Games where you can take it easy?

Games where you can take it easy?

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my balls

someone posts "back alley beating" already

For me it's Snood's Food and Sood (formerly Chook's)

Touhou Danmaku Kagura

Touhou Lost Word

Does anyone know the name of the SNES RPG game that has a track that sounds like Eirin's theme?

Wild arms

post that comic
you know the one

Touhou Eiyashou

Why are there so many jap youtube videos where they use some robot voice with these 2 heads "talking" the subtitles instead of just the video author talking like a normal fucking video?

this could be the not gacha thread

_,,....,,_ _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''> ゆっくりしていってね!!! <
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now you fucked up

i can still see it

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Boy I can't wait until they add my underrated waifu Flandre into the game! She's soooo crazy, just like me! I've got my last two paychecks waiting for her to come home!

Until then I've been having fun leveling up my hilarious daughterfu Cirno to make her super strongest lol.

Have you guys managed to roll your waifus yet? Best of luck!

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>18 replies
>no MADs

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Just made me realize that no one posts those six panel waifu 'reaction to being physically and emotionally abused' 2hu template images anymore.

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This guy got tackled by a fucking yukkuri, what a retard.

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I miss fluffy pony abuse.

This but it's actually Reimu please.

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so this is the power of japanese men....

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Not Video Games.

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Bullying yukkuris is only fun when they're shitheads

where is her diaper?

Make love not war.

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Makes me want to bully fairies.

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this reminds me of fluffy pony abuse threads. those were good times.

I think they are alright

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good god this isn't even the one I was talking about
how many of these are there?

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im not gonna lie, id want one in real life

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What if fumo bullying?

What's Cirnos filling?

hundreds, man
the community's dead nowadays but autistic talking head child abuse stories formed its own community back in the day

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You can't bully fumo, they have the advantage in firepower

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If I had a nickel for every time an obsessive fandom made a retarded version of their series's characters than drew a bunch of comics about beating the shit out of them, I'd have two nickels.

Marisa deserves it. Reimu doesn't

kill all youkai

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Shotachads won

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and the end.

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that poor boy(?) looks really uncomfortable

wtf is wrong with people

oh yeah? prove it with some doujin links

I dunno, kinda pales in comparison to half the shit I've read /jp/ wanting to do to Star or Luna or Clownpiece.

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Hope however drew this dies a painful death.

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>got tripped and dirties his clothes
>genuine puncture wounds
>ruined that shoe with bean juice
That was the most pathetic performance by a mister human in any Yukkuri strip ever

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maybe I'm just in a bad mental state right now but that comic kinda fucked me up and now I'm depressed

>That feel when user was around when One Yukkuri Place first went up.
That was more than a decade ago at this point. I lived long enough to see this stuff repeat in a completely different fan group!

cheer up
have an alice

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thats nothing compared to some of the stuff, consider yourself lucky.

Would some Harasaki cheer you up, user?

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to be fair, fluffy pones have been around since 2012, if not earlier. i believe fluffy still has a small fandom iirc

Look at this image. Cheer up friend. And don't let this edgy garbage get to you.

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i like the more comedic/absurd fluffy/yukkuri stuff.

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this one's pretty goofy, but still...

Lucky you, you can still feel bad after seeing stuff like this

Had a bad day today, friends.
Thank you for reading my blog post.

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>this edgy garbage
if this was enough to fuck him up i don't know what he would have done a few years ago when gore spam was a regular thing.

have a cute fluffy pone

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i might just be getting old but it made me a bit sad as well user. i use to find the fun at laughing at yukkuri abuse and gore in general. guess being an edgelord isnt for me anymore

i do not care for yukkuri.

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Are there any hacks that use these sprites?

It felt bad for me too, and I used to be more of a fluffy abuse friend back in the day. Touhou balls just feel bad to see abused.
Fuck you too

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im going to eat all of aya's eggs

>Had a bad day today
You're among friends, you don't have to downplay it. It's been a bad life. And will only get worse.

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Sadly enough my life is actually on the up and up, it's just that today was a stutter in the trend.

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i'm not into it but i find the whole thing fascinating. what drove people into being interested in things like this?

I've seen it all, but these comics always get under my skin. I'm kind of impressed by how truly horrible and transgressive they are.

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Things get better so that you can properly appreciate how badly it is going to get.

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Catharsis and certain people having violent reactions to cute things.

take it easy guys, true happiness ahead

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Just take it easy

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Honestly not sure, I know it was a hate fetish thing for some people but I didn't feel aroused by it, I guess it was just passively interesting.
This is true. All desire leads to suffering, and my path to enlightenment is muddy.

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>they might end up becoming mr.NEET
why didnt my yukkuri parents teach me right

Wasn't there a whole booru that organized all the comics and had a few decently well drawn ones or am I insane?