Was Bloodborne influence a mistake?

Was Bloodborne influence a mistake?
>Can roll 7-8 times by default (instead of 3-5 times like in DS1/2) to justify enemies doing 10 hit combos
>Couldn't balance armor/poise so they kept it nerfed and nearly useless dark souls 3 tier state, not worthy of investing endurance just to wear better stuff. Have fun still being staggered by rats while wearing heaviest armor in the game
>Outspacing your enemy doesn't matter, its all about baiting ADHD mode combo so that maybe you can punish it with one r1
>dual wielded dex bleed weapons stagger enemy harder than colossal swords and weapons
>if you're str chad staggering enemies with colossal weapons often leaves you no time to land crit, because they recover too fast, just as if you staggered them with normal sword

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It's not something you can simply blame Bloodborne for. It was always going to end up like this.
If you wanna entertain people who already "got gud" you simply have to increase the pacing of the combat as the result. This will only get worse with the next games. Bosses will keep doing faster and more unpredictable moves with Fromsoft "balancing" this by giving players a lot of bullshit options to get around it.

git gud

Game is more enjoyable once you forget STR builds and weapons exist

nearly all wrong, sage for being bad at the game

>another crying poisebabby

Pathetic showing from the STR "chads""""""

>Dark Souls and Demons Souls pretty much feel the same
>fairly slow with low amount of rolls
>Dark Souls 2 is also slow but the game increases the difficulty by letting you fight multiple enemies at the same time way more often
>Bloodborne changes things up yet again by making everything faster - you and the enemies
>Dark Souls 3 one-ups that by making the enemies as fast as Bloodborne enemies - but you are not as fast as in Bloodborne
>Sekiro is basicly a rhythm game which also adds vertical systems to the combat
>Elden Ring has all of that plus enemies constantly read your inputs and hold their attacks to punish the players harder

What kind of bullshit will they make up for the next game?

>muh input reading

How dare the enemies react to you and try to attack instead of just throwing a fee hitboxes in your general direction

I am not against enemies "reacting" to the player. But if the AI just reacts to your exact inputs things can get annoying pretty quickly.
My problem isn't really them attacking me for healing - thats fine and also easy to take into account. My problem is enemies just sitting there and waiting for you to make your first move in order to punish you for it with a long ass combo. Atleast add a random factor where they do read your inputs but not 100% of the time - That was people also won't be able to cheese certain bosses by forcing them into moves which end up killing them.

>Input reading isn't a free hitbox for him
imagine being a magiclet.

bloodborne is fine, dark souls 3 was the mistake

>>Outspacing your enemy doesn't matter, its all about baiting ADHD mode combo so that maybe you can punish it with one r1
No it definitely still matters retard.

Waitung for your opponent to make a move is a solid strategy

It is but it simply doesn't work very well in a game like this. Because enemies never move away from their established patterns.
If i see a boss like Margit put his stick above his head i know that i can't attack him or otherwise he will punish me for it. I have to wait a few seconds before i can even attempt touching him. This happens every time and it always plays out the same.

Bloodborne sped up the combat, but also gave the player aggressive tools in speed, dodge, rallying, a ranged parry etc. It was designed with intent. Dark Souls 3 had its enemy and boss design influenced by BB, but no real change to the player character outside making rolls cheaper as a concession.

Ye the issue is though enemies start reacting to your action before you character has even started to move because there is half a second of input delay after letting go of the button.

The core problem with the format is that it has essentially become a caricature of a combat system that hasn't actually meaningfully iterated on itself in a decade yet is being stretched to its absolute limit.

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str builds and weapons are very strong

and all of this stemming from the original sin of putting an invincible roll in the game lol

i-frames are fine, but Souls games are far too generous with them.

b..but jump attacks and horse combat

people endlessly screeched about ds2 having nerfed rolls so what can you do

i have no idea honestly. nioh lets you block while dodging but that just lets them go even harder on the spastic combo autism.

>inject bosses with adrenaline and cocaine
>keep player's clunky combat jank
>make bosses read your inputs
>extend the already long input delay artificially to make you even slower
Fuck Miyazaki and his team of lazy hacks.

10 hit combos are fine, as long as boss has also some attacks that leave them exposed to balance the fight. If its just 10 hit combo after 10 hit combo its kinda tedious

ER player is sanic fast, rolls arr plentiful and cheap and you got a ton of options on how to approach a boss. Nothing wrong with rollcatching shitters

Mad because bad

>Outspacing your enemy doesn't matter
it matters more than ever actually
bosses precisly wont do long combos if you position and space yourself properly
you can easily test this out, throw on best shield you have, hold it up and just circle the bosses at different spacing without attacking
>if you're str chad staggering enemies with colossal weapons often leaves you no time to land crit, because they recover too fast, just as if you staggered them with normal sword
i havent tried colossals but the crit damage is pretty fucking pathetic in most cases, you usually do more damage by just spamming attack or doing high damage WA during the downtime at least with regular weapons

Hey I'm building STR but its only for the iron ball fists. Fight Knight lives on.

>If i see a boss like Margit put his stick above his head i know that i can't attack him or otherwise he will punish me for it.
what the fuck are you talking about thats like the best punish window for margit, you just get behind him and let him fucking have it

>You should get good
>and you got a ton of options on how to approach a boss.
Cheating by Summoning player/spirit ashes/using magic is not "having ton of options" That's just a cope for people who are bad
You either defeat it old fashion r1/r2 + roll or block style or you haven't really beaten anything

>you got a ton of options on how to cheese a boss
Shit game design.

The game is beatable with torch only

Ashes and summons are options for low skill players. Lots of low skill shitters in these threads that think they are above such crutches

>Ashes and summons are options for low skill players
for u

>wait through waves of attacks for an opening
>finally get one
>hit enemy once
>they leap away and the pattern starts all over again

Seriously, have you not played the fucking game and just repeat the memes, here a youtube video that shows how precisely that attack is there to give you free hits:

>get hit through wall
>"lawl git gud"
Yea trying to fight everything fair and square but dying to bullshit because the devs can't code for shit becomes tedious after a while. Even Miyazaki realized this hence why they threw the summons in.

Thats been a thing since Demons Souls mate, did it take you 6 games for it to become a problem

what's the point of putting 30 points in endurance to equip big weapon and armor, you're gonna get staggered by everything and stun enemies less than a moonveil
my first playthrough was STR and it was pain. my second was DEX/INT and it was retardedly easy

What's everybody's malfunction with STR? I picked up a UGS despite the whining and it's my go to for when something's giving me trouble.

>how can we make this enemy a challenge?
>what if he can teleport anywhere around the player and is invincible during his teleportation frames?
>and when he is done teleporting he can either do a rush that stunlocks the player or spew a giant AOE attack that causes a status effect?
Fromsoft clearly have hit their creative limits when it comes to ways to up the combat ante if this is what they're giving us.

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You can beat the game with anything, even naked with a club. Nobody's saying the game is unbeatable with STR weapons, they're just so much weaker than DEX weapons it's disgusting

Holy shit, there are so many enemies that are outright bullshit. Boss fights are barely fun and not worth the hassle to learn their patterns. If they even have something you can say pattern, and not some autistic outburst flailing with everything they have.
Seriously, the game is crippled by its own unnecessary one-shots and never ending chain attacks.

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The outspacing is one of the biggest crimes to me. Can't just move backwards so an enemy just misses you. Now you have to sprint like a retard and then back in. Just ruins to flow for me.

>removed everything fun about souls but kept the jank
Bravo Miyazaki.
Difference between ER and other souls games is that bosses were also somewhat limited by jank.

Bro it’s so easy. Just time your jumps, dodges and rolls in anticipation of enemy attacks. Once you spot the flow it’s second nature and you’ll be embarrassed you made this post. Enemies can basically never hit you if you learn to stop being such a scrub. I’m not even memeing you just haven’t honed into the pace and seriousness of the combat yet. After you do you’ll be like Neo in the matrix. It’s easy. Like every other from game is easy. You just gotta stop being a faggot and get good.

Armor is useful retard. You can easily get 40%-50% protection to physical the one attack type 90% of enemies do.
Yeah player poise is kinda of funky but your a moron if you dont think almost taking twice as many hits to die isn’t extremely useful. You also get stanima on top for the points so your going to want endurance regardless
Muh strength is bad meme is retarded and anyone who spews it just shows how bad they are. Is it better then a magic build in most fights? Kind of. But power stance jump attack colossus weapons rape any enemy in the game with zero thought and deal far far far more poise damage letting you stagger to get free damage or time to recover with estus for literal free all the goddamn time.

Play something else
Sounds like you have fundamental issues with how souls play
There are other videogames out there

>Couldn't balance armor/poise so they kept it nerfed and nearly useless dark souls 3 tier state, not worthy of investing endurance just to wear better stuff. Have fun still being staggered by rats while wearing heaviest armor

this one makes me seethe the most, proof of how the gitgud le prepare to die niggers ruined everything, people who forgot that the series were supposed to be an action RPGS meaning heavy armor and poise should be worth the investment but no because muh honorable balanced pvp experience

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its the pvp shitters who are complaining the most that the poise doesnt work exactly like it did before you do realize?

As other user said. The people that want poise to be buffed are usually pvp players, you do know that. right?
The only people who want armor to not matter and essentially the entire game become a shitty rhythm game are bloodborne fags

I've not played Elden Ring yet - can I play it with like a heavy guy in armor & greatshield, relying more on the ability to block than rolling/evading? Can you fatroll through the game without handicapping yourself too much?

Yeah sure. People beat these games with stupid challenges like fist only all the time.
The constant bitching is ungga bugga retards seething that their build choice is only super good but not super super good like dex or bleed
Str fags truly always been the most whiney annoying fuckers to ever exist.

You're allowed to have issues with something yet still enjoy it retard-kun

It’s a shit game with shit combat for casuals who think roll + mash r1 is deep and complex design.

First character I beat the game with was pure STR/END/VIT powerstancing two colossal hammers with full goat armor. Idk where this myth that Strength builds suck came from
because it made many bosses stupidly easy to beat. Dealing 3000+ damage with a single jumping attack and stance breaking any boss in 3-4 attacks is not weak.
I could often times just straight up trade hits with a boss and come out ahead. "LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!111" Malenia only took three attempts and she gets staggered super easy.
The fake strength chads got exposed in this game I guess.

You really do make it sound it like you arent enjoying it at all, and that the basic way souls play is an issue to you. You do realize I have nothing but what you type here to go by, retard-senpai

Is it really such a stupid challenge though? I get that being light on your feet has its advantages, but surely being a knight with a sword and shield, not rolling around everywhere shouldn't be considered a 'gimmick'?

>Play something else
I am. Why do fromdrones get so butthurt when people have legit criticism? From haven't improved their formula at all and the issues that plagued their first game still plagues this one while adding even more problems due to bad design decisions.

>armor or poise
>useless in ds3
get the fuck out of here retard

they literally added spirit ashes and free character rerolls in case you brick your character. I think the problem is that the game is too long for directly lifting the dark souls leveling system. it's where the whole vigor problem comes from. though, if it wasn't for the delayed attacks, the bosses were much fairer than DS3

Poise was great in DS1 and has been shit since because people complained about how broken it made PvP.

I don't even play PvP, but it's completely retarded how you and an enemy can wear the exact same armor set and they can stagger you with a flick of their finger while you have to chain them with several straight sword attacks to get the same result.

Its really becoming jarring how the player is limited to roll + r1 (pick your 1 good move or weapon art) while enemies and bosses have all kinds of cool moves.

ER is a huge step down from Sekiro

I swear none of you faggots actually played this game.

Str's power levels varies wildly depending on the weapon. Something like a greataxe doesn't hold a candle to dual wielding ultra-greatswords, and overall makes for a rather dismal experience.

>B-but muh ashes
Are literally good on every build and therefore entirely irrelevant. The only reason people bring them up is because they know regular R1s are so awful on heavy weapons you're better off relying on literally anything else.

respecs have been a thing since ds2 buddy

Like I said, if you dont like a game, dont play, thats all.
You are the one who sounds butthurt because your "legitimate criticism" isnt being validated by anonymous stranges on anime forum online.

They are mad because Elden Shit Ring is the biggest disappointment in gaming in years

>Dealing 3000+ damage
I was using a fully upgraded Greatsword and Grafted Blade Greatsword against her, and my jump attacks were doing under 2k with 60 strength.
Are the UGS weapons just very weak or something?

Its not? Your only treating it that way. The easiest way to fight malena the hardest boss in the franchise is simply just blocking her full anime move with the finger print shield and spacing her slashes with the occasional roll
Like are just more about dodging since bloodborne, its been half a decade. Why is everyone fucking confused.
Shields are still super viable especially great shields just like ds3 but people like dodging so the series became about dodging.

Except it's
>here is some broken shit to abuse the retarded unbalanced bullshit because we absolutely bricked this game

>You do realize I have nothing but what you type here to go by
You say that like the conclusions of a concave-skulled monkey like you has any value.
I'm not the user you were talking to by the way, I just found your profound inability to cope with criticism unsightly.

Sekiro had the right idea. ER feels like a step back.

Souls played better in the earlier games. I would bet that a large percentage of people who are unhappy with how combat has ended up in Elden Ring loved the combat in DS1.

Why are you faggots crying all the time. I'm playing an unga bunga pure str build and I have yet to encounter anything I couldn't beat by hitting it multiple times with an heavy object.

Most people agree though. You braindead contrarians are in the minority. Go and choke on elden dick some more.

Dark Souls IP should have never gone away from the methodical combat. Bloodborne and Sekiro being fast is amazing because the character capability and combat is designed for that gameplay direction.

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Technically ER isn't a step back since the two games were being developed simultaneously, Sekiro being handled by the B team. Ironic, isn't it.

Okay, I didn't know is all. If it's still a viable thing then that's good - I don't mind dodging, but some of my favourite games are the ones where you can just tank hits (like MH with the Lance).
Thanks for responding user, when I play ER I might give that a go - flail with shield like Conq from For Honor.

>Muh strength is bad meme is retarded and anyone who spews it just shows how bad they are
>But power stance jump attack colossus weapons rape
Dont you see a problem with this, you retard? That the only way to make colossals good, is to use overtuned jump attack? That not a single colossal GS has chad vertical slash slam r1?

>Most people agree though
Then why are you so butthurt when someone doesnt immediately validate your opinion?

That didn’t happen user. Yeah poise was super strong in pvp but fromsoft didn’t change the whole fucking armor system in all of their games because of pvp in DARK SOULS 1.
It was super busted in regular play so they just nerfed it because they don’t want the abilty to just tank a boss attack and mash r1 until you win to be a thing anymore
You do know demon souls poise was weak and only used for hypet armor too, right?
Dark souls 1 poise was not the okd way, it was an outlier. Its always been like this since the start

yes but you will be filltered by malenia

>Used summons
>Used Ashes
>Used Bleed
>Used Hoarfrost Stomp
>Used Rivers of Blood
>Used Jump Attacks
>Used Magic
You beat the game and had fun doing so.

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nah, just in DS2 (the worst one) and DS3 (mostly locked behind pvp)

Come on now user. I agree with your point but you have to know that disliking ER is currently the minority opinion.

>Invisible boss that jumps around and can chain grab you to death
>Two bosses at same time? Make it three with Scarlett rot lel

They definitely let a lot more bullshit in this game because of ashes and the like. It's a great game but it has some glaring issues at times

> I just found your profound inability to cope with criticism unsightly.
I dont work for From man, I dont do anything with this criticism, you can type out all the text walls of criticism you want, me reading it or responding to it wont change or do shit. There is nothing to cope about, the criticism is clearly not directed at me.

Armor was still super good in DS2. Not as op as in 1, but still really good

then why are you so defensive about it?

>lets you block while dodging
you fucking what?

greataxes are better than ugs
try two great omenkiller cleavers, you dont even have to be jump abusing faggot with them

Reminder that if you rolled, you did not beat the game

Is there stuff I can use to level the playing field if I'm bad? Like summons or items or things like that?

>Most people agree
Source: your ass