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FFVII is no longer a story about anything. It's now just a product for people who want to see the characters waved around in front of their eyes in a consequence free world that goes on forever and ever like the MCU

there's still a story. it just integrates all the FF7 spinoffs
also if you use roman numerals for naming final fantasy titles you got the big gay

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What is this even supposed to mean

even if you don't agree you'd have to be legally retarded to not understand the point

A product is becoming a.... product? Wow, you're so deep and cool bro.

Wrong. They’ve literally said the remake is a *reimagining* of the original game. The compilation is *not* linked. Please move on. This isn’t Advent Children.. It’s not even in the same canon. The remake is its own thing, the Compilation isn’t going anywhere.. It’s. A. Re. Make. It’s not connected to the compilation of FFVII. It’s a reimagined *reboot*. It’s supposed to be new. They’ve literally said it’s not connected to the Compilation whatsoever.
The original FFVII isn’t being “replaced”. It still exists, and on, like, *eight* platforms now. That’s its own thing, while the remake is an alternate take. It’s a fresh take, not connected to compilation. It’s not linked to the Compilation of FFVII.
You don’t speak for ALL the fans. Just because it isn’t what YOU wanted, doesn’t mean the same for everyone. The remake was always a reimagining of the original. The compilation is entirely separate canon. Go enjoy that instead~! Luckily Remake is essentially a fresh take, disconnected from the Compilation~ It’s a remake. It’s not connected to the compilation. Move on. Also worth noting they’ve said it has *no* connection to Compilation.
Fresh re-imagining, same devs, with new devs being OG fans. Nojima wanted to do a different take on *his* story. Why do exactly 1:1 all over again? VII Remaster exists, this is a Remake. It is absolutely NOT a “sequel”. It is an entire renewal of the original FFVII.
They have *specifically stated* it has no connection to the Compilation.
It is *intentionally* disconnected. It’s a *remake*. It is not connected to the compilation. MOVE ON. It is a *reboot*. Do you obsessive idiots realise how much time/money/resources/studio hire/^everything* what you’re demanding would take? You’re being ridiculous. Grow up. People need to stop linking to any of Compilation’s canon.

even better



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all this cope because of retards at se inserted muh destiny muh plot ghosts muh timelines muh zack alive retarded garbage... damn dude

There's a story? I thought it was just about jerking off to this slut in the OP

>there's still a story. it just integrates all the FF7 spinoffs
>ff7 spinoffs

literal garbage for braindamaged retards who never played the only game that ever matter which is ff7

not disagreeing with you here user

>be a videogame
>have a story, have characters
>hurr durr story about nothing

>One good completed product with a conclusion
>A hundred products all using the legacy of the one good completed project, stringing fans along forever with a new story that won't have a conclusion

>he says this when FF7's shitty writing includes some of the worst deus ex machina and lazy writing there is
But sure, jerk off to that nostalgia of yours harder.

nice thread, Jimbo

Just say you're angry at the post instead of pretending to misunderstand it. If you really want to tell everyone you're too much of a brainlet to understand what's being said then go ahead, we'll make you a dunce hat.

Tifa Cockhard

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he understands it, he just doesn't want to say he has no problem with SE milking him until the end of time


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Maybe next time rewrite your arguments so they make sense

Okay, you've chosen option B. Here's your dunce hat.

That's not how body portions work

I agree.

yes it is retard


aw sweet a jimbo thread

Literally dismissed "fate"
From this point on its Mr Numora's Wild Ride, at the admission of $70 a ticket for pic related

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Sounds like a lot of fun. What's the problem again?

Of course Remakefags are too retarded to use Roman numerals.

Can't wait for tidus to show up

What an utterly nonsensical take. You clearly don’t understand the actual core plot/lore of FFVII. It’s also ALL written by Kazushige Nojima (original concept by Nomura), the entire compilation, INCLUDING the original.
You’re full of elitist self-entitlement.

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>What's the problem again?
It's not what people expected

The fact you got more than one retard disagreeing shows how newfaggotry has taken over. The age of fully realized products with themes and intentions behind them are gone, fuck you buy FFVII-2 and be happy

>how newfaggotry has taken over
>replying to a shitposting pasta sincerely

>not connected to Advent Children
>literally a sequel to it
damn how does it feel to be retarded

Who is this faggot?

>It’s a reimagined *reboot*.
It's literally called FFVII REMAKE.


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I've never understood why people don't like the idea of FFX characters showing up in remake. Lorewise it's perfectly possible, and it would be fun to see what the different casts would say to each other if they met. Some people just hate fun I guess, or they never look into things deeper and find out what lore is beneath the surface.

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I will now buy your game(s).

If you never played the original, there's no problem, essentially
If you have, there's two schools of thought on the matter
1) you're pissed. Acknowledging that the combat was inevitable, and possibly having square roll in aspects of the plethora of ff7 side games was a distinct possibility
To have the game almost literally tell the player (more notably people who played the original) that literally any fucking thing can happen now with no time ghost (another stupid new thing) intervention
2) it's new, its final fantasy, or at least another AAA game, and fuck, you just gotta consoom

And that's a good thing.

i am going to hunt you down and cut your internet cable

Meant for

I think there are a lot of genuinely braindead manchildren who consume nothing other than "franchise" media and think this is normal. If all you watch is star wars and capeshit then yeah, you think this is how media should be. They won't watch 12 Angry Men until 13, 14, 15 Angry Men are confirmed, as well as an Angry Women spinoff. To them, more is always better. They hate endings because endings mean "no more"
And there must always be more.

I’m very much a fan of all the Star Wars and am in favor of more so…yeah?

It's a sequel either set in the same timeline or a new one to keep it separated from the original.

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Someone has to have made porn using her in game model by now

Did they fix tifas boobs yet

All the shitty mods to "restore her old outfit" made me appreciate her new look. This is peak Tifa.


fuk u basterd bich

What about the timeline where Sephiroth wins and Gaia gets flooded?

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what about the timeline where tifa jerks me off

Sorry bro, that timeline was removed from existence

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It's already canon, and SE seem to be pushing the crossover element further recently. Some idiots will be mad if Tidus or anyone else from Spira shows up in Remake but this has been canon for almost 20 years. Anyone mad about it "ruining" things are idiots.

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there isn't a single good reason to keep FFX and FFVII separate. it's just purists crying as usual.

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