The popularity of the new Fortnite mode PROVES that boomers and millennials are more entitled than any other generation...

The popularity of the new Fortnite mode PROVES that boomers and millennials are more entitled than any other generation.

rather than fucking getting good at building they just called it a no skill shitshow. I'm a 95 kid and even I just accepted that yeah, i ain't good enough for Fornite. Boomers have been doing the same shit since CoD4. Dropshots? lolnoskill, remove it from the game, Qscope? lol no skill.

All these fucking changes and handholding is because of boomers and millennials. the WORST GENERATION.

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All it proves is how few people liked the building

Its more fun

I don't play Fortnite

I thought building was fine but I still enjoy the no-build mode. You're right that people don't give the skill involved in building credit for some reason, as if any skill that isn't shooting is somehow valueless - but pure shooting is also fun.

I'm loving how the casual fucking toddlers with no aim are pissed that they can't hide behind walls anymore.

na, every kid was playing FN. pretty sure it was the most popular game for years and years.

all epic games was missing out on was the free advertising from boomer streamers. all the boomer streamers quit the game cos they couldn't keep up. Now they introduced the mode and their viewership is back up.

You gonna post porn of that chick or what?

the building part was my only turn off, not because "it was difficult" but because players could put up cover where ever, and pollute the loot game with resources instead of guns and ammo.
shooting at a player who then panic builds a taj mahal is comedical at best

i 100% agree. i'm having a lot of fun doing no builds too. but boomers who couldn't keep up are inhaling pure copium when they say it required no skill.

>there are actual, unironic zoomnite players here

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sounds like a get good problem to me. anyone that overbuilt was just cucking themselves. if you didn't learn to punish people overbuilding that was your fault.

okay boomer

your favorite game is not entitled to my time

building sucks and there are plenty of other games without it

The building mode is fucking cancer nobody with a brain touched fortnite after playing it for more than 1 hour.

Now it's a fun shooter

Nobody says it's no skill the problem is it's not fun. I've never heard anyone that wasn't absolutely malding call it no skill.

boomers playing elden ring...


Boomers playing Fornite...


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Why don't you build yourself some bitches

Shut the fuck up zoomer faggot nobody cares.

heres the funny part, i've actually never played fortnite, i've only seen gameplay of it.

Building just isn't fun no matter how skillful it might be. It's boring as a motherfucker to shoot a guy once and watch them spend 20min building walls and floors and whatever. I don't want to play a shooter with 20min of destroying walls inbetween, I just want to shoot them. It's the reason PUBG, Warzone, etc, are better. Because you can just shoot a motherfucker and not have to play Base Builder inbetween every single fight. You already have resources like healing, ammo, the circle, etc, to take care of, it's boring and annoying to also have to manage and build walls/bases every fight.

You can be good at it, good for you, I don't care though, it sucks.

yeah. the reason why it wasn't fun is because they weren't good at it. as soon as any good streamer comes across anyone competent in let's say Warzone the game suddenly 'wasn't fun'

face it. you got filtered.

Does someone want to tell me why having a game mode without building is a bad thing or are you just here to shitpost like a little bitch?

Shut up retard. Go outside.

>I'm a 95 kid
what the fuck are you doing playing fortnite all day you're fucking 26, get a job, get a wife, buy a house, marry, have sex, get children, accomplish something you retard.

it's fine. but it's just another one of those cases where boomers screech and hiss till they get their way so it caters to them.

>wagecelling in this clown world

i'll pass bro.

I'm 30+ and already did all that. Stop wasting your youth shitposting zoomie.

>95 kid
You're a grown ass millenial, get a job looser

Holding one button and shitting walls without any cooldowns is not a skill.

I was 19 in 2017 when it was popular and my entire friend group dropped it in 2018 when clearly adderalled up 15 year old faggots trying to get their break on Twitch started the taj mahal meta

If you're still here replying to shitposts after all that you must have settled for the lowest of lows : shit minwage job, ugly fat wife, appartment and low IQ children. It's still time to reset your build.

>he genuinely thinks that's what building is

You should probably practice what you preach you fat fuck

>fortnite more popular then it has been since its peak
>queue times for build modes keeps increasing
>no build modes get instant games
Yeah I'm thinking she saved Fortnite.

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You guys do know that 90% of the player base used Macros to build right? is one of the big reasons why the mode came to be, it was adding a no build mode or simplify building to preset one button structures.

I honest to god how people that don't play the game can throw disinformed opinions like this.

>na, every kid was playing FN
Yeah, the battle royale mode where you kill people, not the actual mode that requires you to build forts and defences which is where the game's namesake comes from. It's only in more recent years that the building meta evolved. Earlier on, few people were building anything aside from occasional walls as cheap defence.

there is simply absolutely nothing fun about attempting to out-autism another player building your motel 6 on top of one another while looking for the split milliseconds that you can get a clear shot
the no-build mode gives players a pure shooter experience like every other game in this genre does and what do you know, people like it

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Building took skill that doesn't mean that the majority of players found it fun, including people who were good at it. In high level games it only resulted in people building mazes and waiting out the final circle, which is an issue most BR games have at a high level, but being able to build fortifications only made it worse.

retard. literally within the first year the BR launched is when ninja took off. and his building was crazy for that time.

I get if you don't find building fun, that's understandable, but saying that building doesn't take skill does seem like somewhat of a cope.
Now this I wasn't aware of. I do play the game on and off - haven't played in a while but did get back in with the no-build mode. That's a shame if that's the case, since I do think the idea of building your own cover, essentially turning building materials into an extra health or shield bar is a cool one even if it's not that well implemented. Thanks for informing me though, user.
I want her to sit on my FACE

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>95 kid
user you're 3 years away from being 30, it's time to stop making threads like these

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It wasn't building that's a problem, it's what build became. If the whole game was more than "turbo build into over 200 pump shot" then building wouldn't be hated so much. Fortnite has COUNTLESS items that have been nerfed and/or vaulted to defend this 5 year meta. No build opens up new tactics and that's fun

youre here forever

Wrong. Fortnite BR took off immediately when the mode released.

that's what i said?

Yeah, I miss stuff like traps. I remember one of the first times I played the BR that felt great and it was looting one of those spike traps, running into a house, planting it on the floor on the second floor next to the stairs - then running away and getting a kill message like a minute later.
Autism towers are probably the least interesting part of building - they should introduce stuff to make building fortifications as more than just a temporary shield worthwhile.

Ninja didn't take off until 2018

I'm 31 and I play Fortnite. I made this just the other day:

>Wrong. Fortnite BR took off immediately when the mode released.
No it absolutely didn't. People were laughing at it when they first announced it because at the time PUBG was huge and the idea of something ripping it off so shamlessly while also having a cartoon asthetic only seemed like it was going to fail. It took a few months before streamers/youtubers started to really give it a try and then it exploded once they started to add performance updates to the console versions. People seem to forget that fortnite ran at an unstable 30fps on consoles originally.



Blatantly wrong on all fronts. Fortnite BR took off immediately because of the controversy sparked between bluehole (PUBG) and Fortnite BR. This caused a huge number of people to check out Fortnite BR since it was completely free and being covered by the press due to the legal dispute at the time. It blew up literally overnight.

post alien macarena 1

>dude just git gud against turbo sperg twelve year olds that practice buildpumping 10 hours per day

I don't get why they don't just play something else.
There's a million generic shooters out there that don't involve building.

they are the same people that bitch about fetish porn
everything has to be for them to consume

What about: building, but
>your cap on building mats is hugely nerfed (less than 50-100?)
>stuff that hasn't been completed yet doesn't offer any protection/you can shoot through the gaps
>wooden structures are only good for structural/concealment purposes and let through all rounds, albeit maybe at a slight damage reduction
>brick structures only stop pistol caliber rounds (pistols, smgs) and shotguns, all others pen
>metal can only be penned by snipers
>you can only edit structures once fully built, and there's a cooldown before you can edit again
I feel like that would still allow for some tactical flexibility & opportunities with building, but it wouldn't be something you could shit out at a moment's notice. Building stronger structures would actually become useful, and maybe we'd see more people actually building forts instead of autism towers.

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There's actually very few options now that are still active enough to play

I thought Warzone and Apex were both doing well, and doesn't PUBG still have a decent playerbase? I've not played WZ or PUBG but I thought they were doing okay.


Because no other game lets me do the Rick Roll dance as Ryu.

Solid argument, honestly. That's why I got back in, although in my case it was doing the default dance as the xenomorph.

PUBG was dying but is doing better now with the f2p release. Warzone and Apex both have pretty solid playerbases as well. The problem is that battle royale is fucking boring.

Then why complain about Fortnite not being what you want, then? Fortnite is a BR (besides STW but even the devs ignore that), so it's going to have the same issues.