Game tutorial is the hardest part of the game

>game tutorial is the hardest part of the game

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it filtered millions

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You mean that very first village fight? Ya fo sho. Easily 80% of my deaths on my first playthrough was that.

Jet Set Radio's tutorial filters a lot of people but it's not obligatory either

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>"damn this intro is ruthless, so that's how the game is going to be huh"
>the rest of the game is baby mode
i think they shot themselves in the foot with this one, imagine how many refunds were made

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Being from Europoorland and speaking little to no English this was like trying to decrypt Zodiac's letter or something


>die at all during intro
>have to do the whole fucking thing over

I never got through the intro on hard

it filtered me
i've never left that parking garage

I've never managed to do all the highest level tutorials in a fighting game

The jet set radio tutorial is super fucking easy once you know what to do. it pretty much just shows you a really common infinite trick loop thats in every level, and has you do like 4 loops or so.
i feel like most people give up because they dont walljump from the sign at the end of the loop, which gives extra height

the actual tutorials or the character trials?
character trials are a tutorial, theyre more of a challenge mode to test your execution, while showing examples of combo routes

Persona 5

jet set radio, what the fuck where they thinking

>still get tutorials 40h in

Thanks Nier automata

>getting a tutorial during final boss
happened to me on romancing saga minstrel song. couldnt stop laughing

Not really a tutorial.

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As a small child playing a playstation for the first time I had no idea what was going on and assumed this was the entire game.

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>have to watch a fucking youtube walkthrough in order to do the tutorial
fucking kerbal space program

Came here to say this. It's actually baffling how quickly the difficulty drops after the werewolves in the beginning. The enemies afterwords are designed for borderline retards.

The dodge is so overpowered that the first time I got hit at all was the boss pinning me under an attack that erased my entire health bar. Nearly refunded it, still left a negative Steam review after 100%ing it.

>be me, single digit year old eastern european kid
>pirate this game cause I liked cool car games
>barely understand english at that age
>wtf am I supposed to do?
>mash random keys on my keyboard for 2 hours
>give up and uninstall the game
truly the greatest filter

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JSR's tutorial is hard but so is the game, If the tutorial filters you the game will filter you.

>niggel me this batman

>uninstalls a ps2 game

It has a pc version too, dumbass

it might be because playing with kb+m sucks really bad. besides that it was not difficult at all

same but with pic related, i thought that the text that comes after this were the credits

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I just quit when the game throws stars or other obscure symbols into the combo bar
Or when the game demands physically impossible inputs like moving the left stick clockwise and counter-clockwise simultaneously
I don't have time to deal with this bullshit

and then the FGC wonders why their genre is dying

i'm sorry what?

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Armoured core 1 for the ps1.

That tutorial sure was bullshit. There are missions in the game that are easier then that tutorial.
Basically there were no instructions and you are stuck in a room with two kill bots who instantly start shooting at you. The controls aren't explained so you desperately try anything to move, stopping and starting whilst the two bastards are jumping above you and shooting from places you can't reach. You randomly press stuff as you see random unexplained numbers go down thinking it's health only for it to be a boost meter or run out of ammo and are stuck with the extremely short range melee option because you can't switch to the missiles. The reward was pretty nice though when you win.
All you hear when you win is:
"Congratulations, from this point on, you are a Raven."
And then you are thrust into a menu screen and go off destroying robots, people and public infrastructure for money. Fun game.

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literally any fighting game

maybe its me coping but I usually find they're not optimal in real matches anyway

came here to post this. The rest of the game is cool if unforgiving but the framerate drops killed the whole thing imo

People talk about Grafted Scion but not about the true tutorial filter of Elden Ring

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if you cant figure out a volcanic viper youre a smallbrain
what's really bad is when they teach you the basics of fighting games and immediately after that make you do a full combo like in skullgirls
ive been doing strive's tutorial and its much better

>struggled on Mortal Kombat's Konquest mode tutorial
>finished the game easily spamming sub zero moves

Daggerfall tutorial dungeon. ebony dagger was practically mandatory to fight the imp which is nearly unkillable without it (as well as being a major good weapon for a while)

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he's in jail lol

>sent to jail for being racist
We really need to kill all the jews and marxists.

Automata in general has a really shoddy difficulty curve. Easy and Normal are piss easy, whereas on Hard even basic horde enemies either one- or two-shots you out of full HP, which necessitates using a full stack of defensive and mercy invincibility chips. Then it's just the matter of remembering to use HP items after every hit you take, which stack up to 99 each and are piss cheap to buy.

Stats and RPG elements in action games were a mistake.

DMC5 did the same shit, the final boss is literally a tutorial for Nero's DT, complete with mid-game pauses. God damn it, the game was pretty good but it really could've used a longer campaign than the standard 20 mission fare.

He was jailed for illegal possession of a firearm, /pol/turd

I want yuros off my site


For what?

if you are too retarded to handle a firearm it should be illegal for you

You need to be retarded to lose here.

>illegal possession of a firearm = firearms are illegal
are you americans really so retarded that I as a european understand your laws better than you?

That's up to God to decide

>get it on gamepass
>not used to xbox controller at all, we just had one as a 4K bluray machine
>make it to the end in one go
>glitch inside the big ass boss when it's almost dead, can't get out
>keeps doing damage, die in seconds
>okay, lets see where the checkpoint put me
>at the start
lulz uninstalled

Take that Marx portrait down commie

Illegal possession of a firearm without being black

He has a felony on his record. He's a felon.
Felons don't have the right to own firearms.
Learn your laws, mutt.

>loses argument and resorts to buzzwords
I accept your concession. Now go read about illegal firearm possession so you don't make a fool of yourself next time you argue online

>let me tell you about your country
Why are they like this?


Why the fuck do they do this

Witcher 2 was fucking weird. Every fight completely dunks on you, but then once you get past the tutorial castle the difficulty nosedives and never picks back up

I don't accept your concession



Shin Megami Tensei IV

I thought the entire game was going to be as tough as the Naraku but the game gets gradually easier the more demons/skills/options become available to you.


came here to see this

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>Expected a semi long combo chain
>Just a dragon punch input
NGMI user

>american doesn't even know his own country's laws
>argues anyway
you can't make this shit up

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The worst part is that you never have to do a fucking shalom