Fextralife Wiki was a mistake

Fort Night fr fr xD

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The first time I came across fextralife when I was playing MHW, I realized what geniuses and scumbags they are. I wonder how much money they make off having 25k+ twitch viewers at all times

Cute dog

Does the add revenue even count when it's from redirects and not directly on website?

I added a script on ublock for their fucking stupid twitch channel player that pops up on every goddamn page, and they even tried to make me pay to get rid of it.

>getting mad about jokes
>being a tribal
you aren't needed, nor wanted.

>draw a tortoise
>call it a turtle dog

I rewatched Borat for the first time in fucking ages the other night and it still holds up. The part where he goes to the hotel after hanging around the black dudes and starts using nigger slang on the hotel clerk was great.

Their guide videos are pretty handy though.

and you need to go back

YOU need to go back, you unwashed pig.

go watch 2 its a trainwreck sjw bullshit no fun allowed

>being tribal
you aren't needed, nor wanted.

its a joke from the game, not reddit

>right click
>select block element

How long until any kind of sense of humor is called Reddit?

>Soulscucks are mentally ill
More at ten

I don't use reddit and I get the joke. Stick it where you shit reddit user.

why even get mad at this

Glad to see you saw the trailer and pretended to see the movie

About -2 years

Do they even pay their editors or they pocket all the ad revenue off the backs of sweaty nerds?

Okay, faggot, what did you like about the sequel since you clearly watched it and user didn't?

>Takes an eternity for any good info to get posted
>Auto play ads
>All pictures are webp so I can't even download pictures for threads here
Man fuck that site

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They are barely useable at best and flat out bad most of the time

The old wiki was superior but because fextralife has its own twitch channel with 20k+ viewers the Google search algorithm pushes their garbage all the way to the top. Half of the info on their Elden Ring wiki is wrong or outdated.

I'm not sure, but viewers from embeds will still count and put them at the top of the twitch directory, making more people see and click their stream.

at least they stopped autoplaying a twitch stream on every page for now

I wonder how hard it would be to get their twitch banned.

It's crazy how shitty and lacking information all the fextralife wikis are.

dog doggo pupper pupperino heckin goody boi heckin goody barky flufferinoboyo

Just screenshot the pictures. Use 4chanX and you don't even have to save them first, can just copy them directly onto your post

It's about the principal of it

make sure to use adblocks and scripts so they don't get any ad revenue.

Disgusting post-2012 reddit subhuman.

elden ring wikidot when
this site is so fucking crisp and to the point for the das trilogy + des, never used any other site if i needed info

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>still no wikidot for Elden Ring because fextralife is too popular
Normalfaggots ruin everything they touch.

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reddit decided to use fextralife because they're a bunch of normalfag secondaries that started with DS3 and didn't play Souls games back in the DeS/DaS/BB era when wikidot (or the bloodborne-wiki) was the standard, they just kept using fextralife for ER because they had their wiki up before the network test, and then they used the sunk cost fallacy to justify continuing to use the shitty fextra wiki instead of creating a wikidot for ER and migrating the good info over.

Asking if you got the joke isnt a joke. And that's how "jokes" like Nice and 69 operate.

Fextralife sounds like a fetish thing

go away redditoid swine nobody wants you here

Every time I see it I'm reminded of people advertising their f-list on RP servers

>Google something
>fextralife link is #1
>Polygon article is #2
>Reddit thread(s) is #3
>various articles from shit like RPS, PC Gamer and etc follows

I remember when wikis used to be super-customisable and could be made to look pretty much however you wanted. I was an admin on the Fallout wiki before the split.

That's a man

DS2 was when Fextralife took off because there was just no other information available

Your le doggo has le autism

Well, gonna share the script?

That was a pretty good wiki

When did fucking game journalist articles written by aids niggers with reddit fag speak become a thing. Aggravating as Hell

It's shit, but at least it's not fandom.

Don't you have a russian missile to eat?

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I'll gladly eat your missile OwO

I fucking love DS1 wikidot

What's wrong with using the most efficient popular format besides personal reasons?

Webp is trivial to convert to another picture file.



Fextra spoils the shit out of questlines

Of all the things to complain about with that piece of shit site that eats up all the google results, it's a stupid joke title? Not the autoplay twitch feed? Not the "how to play game" guide video embed on every page?
Not the thumbnail-size full images? Not the overall terrible organization of everything?

That was years ago. Now everything is trannies

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I'm talking about webp

borat was always a retarded movie
>act like a retarded foreigner
>people react negatively to someone acting like a retarded foreigner
>wow! look at all these horrible racists and xenophobes!

Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.

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if you actually played during the old days, you'd know all wikis were shit & had conflicting information and you were always forced to cross reference all three to try and find some semblance of truth
fucking hated that shit

you fags try so hard to fit in, its hilarious

Dog, o dog

>Now everything is trannies
that and zoomers
most people in this thread getting genuinely upset over this shit are the same people who shit up every thread with the same tired things. tranny, reddit, zoomer, etc. its all a scapegoat to them. its fucking bizarre opening a thread and seeing some dude just randomly rant about zoomers

the worst thing about souls wikis are fucking fextralife is always the shit that comes up first on google when it is easily the worst wiki. someone make a wikidot of ER already.