Why do I hate him again?

Why do I hate him again?

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I don't, he is a character i wish he was on more games, would love to see a twilight princess version of him.

He comes here and steals our lore crafting

Makes tons of money with pretentious 2deep4u nonsense

He's a sell-out and appeals to the lowest common denominator is laziest way possible.

for years I thought his avatar was just a one-eyed cube looking to the right instead of Vaati with half of his face hidden

because.. because Yea Forums told you to!

>Creates a quintillion "____ LORE THREAD"
>Gathers all the info he can
>Creates videos of other peoples work
I think he's gotten to the point of Elden Ring that he's actively making the threads that say
so that it drives discussion towards topics that aren't retarded

I don’t get why anyone would watch lore videos. Isn’t the fun part figuring it out yourself?

People prop him up as the absolute lead authority on Souls lore when ultimately he's just giving his own opinions

Not much reason to these days. Used to be he would leech lore off us, but that ended with Bloodborne. Since then our lore threads have been drowned out by retards and other websites figured out the lore to DS3, Sekiro, Deracine, and now Elden Ring before us. Damn shame, it is.

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I don't like people.

I hate the fake voice he puts on. Its ear rape to me

Cause he's a redditor

Why would you name your entire brand off a shitty gay villain from lesser zelda games?

Does this guy even make videos anymore? Except for DS, he didn't care about covering other From games.

Apparently he's married and has a kid now.

>so that it drives discussion towards topics that aren't retarded
is that such a bad thing?

He trooned out and almost died on the operating table. Laying low for now.

Lore conversations became too centralized because of him

fake and bait

I've been here way too long, but here's a start

Most people are too retarded to figure it out themselves, the average dipshit doesn't have the attention span nor intelligence to read a bunch of item descriptions, take in the visual elements and piece it all together. If there isn't some fag narrating every action of the player the typical Hollywood consoomer doesn't know what's going on.

Probably not, but it's obvious what's going on.



his entire channel was from stealing and shilling Yea Forums despite being told to fuck off, probably knows the mods here so they let him do it.


Nice link, retard

I'm impartial, but I know for a fact he's a plagerist. I also think it's lame he has vidya in his alias because I know he's from here. moot was right about australians.

>his voice is shit
>his accent is shit
>the fake lilt and... dramatic.. pauses... are like nails on a chalkboard
>inserts drama into his topics, speculating on this drama for minutes at a time to extend video length
I sat through his shitty Bloodborne videos but I cannot stomach any more. When he's a guest on other videos I just skip.

He takes a fun idea and ruins it.

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Based vaati make Yea Forumsloser seethe

He just did the same thing EpicNameBro was already doing, but with a stupid accent. And Americans are suckers for accents so they eat it up like crazy.


2 INT post

He STOLE his theories from me! I OWN these theories, I made them myself by reading someone else's work! There's no possible way he could have come to the same conclusion as me, my theories are way too wacky and out of this world that I came to by playing the game and reading item descriptions!

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Its fine that he tries to throw in his findings and opinions but people take it too far and see it as fact when in the same breath praise the games for having good lore. If it was so fucking good you would have figured it out by yourself and not blindly listen to one guy. Also his voice is just too calm and I prefer when youtubers talk to me like im in a chat with them instead of listening to a fucking librarian introduce the themes and plot of a book.

To be fair, EMB before his mental breakdown wasn't focusing on lore and shit. All those lore related things came naturally.
While Vaati does only that because it's the only thing he's known for.

I miss pre-mental breakdown ENB, bros...
His videos were pretty comfy.

He just takes shit from forums and is just another bootlicker. The way he brushed aside any complaints from the demake of DS was pathetic and showed his true colors. That and the attempt to save his reputation by trying to reexplain DS1 with the context of the game having mistranslations. Funny how he never did that with BB, probably because he made an even bigger ass of himself.

as the user who posted this link, what is the problem?

i remember one of his oldest dark souls videos had cropped seathe/gwynevere porn

Conducted a fanart/concept-art contest then sneakily used all the entries in a book which he sold and profited from.

His voice and intonation are very fucking grating. Poses as the utmost authority in souls lore despite most of his theories being straight speculation, and/or stuff he plagiarized. What makes him worse is his fanbase that praises him because theyre too dumb to read item descriptions themselves.

Because he makes a video weeks after everyone else on Elden Ring "trivia" (stolen from reddit/Yea Forums/other youtubers) that everyone knew in first few days and still gathers more views than anyone because every faggot shills him.

What if we make lore threads with these OPs, then Vaati will miss them because he'll think it's just another thread shitting on him. But really it'll be all the juicy lore discussion he wants to steal from.


maybe the fact that you typed the captcha in the middle of the link you retard

Had one line in the gigantic T&A stating the images can be published. Everyone thought this meant to publish on the video itself. A lot of angry artists woke up one morning to find their designs slapped on a book they'll never see a dime from.

wake up you fucking useless fat faggot mods holy shit

Lol fat

>google search vaatividya controversy
>only results are from the bloodborne thing years ago
Stop making shit up

Genuinely surprised he hasn't released a lore video after over a month. I thought he'd at least put out a short one while working on the longer ones. I almost feel bad for assuming he'd milk this as much as possible

Nigga it was like a week long controversy back in 2019. Just because your Reddit links didn't come up, doesn't mean it didnt happen. Go ahead, search up Tiananmen Square

You getting assmad about some youtuber reading shit online isn't a controversy.

fucking same

He used to steal people's ideas and not give credit. there's a reason why there arent that many bloodborne vids. Its because he stole some of a youtuber named redgrave's ideas/theories about bloodborne. Vaati never properly apologized

Now here's the part Yea Forums is not going to tell you. Vaati has started giving credit ever since and has done a good job from learning from his mistakes. You guys are either too young or to ignorant/closed minded to understand that its okay to forgive as long as the person takes the proper steps towards redemption

Still criticisms can be made over the way he presents his video and i wont deny some of it true

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I don't know about the guy who makes Souls videos, but Vaati is my favorite Zelda villain, wish he was more present instead of ganondorf.



His lore videos were pretty chill until he went crazy.

hate his faggory forced voice
enb was much mulch better

I guess you could say he went hollow.


what a dumb name