2013-2015 was the year when we lost gayming

the game (((devs))) took a huge bet and won:

>cdpr made fake trailers for witcher 3, downgraded it to pre 2010s levels lying to their customers, they didnt even release the promised red kit
>onions jacks ate it all up and even thanked them for making such a 'great' game (kek)
>some of them even refuse to believe that the downgrade happened, calling it a 'art style' change

>bethesda made fallout 4, hyped it up but had to downgrade it a shit ton because 'muh consoles'
>you ended up with a shitty story, niggers, thousands of bugs and 4 dialogue options 2 of which are basically the same (again, kek)
>onions jacks again thanked them for it and got ready to coonsoome their new product

>rockstar released gta 5, they wasnt any huge downgrade but the lightning out right sucked (still does) andd it lacked many key features of gta 4 (physics, even ordering tacos on the street and going into fast foods, as well as meny other small quality of life features)
>onions jacks ate it all up and asked for more, they released online so people can play together and retards started shitting on the story asking for more online content
>executives saw the profit and ordered them to make more
>ffw a few years, all story dlcs are canceled and you have a new saints row instead of gta but even worse

those are just the 3 main games, there were many more but those were the most 'promising' AAA games and they set a standard for the industry

they got away with so much shit, that they just did not give a fuck anymore and decided to make shit games on purpose

as over half percent of the 'human' population cant imagine a apple in their heads and the rest is either plain retarded, coping, or just likes to get fucked over they asked for more and barely any of them complained

>w-who cares that they didnt even deliver half of the features promised!!! its still a great game!!! j-just grow up, okay!!!

pic semi related, this will keep happening


Attached: cdpr.png (961x508, 840.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


since then we have only gotten shitty souless games with graphics slowly degrading despite technology progressing

just compare ac black flag and origins, not too far apart but ac black flag is 10 times better in terms of everything

and im not talking about muh we wuz kangz i mean quite literally, the main charcter moves a lot better and clearly has better path finding

the reason they downgraded is not because of muh consoles, but because they wanted to save costs and see how much they can fuck the goyim over before they notice

and the goyim never noticed

so go ahead user, enjoy your new cape shit 2022 shooter with the main character as a black commie tranny in which you get banned for wrong think

oh and now that im writing this did you anons also notice that despite many games being pc exclusive and having no console limitations, they somehow never manage to deliver the graphics and features showed on e3? interesting isnt it?

this is the second part of a thread, will send the link to the previous one in a few minutes

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Based OP, bump

here is the link to the previous thread:

Attached: downgrade.jpg (1920x2068, 657.88K)

Most people don't stay on for the next project in any single franchise.

I remember being a fan of Activision and Ubisoft games. Gearbox too.

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wtf why isn't this getting more bumps?

what the fuck happened? i looked at the downgrade screen shots on google and wtf

like what the fuck happened? the games really looks like it was made in 2009 with that fucking lighthing

but more than half of the studio leaving?

did you really think they switched to unreal engine just because they could? they clearly lack developers which developed red engine and now have no one at the studio who knows how to use it properly if at all

the trannies and niggers have no idea

it all makes sense now

gamers will still happily buy these AAA games even with downgrades.
they really don't care about the finished product all they care about is the hype.
big budget marketing is all that matters anymore.

I find the most troubling thing about all this being the amount of Youtubers paid to shill for their products not being beaten to death for lying about it knowing full well CDPR planned on ripping people off

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Games will continue to get worse

do you need glasses? honest question

pic related, hes a polish youtuber which shilled the game

he was named rock or something i dont remember really

but he got no punishment for it despite getting early access to the game and knowing it will be downgraded

he still shilled it

and he got no punishment

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i have more:

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You white shit stains are going to die out. Stfu. No one cares about your last little whimper cracker

i dont play fallout 4 so if any anons got downgrade screenshots please post them

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Bottom looks better
Take your meds

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and this is just the witcher 3

many more games got downgraded for no reason at all

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why the fuck isnt this thread getting more replies? it is probably the best thread on this tranny board right now

discuss anons, why did they do it? what did they had to gain from this?

oh and lets also read the talmund for fun!

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>trusting them with anything after cyberpunk
you deserve to get scammed

people deserve all the bad things that happen to them when it comes from other people

Can't be helped if all the talent leave a studio, but it also doesn't help when they hire retards to fill the void

I love consoles

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>but more than half the studio leaving
Yes. It's not remotely uncommon.

PC looks fine

Attached: FF15-1.jpg (3840x2160, 2.76M)

Witcher 3 still looks good.

Attached: TW3-dlc-6.jpg (3840x2160, 2.51M)

Attached: TW3-dlc-15.jpg (3840x2160, 2.18M)

name one scenario where that happened

all within less than 7 years

that image was made around the times when cyber tranny released

so at least 30 more developers left since then

have you ever noticed the yellow filter? the bad lod which causes constant pop in 10 feet in front of you? or the fact that they changed the textures of 99% of the game to inferior levels?

and thats with a lot of mods user, i have like 170 of them myself and it will never look as good as in 2014

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Was the W3 game really downgrade or just a case of devs trying to sell a bunch of precooked setpieces knowing very well the actual thing would never look like that?
Ubisoft used to do the same around that time (Watchdogs and The Division reveals look nothing like final product)

I don't even know what the issue is but I already hate you and wish you harm.

Yeah PC get's a bunch of better settings compared to consoles but it's still got fucked particle effects and a slew of other downgrades

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>last 7 years
just because you're underage doesn't mean that this is anything new, this is how the industry has operated for decades

>and thats with a lot of mods user, i have like 170 of them myself and it will never look as good as in 2014

2014 trailer had horrible LOD as well they just covered it up by blurring the background for a lot of the trailer. But if you look closely at the scenes which do show the backdrop you will notice lack of detail in the distance.
The 2014 version did have superior lighting effects in certain areas though.

read my previous thread i talked about that

its a mix of both

they made assets for specific scenarios but a lot of it was pre rendered

you are a mutt faggot

name one case where that happened then you dumb faggot

textures and resolution were higher, higher polygrams and fidelity etc just look at the sun flowers and grass

it was 10 times better than

it had actual physical lightning instead of that fake one following geralt around in retail

i bet you never noticed it before but its there

i can see how the lod was shit but its even worse in retail

the worst thing? they never released red kit so we cant fix the game

they promised the fucking red kit but then just decided not to upload it

fucking faggots

>name one case where that happened then you dumb faggot
Am I supposed to rattle off every game ever fucking made? 10 years ago we called these "bullshots" because they were already common knowledge then, when you were still in elementary school
kill yourself and stop with the reddit spacing you imbecile

so then you cant name even one? ahahahahahhaah

piotrek, wez wypierdalaj na ukraine i niech cie hohole w wojsku zgwalca, pedale

I'm surprised you didn't mention Bioshock:Infinite, the game was lauded mere months before release about being this fairly open-ended game that would respect player agency, but the final retail release was pretty much COD set in an fantastical flying city.

figures that you're a subhuman without reading comprehension

>cant name even one example of a thing happening
>claims that said thing happens often

just kill yourself already

whenever you are a tranny shill or a troll this is just embarasing in all scenarios

you could be outside fucking bitches but you decide to argue on a mongolian basket weaving forum instead with someone you call a 'sub human without reading comperhension'

is this how you see yourself in 10 years? what will you tell your family? hmm?

get the fuck out and never come back, no shilling money is worth this

unless you are actually doing this for free then i really dont know what to tell you

i dont play that game but thanks for the recommendation user, any more info? i will include it in the next thread

any videos of the downgrade?

Nice numbers, mind providing names? Or are you hoping we're not stupid enough to check 320 linkedin pages and will just believe what you say?

so you are getting paid then

good to know that at least you arent doing it for free

but this is still a shit job rajesh, go out or something

PS3/360 is really when bullshots took flight imo. The first couple of times it happened I was salty, now I don't look at a game until 2 weeks after its out.

2007 was the end of everything. There is argument against this. Some food gems to be found since but they're getting more rare as the years go by.

Nodevs have a very painful misunderstanding of the games industry. They think dev teams are tight crews and are generally long term employees, and act like people moving on or quitting is a worthwhile news event.

Only people with higher titles and cushy jobs are ever reliably with a company in the long term. The games industry is a never ending burn out fest where people shift between companies more often than they change underwear looking for one that might not be as shit as the ones before them. You run into 30 year olds who've worked at 7 different studios, moving between cities with almost every one thinking that's fucking normal.

Then you wonder why everyone who doesn't have "Executive" or "Lead" in their job title leaves the games industry by their mid 30s and invariably ends up in an entirely new field, or moves to more static and reliable jobs like archviz or advertising if they're artist, or proper IT jobs if they're programmers

Because I told you that EVERY fucking game does this, all the way back to the atari and amiga ages. Do you seriously believe that unfaithful advertising is something new? You're dumber than a fucking brick
I would tell you to kill yourself but slavic subhumans like you already live in hell like you deserve

See this? The term was coined in fucking 2005. Back when your alcoholic mother rubbed her vag against the vodka induced puke stains that your father left behind to create you

This is common knowledge to anyone who has been paying attention to games for the past ten years. Why are you just now acting like game devs are scummy and always overpromise then underdeliver. It's well known to most PC gamers that consoles hold back technical feats (although having good graphics and physics doesn't make a game good). I agree it's bullshit and should change but are you 15 years old OP? The only thing that really bothers me about this are missing gameplay features and shit optimization. Graphicsfags are normalfags with a superficial taste in vidya.

>name one scenario where that happened
>all within less than 7 years
Not him but you can take your pick of AAA games. They almost always hire temps in bulk.

(((urban ddictionary)))

name one case where over half of the dev team left

you 'seem' to be in the know

if you cannot, then just leave as there is no point in talking

2/3 of your examples aren't even downgrades, they didn't promise those gtaiv features in gtav for example, it came out exactly as advertised, same thing with fallout 4, the marketing we saw was pretty much the game we got (albeit it wasn't all that great)

>autistic crusade
>it's some autistic esl faggot

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Lmaoo niggerfaggot are you serious? I don't even like consoles but this isn't even a finished game what the fuck is your point?

>calls someone autistic
>posts a*ime

just end it

>gets proven wrong
>immediately deflects
The entry was created in 2005. I don't care if you don't like the site. You have no argument against this.

research the term "hire and fire", and read some articles from 20 years ago. EA, Activion etc. all the big studios only ever hired on temp

>name one scenerio.
Ever see all those indie game with the "From the makers of "_______" and "______". Ever wonder how they can easily get those people? Because unless you are high up in the company everyone is expendable or looking for better working conditions. Look at every sequel to every game. Not even remotely half of the original team worked on it. and not even half of that team will go on to make the next game and so on.
A dev team isn't a irreplaceable group of people. It's made up on 80% code monkeys and glorified accountants.

again, name one case where that happened

are you stupid?

Anime website, you underageb& tourist. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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thats now a case of a entire team leaving a studio that is just a list of video games

again, are you stupid?

incels will hang from lamp posts

You're like 12 years old and just heard about trailers using artificially enhanced visuals for the first time. Leave.

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what is about polacks that they're always the dumbest mouthbreathers you can encounter

It really started with the discussion around the reveal of the PS3 because before then, there was always a fair amount of gameplay representation and CGI/bullshotting for anything that wasn't really an announcement trailer. Spider Man 2 was a fairly big game back around that time and looked how much gameplay and near honesty and jank there was in the trailer that gave gamers a good idea of what the game looked like and played like.


After the PS3 launched, it got out of control with CGI and everything and games followed suit. At the height of things, we got stuff like Epic showing off the Samaritan demo in UE3 in 2011 looking better than most UE4 games today. Was probably more than likely that was the start of their scumminess to the Epic we see today because that demo/trailer sold a lot of developers on the engine and using it which gained them momentum in the industry. But yeah, you still had people calling them out which was why their UE4 demos didn't look even nearly as impressive and they pulled back.


An entire team never leaves. Just most. The same team that made FF15 didn't make the 13 series. let alone 12, 10, 9, and so on.
Near completely different team for Dead Rising series.
There is a reason people only remember Directors, Producers, and Musicians. Because damn near everyone else is a spot hire.

see? that wasnt this difficult

expect those developers have tens of games and witcher 3 was their third, the team mostly knew each other and they even took pictures

it is just unnatural for them to leave other than, you know, the studio being shit

it is not normal

There is one noticible instance of a Dev team that never hires new people or old employees leave or get hired.
That's GameFreak. And we can all see how that is working out for them in the creative department.

You can even go back further, all the PS1 Final Fantasy trailers ever showed was the FMV cutscenes. They're in the game, sure, but they didn't show a single frame of the actual games.

You think the same people who made Witcher 3 made the second game let alone the first?

it is mostly the same people, you can even check the credits

not accouting for new hires of course

>it's not normal
It's more normal that it does happen rather than it not happening.

Games get downgraded because of consoles and not to hurt the feelings of people with high end GPUs because modern gaymers are mounthbreathing retards and their 3090 needs to run everything at “ultra”

In TW3 case, the game prior to downgrade would run at 1080p30 on a 980ti, forgot which article it was a long time ago

not him but you're wrong. TW1 devs were based, TW3 devs were soys

I mean I'm not denying that there weren't games that went solely on CGI and graphics in the trailer but the industry by large didn't do that. My argument was that we hit a tipping point in the 7th generation around the time games got to movie size budgets and the impetus became to sell units at all costs. You're not going to see anywhere near the amount of gameplay you did with the Spiderman 2 trailer I posted for a game that is AAA today inside one of their trailers. At most, you'll get like 10 seconds and any more, you usually need to look at someone doing a walkthrough or a gameplay segment released to the public to get anywhere close to that amount of gameplay.

>It's mostly the same people
It's not. Only key individuals return as the majority is rotated out due to people being fired or leaving. That or contract periods lapsing.
Such key individuals as Producers, Directors, Musicians, and Writers. Code Monkeys and testers are plentiful and cheap.

Other devs get a lot of hate for their bullshots, but CD Project literally gets a way with the same shit. Even the outrage for Cyberpunk isn't comparable to EA/Ubisoft/Square outrage