Ioh Thread

You didn't get filtered by Scampuss' game did you?

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I beat the game abusing every cheese strat possible and don't feel bad about it.

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To me there is no cheese, the game says to you "this game is complete bullshit and you will either use every advantage we give or you die"

>No mention of Darksouls
>missing the "N"
Thread's gonna archive before 50 posts

ah wait shit I did forget the N

link me up to the stream fampai
You missed some true kino like him using yokai shift at the start of a boss fight only to dodge
Then he goes on to post how the game is shit

Is this what C agility looks like? This is awful.

>tried to shoot snake tits
>ran away when it started bursting

Did you use nude mods?

if you didn't use nude mods you didn't beat the game



Reminder this retarded streamer is still coping saying we're all autists and then he started some gibberish about fighting games

Copium on your part that you refuse to acknowledge that I'm not that user. I have long abandoned watching Twitch and have never used it for streaming. Not in the least bit surprised you refused to accept this, much like you refuse to accept that combo wanking punching bags is lame, or the fact that what you think is skill is nothing more than a knowledge check.

Does streamer-kun have Gozuki? Because if he doesn't, he should go back and farm him until he does.

Hotashi loved Nioh 2, obviously fighting games are more difficult and have more challenge than singleplayer games, but to say Nioh 2 combat is shit because its not a fighting game is just ridiculous, that's why its compared to other similar ARPG games

He's fucked.

>The streamer keeps getting grabbed and keeps failing the dodge in the same way over and over
>Does not capitalize on the lack of ki
These are the people that talk shit about Nioh being easy. He also said these enemies are minibosses lmfao.

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also I find weird you are so against combos or shit when even in fighting games you go for unoptimal combos for fun from time to time, or do combo trials even though they are extremely useless in an actual match, sometimes I do some combos for fun in my favorite character even though I would never use these combos in an actual game

He's not fluxing enough to recapture his ki and purify yokai realms. And doesn't know the enemy's movesets well enough to take advantage of burst counters. It's just practice for him to get better.

Also, if he had a purity imbuded odachi instead of corruption, he could ki pulse from his blocks. Not to mention purity is better against yokai.

I gave him the advice to hit the gold parts to reduce their ki and now he is starting to shoot them with the gun rather than trying to aim with melee moveset.

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It's shit because of combo wanking punching bags, the end game content incentivizes it. You can still have killer animations, great enemy engagement and a overall fantastic combat system, but when you base the mechanics completely around combo wanking punching bags it makes for major bore of a game. Doing the same combo strings over and over again on NEARLY EVERYTHING is auto piloting your knowledge checks. This isn't fucking skill and will never be skill so don't take the piss out of some user who doesn't know these knowledge checks because that just means you're laughing at someone who hasn't memorized a poem. If someone says they find Nioh 2 shit say you're not into combo wanking punching bags instead of filtered because at least you will be honest than this is a knowledge check game instead of skill.

Is this cope? Or something even far beyond cope

I also told him to be more aggressive once they are out of ki in that other thread, but now he isn't even bothering to Ki pulse or Flux at all. Like I was trying to give him advice in the other thread but now he is failing to ki manage.

Are you a nigger because you have this habit of being unable to read.

Something beyond cope, I see

That's not even his biggest problem. He's often low on ki and when the dark realm pops, he's just fucked. All he would have to do to improve on this is to tap the R1 button after every attack to get a ki pulse to remove the yokai realms. I'm not even talking about Flux I.

That's something he can practice regardless of whoever he's fighting, because this fight is actually rather difficult. It's a early side quest that basically throws half a dozen different enemies with all their move sets at you, some within the dark realm which changes their move sets. That and learning to time your burst counter isn't easy. I would say he's not doing any worse than average. But I do hate his C agility. He's slow as fuck.

>Something beyond cope, I see

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Oh I know that wasn't his biggest problem, I'm just saying I think my advice from the other thread might have had unintentional negative affects on how he is playing because he takes it the wrong way.

The fact you bring up fighting games as some godly measure of skill tells me I shouldn't listen to anything you say

He did it!

The fact you can't counter argue the facts tells everyone that they shouldn't listen to anything you say. You're a knowledge check scrub trying to pass it off as skill.

this is just sad at this point

And now the stream's over.

You're a knowledge check scrub, probably got their meta from Reddit as well.

That was raw footage of someone getting filtered so hard, I was laughing really hard the whole time. Whoever suggested that these haters should stream is a fucking genius.

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>got their meta from reddit
Can someone translate this to english?

What makes them combo wanking punching bags? Yokai have hyper armour and only a few things can stagger them. You have to earn your ki breaks outside a late game cheese build. For example with Kashin or Magara they both have fast multi slash attacks and quick grabs to catch you circling. How are you comboing a punching bag when the punching bag has hyper armour and chains a swirling snow x3 into a dash grab then (on DotD and higher) a non burst able 7 hit flurry of slashes?

he cute

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>What makes them combo wanking punching bags?
You can't be serious that this needs explaining when there are ailments and passive buffs that crush a yokai's anima with Ippon being one of the most popular yokai shift tools to do it with. Yes yokai have hyper armor (to a degree) but they can't block and don't recover anima unless they're in a yokai pool or realm. That means the combination of anima crushing abilities, no yokai blocking and inflated health makes defeating yokai all about combo wanking on punching bags. I would not be surprised the inflated healthpool from Nioh 1 is the result of yokai animation canceling linking strings together that would otherwise be impossible, especially when yokai shit allows you to regen your stamina. Roll on Nioh 3 because I can't wait to play a Nioh game without this combo wank shit.

It's not hyperarmour to a degree, it's hyper armour most of the times, with exceptions for when you hit their weakpoints like a horn or the smaller yokais like the Gaki's where you can just stagger lock them. If you just treat yokai's like they are punching bags that don't do anything back, especially the bigger bosses, you are just asking to get caught out and punished, so you will have to do a combination of blocking, dodging and repositioning. In the Dark Realm, they get more mechanics but they also have passive ki regeneration, meaning they are more dangerous but you also are pressured into being more aggressive in order to get them out of the Dark Realm. Your reward for being skillful and destroying their ki is a big damage window, then you get even more rewarded if you manage to completely deal with their "secondary ki" bar where you can grapple them, but that is the only real opportunity where they are punching bags but even then you have to be mindful of your own stamina.

>I don’t want to be able to chain attacks together, anyways!
>landing one hit and backing off is way cooler!

All roads lead to cheese, user. You could make a build using only fire and hatchets and you'd be shredding bosses no problem by the end

What action game has no punching bag enemies? I'm curious because by your definition and metric of a punching bag sounds like there isn't an action game alive. I'm still curious how to confuse and stagger lock all yokai bosses when at some point you have to interact with their moveset if you play it like a normal action game. Several cant be confused and it only lasts seconds while some can last awhile and you aren't going to turn them into a punching bag until later when you learn feather cancels.

I have absolutely no idea why you're explaining this to me when it should have been clear from what I said that have a good overall idea the mechanics of Nioh 2. What you fail to understand is that I think Nioh 2's mechanics are shit, hence why I want Nioh 3 to come as soon as possible without this combo wanking on punching bags shit. Let Nioh 2 be the black sheep of the family because it's so god damn boring to play auto piloting knowledge checks on everything.

>What action game has no punching bag enemies?
user you need to stop pretending you're arguing in good faith when Nioh 1 exists. Stop replying to me because you have nothing of value to say.

Nioh 1 lets you build a true 1 shot shuriken build by region 4. It also has a broken sloth that doesn't lose effectiveness till WotD and DLC1 2 3 starting on DotS. Nioh 1 lets you create a true 1 shot LW build by region 5. Nioh 1 has broken confusion that lasts 60 seconds for every yokai. Nioh 1 has more punching bag syndrome than 2. Mate you don't understand either games nor play them to a competent degree

Confusion was even more OP in 1 than it was in 2 though?

>Nioh 1 has broken confusion that lasts 60 seconds for every yokai. Nioh 1 has more punching bag syndrome than 2

Confusion was a novel feature than could be ignored but there if you wanted it. Nioh 2 on the other hand wants you to use it as much as possible making the combat more homogenized even though you got more tools than Nioh 1. If anything the elements and applying ailments are so core to the flow of Nioh 2 that you can basically boil the entire combat down to those six. God the more I think about it the more I'm reminded how boring Nioh 2's mechanics are.

>still falling for this shit bait

I tried but his response is Nioh 1 doesn't have punching bags because you can purposely ignore confusion but can't in 2 he already gave it up

>Says Nioh 2 has punching bag enemies
>Get's explained how they aren't punching bags
>Somehow thinks Nioh 1 doesn't have more punching bag enemies
Lol Nioh 1 is arguably worse when it comes to enemies being far more passive, but also you can get far more broken to the point where you can create builds that literally one shot bosses. Confusion was even more busted, and enemies had far simpler movesets that you can more easily capitalize on. Virtually almost everyone says Nioh 2 is better than Nioh 1 and I say this as someone that really likes Nioh 1.
>Confusion was a novel feature than could be ignored but there if you wanted it.
Holy copium, this has to be bait. It makes what you said about "punching bag enemies" even more punching bags since you can stagger them even if they had ki and it slowed the shit out of the LW human bosses, to not use confusion was to put yourself at a significant disadvantage. LW was also far more broken than Yokai Shift.

Still replies to me even though I said stop replying to me because you pretend to argue in good faith.

Here this is for you.

I was the first guy you responded to, not the second one, not surprised a brainlet can't intuition who he was responding to. Cope and Seethe because none of the games are the black sheep in the series.

Don't care, Nioh 2 is boring combo wank on punching bags knowledge check game. Not gonna change my mind, roll on Nioh 3.

Cared enough to respond. Also keep seething.

After watching the streamer, I wanted to show how fluxing and burst counters can make a fight a lot smoother. Here's a short webm of the fight where I go all out on an out of ki Gozuki, but don't have a problem with ki because I'm fluxing. The full video is in the link.

My character has base stats and starter gear. B agility and B toughness. Toyotomi clan which gives me HP for amitra I gain via attacks.

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When does this game ever go on sale?

Every big holiday sale for 39 bucks. Isthereanydeal to find a cheaper key at the same time for around 30ish. Kinda blows but long gone are the 10 dollar sales for most games

>die because bad
>game is bullshit

user you don't even have to combo, hell comboing isn't even the most efficient thing damagewise. It's item canceling ninjitsu and Yokai skills.

The devs literally call it masocore, calm down

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