
Goddamn immortal quantum twins, imagine how much fun they get to have just seeing what people pick. Pricks.
lands, it doesn't matter if you pick either (the game do that for you anyway) it will always land on heads
This game filtered me hard
Am I a brainlet or is this part retarded? Considering chance and multiverses, shouldn't tails be scored a few times?
heads by Tails
how did it filtered you, this game is easy as hell
t. Kain apologists
So, will Levine ever do another game?
Its been like 7 years since they started the new studio.
Was Bioshock Infinite the most intellectual games ever made? It was very deep and smart. Not for everyone, that's for sure.
Can't make a game without money
Probably using the studio money for his up-the-nose expenses
lol no but it is fun for the most part
What else is a king to do?
he already blew his reputation with Infinite, pretty sure anyone that offers him will be cautious
I choose...
This game wasn’t nearly as bad as people pretend it was, and the plot had some interesting ideas like having the Luteces as a pair of omnipresent beings controlling everything from a distance. Burial at sea was shit though. Also
Infinite was generally bad, but I did like the Lutesces a lot even if their little appearances didn’t add much.
>wait a minute, that card
imagine fucking your genderbent alternate dimension self
You need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.
>Story runs out of steam.
>Lettuce twins warp in to point Booker and Liz in a new completely different path.
Piece of shit game does this like three times.
The biggest crime was despite Elizabeth being the face of SFM Porn, Rosalind has gone completely ignored.
Agreed. They’re kind of like the strange man from rdr, they don’t add any real substance to the story but it’s interesting when they pop up
Very keyed
I didn’t put nuthin’ up.
it's basically a giant waste of potential, just look at the E3 gameplay and all the demos, its looks and sounds interesting. its cyberpunk 2077 but before it was cool
Literally, the only two (1) good characters in the entire game. The game should have had more Battleship Bay moments with them just dicking around with time and space like when they're playing baseball.
Also that sweet, sweet Jennifer Hale selfcest sauce. That's a good bonus.
Levine fucked this game up like he does everything he touches. And don't even get me started on Burial At Sea 2.
I think it wpuld've been cool if some outside force distracted booker and made him land on tails.
I should read the thread before posting. Based take.
Columbia is a fantastic setting that's squandered with whatever shoehorned racism plot they were poorly working into the narrative along with unnecessary timeline hopping plots; But fuck if a lot of the scenery isn't immersive, like the area with Elizabeth's surgery and the tornado, or right after in that suite Comstock room before you board the shuttle to his flagship. The scenes and areas in the game really stick out.
Am I the only one that thinks this game is pure kino? Played Bioshock 1 and 2 on release, picked up Infinite and loved it and Burial at Sea is still some of the best DLC content for story I've played. I can't tell if everyone is memeing because they don't get it.
Definitely squandered some serious potential, and the downgrades from the e3 gameplay are pathetic by comparison. The time hopping was a fun idea at first but they overused it to the point where it felt nothing in the games world mattered. Which the ending then drove home in spades. But still a gorgeous game with some fun characters, they just couldn’t get the pieces together to make something special
The "Twins" were honestly the best part of the game. They stole the scene every time they appeared and are actually interesting characters, even in scenes where they seem to just ramble about nonsense.
>Literally, the only two (1) good characters in the entire game
They actually are two separate characters despite being the "same" person. It's kind of the point of the story that a single change in your history can completely change who you are as a person. And with the "twins" their personalities are subtly different enough to be seen as individuals, and isn't as black and white as one being a man and one being a woman. Both are monotone people of science, sure, but Rosalind is a fatalist who only sees everything as a science experiment and that fate can't be avoided, while Robert is more optimistic and always considers the variable that humans are not a rational constant and that fate can be denied. Robert is also the one who felt enough guilt to try and reunite Booker and Elizabeth. Rosalind is against it, and only agrees to help out of selfishness that Robert would leave her if she doesn't help him. Robert cares about people, Rosalind only cares about herself and Robert.
The coin flip is not random there, it's a representation of Booker's attempts to free Elizabeth. He has failed 122 times (heads) so far and Rosalind believes he will always fail because "constants and variables". His being a failure seems to be one of the constants.
It was fun and I’ll admit the first time I played infinite the ending choked me up a bit. But burial at sea for me felt like trying to shoehorn in one games lore into the other. Plus it just wasn’t fun watching Elizabeth give up her quantum superposition for the sake of one child, felt like an unnecessary sacrifice
The biggest issue with the game isn't the story, but the gameplay. It's a downgrade in almost every way to the other two Bioshock's, and it wasn't even like Bioshock 1's gameplay was exactly the strong point of it.
The bullet sponge ghost boss who constantly summons additional enemies to further soak up bullets and forces you to keep chasing after her may honestly be one of the worst segments I've ever played in a video game.
Nah, I agree with you. Finally bought the Trilogy a few years ago, played all the Bioshocks in the release order and it quickly became one of my favourite franchises and Infinite one of my Top 10-15 games. Played it twice to get all the cheevos and loved every minute of it. Fantastic soundtrack, too.
Just set up a fire trap and blow her up. No chasing needed.
aye but at least the art design still holds up
I have a feeling that the people who like Infinite are mostly people who weren't there for the initial release and got caught up in the hype, and so get to see it through fresher eyes.
There was a lot promised that was left on the cutting room floor from the early gameplay trailers, so it felt like a giant "what could have been" while playing through it. Elizabeth's powers nerfed, Elizabeth's design "nerfed" (and then oddly "buffed" again for the DLC), a morality system where you would want to balance how much you use her powers, choices matter segments removed, entire antagonists and plotlines removed from the game, an enemy archetype turned into a security camera for a single section (it doesn't even make sense how they work. They're blind but have super hearing, why do they operate with a cone of vision?)
Cutting stuff and changing how things work is common in game development. The problem was they showed this stuff off at E3 and the build up to launch, and this ended up being one of the first major examples of a game not living up to the lofty expectations that the marketing had given it. Critics giving it 10/10s across the board only seemed to further anger people who saw it as a downgrade.
The Mad Men of videogames, pure low IQ jew wank with no actual substance
yea but heads or tails?
youve been betting it your entire life. you just havent known it. now call it.
does it change anything
Infinite was beloved on release, dude. Even outside of ridiculous 96 journo score on metacritic. The visuals were sick, game is very flashy and there was plenty of waifufaggotry. It was only after honeymoon period ended that people started noticing how shallow everything about this game is.
>visuals, scripted events, and waifushit
Yes, low IQ garbage
And no it wasnt beloved on release by anybody but retards who listen to journalists. Anybody with a brain was disappointed we didn't get a game like the 15 minute gameplay trailer
Rosalind is also the more autistic of the two, happily divorced from the usual human perspective and conventions. Robert on the other hand is more human and apparently struggled pretty hard to adjust to their strange existence at first. Robert then became Rosalind's conscience, forcing her to acknowledge her failings and the humane element in general.
>Rosalind: "A disagreeable fellow, this Suchong."
>Robert: "That's surprising, I'd imagine he'd be right up your street."
>Rosalind: "Hmph. I feel dirty sharing a universe with the man."
>Robert: "How poorly we see our own traits in others."
Rosalind: "What do you mean?"
>Robert: "You both see the world through a lens of science."
>Rosalind: "And what's wrong with that?"
>Robert: "Ask young Ms. Comstock."
It's a pretty cool take on selfcest, to be honest.