Going about my day

>going about my day
>get mail notification
>"Digital Purchase from Nintendo"
>"Thank you for renewing your Nintendo Online subscribtion for $19.99"
>haven't used the Switch since last year
how is this legal

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Because you didn't read the details

you left it on autopay faggot, it's your fault

You mean like every subscription service in existence?

>doesn't read to what he's signing up to
Fucking retard, learn to read

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lol retard falling for an old trick

You fell for the oldest jewish trick in the book

You subscribed to a service, left it on autopay, and are shocked when it charged you on that date. And if you apparently haven't used it since last year, why did you get the annual one?
Do retards not read at least the first two paragraphs of the fine print anymore? Holy shit.

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how new are you?

I don't subscribe to services often, I guess it really is my fault then. Didn't think it would still occur since I don't have a credit card linked, and apparently I had 20 bucks in my wallet. Looks like I'll have to go through the whole NES and SNES libraries (all 20 of them) to make the most out of the mistake.

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Yeah, if you don't do it much, it's best to read the whole thing to realise you don't make mistakes.
I don't know if autopay is on by default or if you accidentally activated it, but if it's the former that's kinda fucked up.

It's on by default, but it's like the first thing that tells you after buying the subscription.

On by default.

don't subscribe to shitty services (NSO somehow manages to be the worst gaming "service" i can think of) that you don't use,also don't leave stuff on autopay.

It should be cheaper, but the paywall keeps modders away so it's not that bad.

It's on by default, it even warns you that's on, and tells you how to deactivate the autopay.

How the fuck do I deactivate autopay on disney+

>It should be cheaper
its not even on the level of free online services like what was on the wiiU,MAYBE if it was on the level of PSN or xbox-live,it would be...still shit but slightly less shit cause id just be like all the other services,just cheaper and with less games.
>the paywall keeps modders away
this has never been true,good security keeps them at bay,not a useless fee,stuff like the expansion pack makes more people want to mod their switch so its clear that's not what they care about.

Its 5 dollars a year, that's extremely cheap.

I dunno, I don't use the mouse

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...it does keep modders away, that's not up for debate.

>buy hardware
>never use it
why do people do this? why even keep it if you obviously don't want it?

it quite literally never has.
Xbox has killed modding with stuff like dev-mode and better security far more effectively than nintendo ever has.
xbox could make their online free today and no-one would want to mod it.

>OP is a retard
Jesus christ.

There is an argument to be made about renewals applying on unused services
I think the most fair handling would if you don't use something for 3 months you no longer get charged, this way you don't encourage people to be irresponsibly inattentive because there's still 2 months of payments but there's still a safety net.
Of course for stuff like consoles where people buy by the year or half year they could indeed just be lazy

>fine print
It's not even fine print anymore.

>there's a service that reminds of you services that you're subscribed to.

>acshually, other company
Pay attention, retard.

I cancelled the renewal the very same moment I purchased it

>give example of how to eradicate modding that has been shown to totally eradicate modding more effectively than anything else.
>"uh aktually Nintendo is not Microsoft,so eckample debunked"

No one is talking about other companies except you, NSO keeps the modders away, fact.

thanks lol you reminded me to cancel it

looking at the switch modding scene vs the one (or lack thereof) on the current xbox consoles,seems like that is an absolute fail.

Are you being dense on purpose?

too much effort to sell

if im being dense,wouldn't it be easy to show its effectiveness,vs my example which is far more effective.

So, you are just retarded, OK.

Worst Jewish trick is "free" trial subscription but then it takes your money without asking. Should be illegal.

>asks for any proof at all.
>maybe even a comparison to my example that has been 100% effective for years.
>"no,i don't wanna"
thanks for the concession,maybe if you want to ever be challenged,maybe reddit is more your speed.

last year was Monster Hunter, probably played for a couple of months and forgot about it

literally every subscription service ever has autorenew on by default

never be challenged*

>sign up for auto renew
really nigger

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>only used switch online for my animal crossing friend in japan
>she got sick and doesn't come online anymore
>might even be dead

>wtf this service I signed up for and put my credit card information into that told me it would automatically charge me after the trial ended literally stole from me

>talking about Nintendo Switch Online
>bbut xbox and offline Switch modding
lol retard

I hope she's okay user.

>give example that stops console modding at the source and makes sure no-one is even able to ruin games using software
>says nintendo should learn from it,rather than make a very poor online service that's paid and worse than wiiU that stops no-one.

Why did you leave auto renew on, dummy? At least it's not like Xbox used to be where it was legitimately a night mare to get unsubscribed from XBL, and even after talking to an agent to get your service renewed, sometimes it'd still be going just to say fuck you.

I had to get my shit to chargeback before Microsoft fucked off.

Who gives a shit about console modding? If I don't find them online I don't give a fuck.

$20 is a half day's salary for me, how can someone be so rich to just forget about subscribing to shit like that

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you need to be able to mod a console before you start modding games on it to hack.
Xbox was able to stop it,and give the users arguably more freedom in doing so.
they both drastically reduced cheaters (you can't really stop cronus max and xim cheaters,even with cross-play 100% OFF,but its still massively reduced),while making using stuff like emulators fully available.

do a chargeback
>but my account will get banned
you're not using it, who cares

Any good online Nintendo games? I've held off getting MK8 for 4 years now thinking MK9 is just around the corner

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I'm sorry you live in a shithole country
hope things get better for you

mario kart 9 isn't happening until 2024 at the least (DLC for 8 will go on until the end of 2023). we're getting splatoon 3 and mario strikers 3 this summer though both of which will most likely be very good.

Yes you stupid fuck.
Disable autopay, retard.
How stupid can you get?

Can't even renew my subscription because I'm in Russia.

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>Implying Disney would let you

Your country is going the way of North Korea

I know. I hope someone kills Putin before that.

Russia would never be that based

t. glowie

You fell for the leaker meme. Don’t hold out for anything that isn’t confirmed.
My friend told me to sell my switch and buy the switch pro that was totally going to come out soon despite it being the 20th time rumors of it coming out was circulating.

Blame yourself for not turning off auto renewal retard the eshop asks you like 3 times if you want to turn it off when buy a subscription

>have the entire no-intro romset for NES, SNES and N64
>pay Nintendo for a year's subscription so I can say that I gave them money and purchased the games proper

There, now I don't have to worry about my games being taken away.