Attached: 1e9921e922d40ba28e8741de36cdd511.jpg (1600x1583, 380.02K)

head is not proportional to the body

Less concerning than the double long copy that torso

The head is alright, it's the arms that are fucked.


the more i look at it the more fucked the proportions become

>Not those horrendous shoulders
>Or the ridiculously long torso
>Or that foreshortening on the arms


Attached: ToT.png (512x512, 35.17K)

Do you people not know what perspective is? You're looking at her from below.

proportionfags btfo

>Perspective made her torso two times too long, her right forearm shorter than her upper right arm, her left arm longer twice as long as her right, her left shoulder nonsensical and bent her fucking ribcage to top it all off.
Just do us all a favor next time and shut the fuck up you literal incarnation of dunnin kruger syndrome.

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Since we're all critiquing art in here I gotta say, looking at the real picture for this thread my first reaction was "that looks traced from an artist I know... can't place the name though"
but of course I was a fool, the watermark in the corner tells us that gaping pussy is a genuine Bosshi.

>lets turn an infamous british serial killer from history into a loli
this is why japan succeeds and the west fails.

Attached: 1603491881572.jpg (1377x2039, 1.4M)

:baw: :anger:

what about making Jack a mother instead?

>draw a child
>make her wear a thong
>give her massive child bearing hips
How the hell does fate get away with this

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it s not the head its the long torso

Attached: 1649239016761.jpg (1600x1583, 193.16K)

>caring about the upper half in a Jack picture

Attached: [Aokumashii]_Buchikome__High_Kick!_012.png (368x425, 182.38K)

Why couldn’t you image the perspective with a lens? Why don’t you ever sperg out when you see a lens is changing the proportions? Cause you understand the lens is doing that. If you use a photo with a lens like that for a reference this will be you result. Sometimes you need to consider more than MUH MECHANICS MUH PROPORTION. The artist exaggerates here intentionally you nigger

So the result is the head is actually too big for what he was trying to achieve the other art fags have Yea Forums disorder where they regurgitate what they see every single day

I just had to tweak it, I know what they were going for but I think they overshot it.

Attached: 1649239016761.jpg (1600x1583, 389.56K)

It’s not just the head. The entire thing is fucked.

Great work, user.

by not giving a shit to twitter troons complains

I'd let 'er rip right in my face

I'll want to fertilize her eggs if you know what I mean

Yeah I do. You mean you want to get her pregnant. That's not even a double entendre, it's literally what the process of insemination entails.

Its better, but she is still fundamentally broken. Cant be helped though this is usually what drawings made entirely from imagination suffer from. The upper body and lower body are imagined in slightly different angles and end up not aligning properly completely breaking her spine.

Like i said: kids are cruel, Jack. And I LOVE minors!

Attached: jack the ripper.jpg (705x1024, 133.71K)

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jack looks much cuter in shorts
change my mind

Attached: aac8b18ec0b93472ad43b20b6b25b434.png (1694x2003, 1.55M)

yeah dog it's called anime

Attached: e3e0da1291b1fd74f27b2f3d3fe556cb.jpg (848x1200, 409.24K)

nobody cares /ic/tranny, we just coom.

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Attached: 1528783262905.jpg (1060x1035, 142.52K)

cute corpse


>head is not proportional to the body
not according to my third eye

Attached: 1619741228433.jpg (1080x1026, 162.63K)

not bad
but i like lolijack more

>Yea Forums has competent artists in it
Thanks for the morning giggle, kiddos. Went great with my coffee! hee heee heee! Upvoted!


Attached: sample_eaf821c3415d0d01ad286ec2727863de.jpg (850x1040, 159.09K)

i was gonna post that

Attached: file.png (1050x1000, 1.64M)

Again with this? Plus of the main cast only Jetstream Sam was mostly flesh so this is very lore inaccurate.

cope tranny

can you show me what you mean? i've been looking at this and it seems fine.

furfags had to try and ruin this thread


Oh boy the tranny discord raid is here


What did she mean by this?

Attached: 545657719c168714c208a0c1d8ff19ca.jpg (1024x2048, 237.28K)

Imagine how soft and warm it must be inside

Attached: 1643278637594.gif (320x320, 436.5K)

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.28M)

sounds like what a lolicon would say.


Attached: 0E63C181-D30A-444E-A791-EAA076A355F4.png (3392x4000, 396.17K)

that is the face I make when rules of nature starts playing lol

Didn't ask

Funny you say that, because he ends up having his heart stolen by a high school student 10 years younger than him

no green arrow that's why you look like this and say this

mofu mofu...

third eye bros
we won

literally me

Laughing at all the dipshits who obviously don't see it