So why is this fucked up monster face in Stormveil? I thought Godwyn was buried near the Erdtree roots?

So why is this fucked up monster face in Stormveil? I thought Godwyn was buried near the Erdtree roots?

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because its mysterious

godwyn is spreading.

Godwyns body is a living parasite on the great/erdtree that is spreading and infecting the entire world and making spooky faces everywhere

it's just Godwyn manifesting as a massive fucking cancer that's spreading all over the lands between

Who's Godwyn?

just play the gaem, user

why is he so fucking ugly?
Why is everyone in this game so fucking ugly?

He is, but he infected the roots and basically parts of him now grow everywhere on the map, even in Farum Azula for some reason. In some areas you even have fucking crabs with an underdeveloped version of his face on their backs

Son of Marika and Godfrey, beloved by all. He might have orchestrated an assisted suicide alongside Ranni.

because his soul is dead and he exists purely as a growth on the root of an ayylmao tree that exists to recycle souls

Cursed by black knifes. Design choice. Berserk is great.

FromSoft wanted to appeal to westerners

It is Godwyn, he is part of the Erdtree now spreading his same cursed death. You can see little godwyn faces growing on the crabs in the pond with all the death roots in Liurna. The original body exists in the roots but his essence is disseminated Sephiroth Style


He was a gigachad before Ranni betrayed him.
He was probably the prime demi god and everybody was seething deep down when they met him knowing they are inferior, like Ranni.

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>Doll Ranni

His face is literally at the Erdtree roots as well.

I beat it.

very yes

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>Assisted suicide
Is this the new Tranni cope?

you upset that there's no morbidly ob- american healthy characters?

It's the face of Zanzibart the Accursed

kill yourself faggot

not upset just disappointed

no you

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twitter meme

You can find them in the capital moat

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The lore is, and this is not even a smidge incorrect or ironic or a joke;

>Godwyn was a pretty-boy blonde haired chad man
>And then he got stabbed with Evil Knife and died
>And actually he didn't "die" he mutated into a giant plant-fish-squid-fungus-thing that isn't really "alive" it's actually just some form of corruption that spreads all over the world.
>But it doesn't actually MEAN anything, nothing touched by his corpse or its' presence anywhere has any bearing on anything that has ever happened in the lore.
>In fact, literally no person or thing in the entire game even mentions that it exists at all except Fia one time right before she dies.

The big crab close to the liurnia tibia mariner has his face. I believe the small crabs close to the wall of leyndell also have it.

Honestly having a handsome but clearly no longer living deathmask appear in all these places would be pretty unsettling too.

No fucking way he would commit suicide. He's a good man, but helping Ranni would only cause problems to everyone

screenshot of the farum azula godwyn?

Three fucking playthroughs and I still haven't round this AAAAAA

>ranni kills godwyn
>godwyn curse is spreading through the world fucking everything up

how can anybody say she's good?

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I thought that was just a reference to that DS1 snake.

4 hands at the same time dude

The Japanese text implies Ranni is going to free the world from the Urdtree and allow Humanity to trace their destiny in the stars like they did before, while also keeping the voidborn away.

Destined Death (Godwyn's power) is mentioned quite a few times in both items and a couple of NPCs as being part of the reason why everything is super fucked.

Godwyn turned into death cancer thats spreading everywhere, you can actually see it in a bunch of places.

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Because she's one end of the "No outer gods" spectrum.

Pretty sure Godwyn and the reign of life in death is also another "No outer gods" ending because Live in Death royally fucks over the Greater Will.

If she restores the rune of death it should be fix itself, but she never says she's going to do that so oh well

If you're asking why he specifically looks like that, the two most reasonable theories I've seen are that he's reverting to some sort of primordial form (what a sea god might look like) and that, because he's embedded in the roots of the Erdtree, he's gradually amalgamating bits of all the souls passing through it for rebirth.

I mean, why the fuck was he buried at the roots of the Erdtree? You've basically grafted cancer onto the circulatory system of the land

we don't know if this is true since fia just wants go give birth with the rune of death.

Sorry I don't have any and I haven't seen it myself. I suspect it's a case of reused assets though because every other place he shows up in makes sense

Found it on my first playthrough by trying to make a jump in Stormveil Castle, failing it and falling into a seemingly bottomless pit, only to die on top of that fucking face. Immediatly made me think of Bloodborne shit

>Ranni killed one of the dozen almighty shitters that fucked the world up, you kill the other 11
>Marries you and you go honeymoon in outerspace away from all the bullshit

Wooow, how heinous. Age of the Gods forever amirite? Frampt pull up some stats

And what the fuck is this beautiful disaster?

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Isn't the rune of death already restored tho, thats how they kill Godwyn in the first place

he a space man

Thats a fully developed godwyn sprout. Check out the growths in the deathroot areas

Yeah, Fia's rune I'm not sure about but I'm talking about restoring Destined Death that you get from Maliketh back to the Elden Ring. Everything being fucked up is a direct result of Marika taking that shit out

Hey hold up. Ranni killed Godwyn, yes. But it's those who live in death that are cultivating his undead HeLa curse.

>Always thought he had a small galaxy/black hole in his skull
>It's actually an eye

the only person who fucked up the world are marika and ranni though.

An old Fallingstar Beast wearing a lot of extras, I'm pretty sure.

You get the rune of destined death from malekith though.

No, the black knives were forged with stolen fragments. The full rune was still being guarded by Maliketh


We will deal with godwyn in the slice of life sequel anime. The godwyn arc happens after the "ranni is insecure about her cooking skills" episode

You don't actually receive it, it just sort of gets freed. I'm not sure that it's reincorporated into the Elden Ring at the end either. Honestly I'm not sure what happens exactly after you kill Maliketh

>simps can't accept their waifu is evil

>how can anybody say she's good?

I know we're all shitposting here and everyone is behind 7 proxies of pretending not to know or care or read or think about what is presented to them, but there's a basic underlying premise that is literally mandatory to understand when trying to parse Fromsoft games that for some reason EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU is too retarded to ever conceptualize.

When the games introduce a lore concept with a name, a lot of times that name will be a word that we are all colloquially familiar with, things like Soul or Rune or Death or Humanity or Order or Gold. And then people like you, dumb people, everyone in this thread and every other one say "Oh wow, I know what the word 'death' means in English, so I understand what it means in this game's made-up world!"

But the fact is you don't. Because they're not using the word in the context of our real life experience, they're using it as a name for a completely made-up fictional concept that can and does mean something entirely different.

So when Elden Ring says, the most simplistic terms, "Ranni orchistrated the Death of the demi-gods, and now wants to free every being from Rebirth", you interpret that one way based on your real life understanding of those words, causing you to think she's doing something bad, when in the context of this fictional world where these terms have entirely different meanings, her actions (and everyone's) have entirely different contexts.

Literally all you people have to do is think a single thought. Just have ONE thought in your entire lives. Please.

name 1 better ending for the average LB inhabitant

Was that bloodstain Rogier?

>people still havent made the connection

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What do you mean, that's not Astel

It's not evil to want to have free will, just look at how Blaidd and Malekith ended up because of the greater will.

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Gurranq is still alive and hanging out in his sanctum after you you kill Maliketh. It's either an oversight or things are incredibly fucky.

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after Marika fucked up the world there can only be one ending

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The one who fucked up the world was GW and his Elden Beast/Elden Ring.
They are parasites, the world was doing it's own thing before they appeared. Ranni and Marika just tried to push it away after they discovered what it really was doing.

>I'm not sure that it's reincorporated into the Elden Ring at the end either.
No ending of the game ever depicts the Elden Ring at the end of the game. There is no lore or hints or implications that the Elden Ring exists when you take the throne. You don't reforge it, you don't make it whole again, you literally just sit in a chair. There is no lore that implies Elden Lord as a title has anything at all to do with the Elden Ring, they are completely separate and unconnected concepts that never intersect.

Rogier gettin infected with the thorns (the death curse the ds1 basilisk spit at you)

he's a big guy

90% of posters don't even understand what Ranni's ending is about, just look at the replies to your post.

If you finish Gurranq's quest he has an extra line when you fight him. So this is some weird time is convoluted bullshit

No, because astel is a malformed star

FallingStar beasts have the same eye.
You can see more of it if you stagger and riposte it.

Farum Azula is some "place away from time" type shit.

>The one who fucked up the world was GW and his Elden Beast/Elden Ring.
They have been doing this shit for 100000 years.
Marika probably had her menstruation which lead to her spreging out like all women do.

The prompt for the ending is "Mend the Elden Ring"