>no defensive mechanics
>specials that make you block 40 hits lmao
>comeback super that lets you kill off a confirm at 80% hp
This game is already garbage. Arcsys can't make good games anymore
>no defensive mechanics
>specials that make you block 40 hits lmao
>comeback super that lets you kill off a confirm at 80% hp
This game is already garbage. Arcsys can't make good games anymore
Absolutely based (the game, not you lmao)
troony gear sisters...the DNF chads keep laughing at us...
it has a block button too, doesn't it? hope these shit games are just onboarding for their newer staff and they'll start trying harder soon (but that's probably cope)
Yeah, but why would you ever use it? It eats your guard meter faster than normal blocking.
you have an alpha counter and a roll
offensive isnt unlimited
if you die to a comeback super its your fault
just git gud lmao
Lmao the game is using mid 00s fighting game design, you know, the garbage you nigger shave been lapping up? This is what it looks like.
The block button is there for a reason, and even then you wouldn't be eating crossups in this game as much as it forces you to block lingering projectiles and baroque cancels.
>no waifubait characters
enchantress instead of witch/bmage unironically killed my hype
Striker is right there
You wouldn't hold it the whole time, you'll just use it in scenarios where there's the potential for left/right or high/low mixups. A single button being an absolute block is just a fucking horrible idea for fighting games, granblue showed this. You can make it as shitty as you want but it'll always have use because of how strong the ability to block everything is. Same with simple inputs. They're weaker on paper but the actual reality is that the benifits, more often than not, outweigh the negatives.
block button and easy inputs sucked in granblue because that game in general sucked and was too slow and limited
dnf meanwhile is a game with guard breaks if you sit there too long while also having shit like fire wheel and the conversion mechanic, and instead of being rewarded with simply using the move again faster doing the inputs properly gives you a refund on mana that means there are tons of strings and combos are literally impossible to do unless you use the inputs properly.
I would prefer if both of these things are removed but seeing as how actual DNF had both easy inputs for special moves and a block button its pretty on brand
>You wouldn't hold it the whole time, you'll just use it in scenarios where there's the potential for left/right or high/low mixups.
block button still requires you to block high/low properly while forcing you to stop moving unlike holding 4
crossups aren't even a fucking thing in most anime fighting games anymore. under night for example has built in crossup protection where shit just magically gets to be blocked both ways because otherwise it would be way too easy to gank people with massive hitboxes and this game appears to be following that same trend of big ass ignorant attacks
>isn’t attracted to striker, inquisitor or kuno
Typical testamentfags having the gayest taste possible
Sorry, in terms of simple inputs I should have said outside of combos. Obviously inside of combos there's no reason not to do the full input if your execution is good enough. It's stupid shit like being able to do charge moves while walking or instantly do DPs that will always make simple inputs relevant even at the highest levels.
being able to 1 button dp people is pretty good but you're literally paying for it by spending more MP then if you'd just do it normally with this games generous buffer.
even if I can reversal you more easily by using the easy input as a crutch, I now have less resouse to take advantage of the momentum I just gave myself. You can even find yourself in the situation where if you do the easy input you'll run out of MP and suffer the penalty that brings of a much longer then normal cooldown before you recover it vs if you'd just done the input normally you'd be out of the danger zone and get back to normal quickly
all of this could very well not matter at all in the endl but they've been real smart about the inputs so far and automatically going to street fighter 4 DS sonic boom or something seems dumb. this isn't the kind of inputs I'd want in every fighting game but maybe in this one its okay while letting the mmo paypigs mash in the game more easily.
You can fuzzy guard pretty easily with a dedicated block button like in granblue.
>crossups aren't even a fucking thing in most anime fighting games anymore
>under night for example has built in crossup protection
Universal crossup protection like a block button has, no it doesn't work like that. UNIEL has pretty much the same crossup protection as original melty blood. If you block an attack on one side and then the attacker switches side during blockstun, you can continue to hold the original direction you blocked. For example, if you block a jump-in while holding back and then they manage to land an attack which would normally crossup, you can keep holding back to block so long as blockstun hasn't ended. That's far different than a button you hold which will just block a single attack which would have crossed up.
no uniel literally has crossup protection out of hat on a bunch of moves that would be too ambigious otherwise. if I jump over someones head and do this they can block it either way - same with a bunch of seths bullshit where he has a dozen moves that hit you from the back but only one very specific setup is actually a crossup.
Arcsys aren't even making DNF, but what would I expect from a shitposter who didn't play any of the betas
I guarentee the downsides of the increased meter cost won't really matter in the end.
>automatically going to street fighter 4 DS sonic boom or something seems dumb
I'm not even talking about that, I'm talking about Charlotta. A move like her ball is balanced around the fact that it requires charge but then you also give it the ability to be used without a charge. Sure it has a cost tied to it and even has a cooldown but those weren't anywhere near enough of a downside for everyone not to use it. I have no issue with simple inputs or a block button in general but their implmentations are often short sighted and the game starts to devolve over time because of them.
nobody in this game even has a charge input and you're still trying to ignore the part that you literally can't do the same things if you use easy inputs as you can with the normal inputs because all your specials draw from the same resourse and being lazy takes more
>no defensive mechanics
There's literal guard cancels and rolls on top of almost every character having a Reversal that can be done without a motion (although doing it with a motion lets you avoid the MP penalty). The roll is pretty punishable if used against moves without a ton of recovery, but I'm pretty sure that Roll xx Conversion is going to become a staple defensive option.
The supers are strong combo enders because they are awful reversals, and if you use it without killing you just gave up your Awakening passives.
The game's design is so blatantly 00s 8ing it's shocking to me. I love it but I didn't know they still had it in them.
You can make Seths moves crossup, like the orb. The general rule of thumb is that you have to be facing your opponent to cross them up. Again, specific crossup protection isn't the same as the protection that a guard button gives you. Also I don't know how the fuck crossups aren't a thing in anime games apparently even though your literal only recent example is undernight. You can cross people up in DBFZ & Strive all day.
The mixture of taking extra guard damage with the button and it allowing for movement tech like guard braking justifies its existence to me. It's the first time I've accepted a 2D game with a block button because they balanced it in a smart way.
I wanted to play but I'm a PC kek
In the final game's meta, guard gauge pressure will matter as much as mix and neutral. If you can force a lot of cross up situations, you can force them to button block and eat more guard damage. Using the chip damage from blocking to get a Roll canceled with Conversion as a safer and cheaper escape option than a DP or GC will also become common.
She's in
He's in
She's a fighting game character so its okay
At least you'll have the full game.
Hoping for crossplay, would be useful for a smaller release like this.
Is it LOOSE user?
It might get crossplay, but I think it being a licenced game lowers the chances.
Strive got it and Arcsys seems to be setting up DNF and Strive as their main two games judging by ArcRevo. But on the other hand DBFZ and GBVS still haven't got rollback (or crossplay)
DNF looks flashy and soulless at the same time, I watched sp00ky play it some because it was the new thing and it just looks so generic
Which do you think is DNF's fate?
Sells like 10-15k on release then Melty numbers by 3 months.
It'll get carried by Asian players. DFO is apparently popular over there
Arcsys hasn't made a good fighting game since BBCF. The success of dbfz poisoned the well.
wheelfu is right there bro
If the game had a traditional pushblock and some kind of burst system it'd definitely feel much better. While motion inputs should be better than using simple inputs, having the benefit be instant MP recovery kind of ruins the whole point of having an MP system in the first place when you can have 1 mp left, do a motion input for a special, and by the time the animation for that special is over you have MP again for another.
Other than that, I think the game is fine for the most part. High damage isn't a bad thing it's just that neutral is so incredibly fucked right now
the alpha counter isn't good enough. it costs 100 meter and doesn't use a special move so if it exhausts your MP, you're stuck without MP specials for like 3-5 seconds.
Striker reminds me too much of Cammy. And I don't like playing against Cammy
Inquisitor is cuter than your tranny. And she's also not a God-less heathen.
Man I feel bad for melty. I blame the content creators for shitting on it and also the faggots making neko-arc memes. Fun game, wish it didn't have autocombos or shield followups.
the mp system is what really could've defined this game, having constant meter management that could define what combos you did but that's absolutely not the fucking case, MP is a joke.
Conversion is also a joke, since the only time you will ever get to use it properly is if you're Berserker or you're in a blockstring and manage to hit them soon after
Game killed itself cause it was legitimately unfun to play for most people. The new shield was a remarkably bad idea and autocombo was so stupid too
>motion inputs should be better than simple inputs
>but not like this though
The MP system is there exactly for that reason you dumbass. It's basically the same shit as cooldowns in GBFV, but done better imo
Don't use it like a retard then
You fuckers hooked me with this fun fightan beta and then told me to try the game it's based on
Now I have four characters and I keep wanting to make more
DNF Duel was supposed to attract DFO addicts to fighting games, not the other way round...
we've got two mslayers and two agents
don't give up yet
I stopped giving a fuck when I realised how retarded the FP system is. Also I don't wanna support their scummy as fuck jewish business practices. A shame, since the game is actually pretty fun
you ignored the rest of what I said as to why that benefit isn't good
>Fun game, wish it didn't have autocombos or shield followups.
You blame content creators, but those two things you listed plus shitty rollback on release seems to be the things that actually killed the game.
Someone warned me about the fp system before I started but even with just two characters it felt like I had to push myself to play enough to empty both bars
Now I think I'd burn myself out if I tried to burn all my fp
But it is good. It encourages the use of motion inputs instead of simple inputs. As I said, the MP system is there only to gimp the use of simple inputs, and that's a good thing
>when you can have 1 mp left, do a motion input for a special, and by the time the animation for that special is over you have MP again for another.
If you use an MP move when you have less than its base cost you enter Exhaustion and don't build more MP for a while. The motion versions have shorter Exhaustion times but you're still without bar for seconds at a time which can kill certain characters in neutral or on defense. Only time going into Exhaustion on purpose feels kind of worth it is to set up Grace on a knockdown as Crusader.
I don't think the game needs pushblock, but perhaps the ability to burst once while in Awakening would be nice.
As somebody said above, when the game drops it'll come to light that Roll Conversion is your best defensive option. Every good blockstring will cause some chip you can use to Conversion your Roll, which is really useful considering you can't Conversion a DP.