2013-2015 was the year when we lost gayming
the game (((devs))) took a huge bet and won:
>cdpr made fake trailers for witcher 3, downgraded it to pre 2010s levels lying to their customers, they didnt even release the promised red kit
>onions jacks ate it all up and even thanked them for making such a 'great' game (kek)
>some of them even refuse to believe that the downgrade happened, calling it a 'art style' change
>bethesda made fallout 4, hyped it up but had to downgrade it a shit ton because 'muh consoles'
>you ended up with a shitty story, niggers, thousands of bugs and 4 dialogue options 2 of which are basically the same (again, kek)
>onions jacks again thanked them for it and got ready to coonsoome their new product
>rockstar released gta 5, they wasnt any huge downgrade but the lightning out right sucked (still does) andd it lacked many key features of gta 4 (physics, even ordering tacos on the street and going into fast foods, as well as meny other small quality of life features)
>onions jacks ate it all up and asked for more, they released online so people can play together and retards started shitting on the story asking for more online content
>executives saw the profit and ordered them to make more
>ffw a few years, all story dlcs are canceled and you have a new saints row instead of gta but even worse
those are just the 3 main games, there were many more but those were the most 'promising' AAA games and they set a standard for the industry
they got away with so much shit, that they just did not give a fuck anymore and decided to make shit games on purpose
as over half percent of the 'human' population cant imagine a apple in their heads and the rest is either plain retarded, coping, or just likes to get fucked over they asked for more and barely any of them complained
>w-who cares that they didnt even deliver half of the features promised!!! its still a great game!!! j-just grow up, okay!!!
pic semi related, this will keep happening