>each sequel is worse than the last
Each sequel is worse than the last
As much as i want to say Fromsoft, DeS and Bloodborne are the only good souls games and they are both sequels of the same series.
Seething Eldentranny
yes, and you will never be able to play it.
I platinumed it, it's mediocre at best and it's the worst souls game after DS3
>game has no plans for a sequel
no, you didnt
Why are white people like this?
editing comic strips to push right wing nonsense?
I dont know.
She looks like she's about to cry
birthrate decline for shitskins is good tho.
>Game is a wasted husk
She literally never mentions anything about blacks. I don't understand why can't just mock her for her retarded lifestyle without embellishing it with black people.
Kek they all regret it in the end
It's American culture to shove their religion into everything
>right wing nonsense
Shes either ugly in real life or a third child.
Her art looks like she poorly traces photographs
>Having a child would have taken some of the time I reserved for watching tv for 50 years straight!
Yeah, these people don't think that far ahead.
>having less children is selfish
There's too many people on this earth, how is it selfish to have less?
many such cases
Prove it, i don't believe an Eldenshit fan like you would even own a PS4
She's not american
Imagine platinuming a game you don't think is good. Jesus Christ you are the definition of an NPC.
You're retarded. I was obviously talking about the people that edit her comics to be about blacks
>women bad
incel take
>game lets you consume your foe
I'm retarded because you can't communicate properly?
You're right, there are too many people on the planet like you, so you shouldn't have any, especially with that self-deprecating mindset.
I'm going to, though, at least 2, most likely 3.
>There are too many Chinese, Indians, and Africans in the world
>Therefore white western nations need to stop having children
I don't want to have kids. Many famous people were genetic dead ends. Most people give birth to losers and only a few make it successfully. Trads use the kids excuse to cope that they can't find something more useful to do.
this is an edit of a normal comic and i feel bad for the original author because there's so many retarded takes you wouldn't even think this is an edit
>Ah yes I too attended the ben garrison school of labelling things
Her comics aren't about blacks. The original post was about the people that edit her comics. Ergo, I was referring to them while referencing the meme that Americans worship blacks. Absolute shit for brains. I should kill us both for typing up this reply
not an elden ring fan, the original Demon's Souls is my favorite
it takes like 5 hours to get every achievement on ng+
>esl trying his absolute hardest to appear intelligent
every time. Give up dude.
white people are the greatest threat to white people unironically. weak men who let women do whatever they want, and women that don't want the responsibility of motherhood yet it was that same responsibility their mother, and grand mothers had to deal with.
>retards seething in this thread about the average person not wanting to have babies in this economy when most people here stand 0 chance with a real woman
ywnba parent
You're retarded because you have poor reading comprehension. The OP is clearly edited so it shouldn't be difficult surmise user was referring to the person who made the edit.
You're just biologically defective if you don't want kids. No need to make it anyone else's problem, go be broken somewhere else.
>There's too many people on this earth
He's of the belief that each society is it's own civilization and that there being "many people on this earth" has no meaning if your own civilization goes away. He's missing the point of encouraging women to skip having children. It's a filtering mechanism so that only the religious keep having them, or those that are genetically predisposed to want to have children very much. Plus, quality before quantity is core to having a flourishing country/civilization.
That's why transgenderism/homosexuality should be encouraged. There are no wars anymore, therefore people have to either die or be culled through memetics like homosexuality and transgenderism. Mind you there are biological basis for both of those, and that's why they're encouraged. By filtering these individuals out of the gene pool, you keep it healthy. Plus, you get free genetic material in the form of dead children for various life extension industries and also for the budding genomics industry.
How do you know her husband is white tho? How do you know her kids would've been white? When did I claim only white women shouldn't have kids? How does that change the idea that it's weird to think of having less kids as selfish?
Seems like a lot of random assumptions being made for no reason by a bunch of retards.
I'm not that good with metaphors. What exactly is this image trying to communicate?
>he thinks ergo is an intelligent word
I'm rapidly approaching your location, two bullets for each of us
>muh economy
people still reproduced during the great depression, and it certainly doesn't stop the niggers in Africa, and the chinks in China from reproducing.
>zoomoids spending more than 5 minutes without gossiping about a literally who from social media
You have to beat the game twice, truly the halmark of a bad game.
w2c great great grandma's boots?
>people still reproduced during the great depression
>Schools were overpopulated, underfunded, and an estimated 20,000 schools in America closed. Transportation was an issue—there were no buses or cars so children had to walk often long distances.
It was so smart of them to breed during the great depression, yeah? And lets not mention the 60% child mortality rate in the victorian era.
I'm starting to realize that all the seething zoomers do about women is purely projection of what they hate about themselves.
>attention whoring
Check, zoomers have done more attention whoring in Yea Forums in just 4 years of invasion than even fucking tripfags
>idle gossip
Check, all their posts are about social media crap.
>overly emotional
Check, one picture is enough to cause a meltdown among them.
>weak minded
Check, look at all the pathetic zoomies going the past months "N-NOO, YOU CAN'T JUST SEND NATO TO UKRAINE, THAT WOULD MEAN WWIII"
I don't want kids either, I want to keep playing video games and posting on Yea Forums for my entire life
not like I have the choice anyway
White people are fat fucks
Are DS2tards really this deluded?
>And lets not mention the 60% child mortality rate in the victorian era.
That's why they kept having a billion of them, if one dies you gotta replace it. It's free fuckin labor
>overly emotional and weak minded
This isn't very different to american boomers either. Have you seen any boomer's facebook page? They're also unstable. It's more of an american problem and the fact that boomers were shit parents leading to zooms being the mess they are today. It's easy to blame the kids but not the retards who were supposed to give them a proper upbrining huh?
Most people on Yea Forums won't be able to have kids due to their inability to get or keep a good mate, I'd argue that's a sign of some sort of deficiency of character. You can blame society for becoming hostile to a person like yourself but evolution is about survival in hostile environments. If you aren't the fittest then your genes will not go on, which makes you defective as well.
This is all posturing, if you are some sort of married normalfag then carry on.
>oh no the goyem indoctrination centers had to close down
Samefag. I gave it an honest try. The reductive gameplay with a single strategy to beat all the bosses left me unsatisfied. The challenging parts of the game were challenging for the wrong reasons (hunter fights). Having to farm consumable healing items is such a regression in the game design that I can't believe they thought it was a good idea. All this with a silky smooth framerate of 18fps makes Elden Ring look like a technical marvel, despite it's numerous technical flaws. I literally had a headache for 70% of the game because I haven't played 18fps games since the n64 days.
Chalice dungeons are just Elden Ring side dungeons but executed much worse and with no unique rewards to them, thus no real incentive to do them. Not to mention, some levels are randomly generated. This should never be done in a Souls game which have always been hand-crafted experiences.
Despite everything I like the game and would play it again if they ever fixed the framerate. That said, Elden Ring blows it out of the water in every way that it is conceivable for it to be blown out of the water.
Seth Rogen said it best.
Will I regret it when I'm old? Maybe. But I'd rather regret it for a couple of years before I die than the 50 years in between. It's just numbers.
Everyone on Facebook is an unhinged lunatic. Neurotic at BEST
Going on 7 years now.