I've beaten Dark Souls 2 (currently) 23 times

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i only beat it once because it was way too long and I hardly enjoyed it.

is this shit still offline?

Offline last time I checked

DS2 is pure Kino on replays.

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is heide tower the first place I should go as a new player?

Nope, Forest of fallen giants.

I wish the other games had bonfire aesetics. Literally one of the best feature of Dark Souls 2 and yet they didn't bring it back. I would've even liked it in Elden Ring, having constantly higher leveling Limgrave and just becoming a powerhouse and whooping the final bosses.


I remember you, user!
Good luck on your road to 99!

look at that absolute fucking dogshit reshade lmao
your entire screen is bleeding colors
what the fuck is the point of that when the regular game looks better????

>That sword in Eleum Loyce that scales with NG+
Why didn't we get any shit like this later?

do you kill every boss per cycle?

what? which sword?

curved nil great

>23 times
DS2 is the only game where I'd rather not do any NG past +2. Especially not the DLC. But DS3 is so piss-easy that I went into the Ringed City on NG+6 first night it released because I really didn't want to grind up a new character. Was only NG+6 because of the limited respec's per playthrough and I loved using shitty meme builds and fucking around in invasions.
Just ran into some like-minded people in Elden Ring and it was nostalgic.

But then I ran into a host and 2 summons who ran all the fucking way across Liurnia to the last bonfire they interacted with. Then the host DC'd when I got close. Fucking faggot.

You're trying a little too hard friend. Also it's only really Majula that has the blown out lighting.
Beats me. Everything having to do with NG+ was great and Elden Ring would've been way better for copying it

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that looks like a blurry mess

wait a sec, that's not the old knight armor set

Why are trans folx so aligned with speedrunner mindsets? Where does the obsessiveness come from?

Yeah, it glows red on NG+, more and more intensely up until +9. It also had a completely unique 2-handed moveset and a proto-weapon art, as well as a unique power stance moveset.

this game is so fucking ugly

I think it looks great

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I think DS2 gets a lot of undeserved shit for its visuals, but N64 woods genuinely deserves it.

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Never played NG+ on any game. Is it actually worth it on Souls and why?

and I seen fight club, ABOUT 28 TIMES

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I'd much rather replay 2 than 3 at this point
3 is such a fucking monotone slog at least dark souls 2 has a lot of different areas that actually feel different

I wish 3 was good because it's got so much to offer but it's too busy being a fan wank call back to DaS1 that it forgets to make shit interesting.

Also from's approaching Armored Core levels of repetition with these games, Elden Ring's kinda already shown me that I've seen all these games will ever offer.

I want to play it but I want to do it online so I can have pvp, until then I will just play elden ring and bloodborne

pretty cool
highest i ever got was +9 in bloodborne

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Agree, but darker lighting has solved almost all of the games visual issues for me. Really is a shame how much of a glow up the game gets for just sticking closer to it's original vision.
Yep. DS2 adds new items, slightly changes some enemy encounters and bosses, and also lets you skip the entire early game if you've stockpiled enough souls from your previous play-through. Adds up to an entirely different experience than NG.

I'm aiming to get to where op is one day but I 100% clear the game every time, not just the bosses but I pick up all items everywhere, do all npc quests, buy every limited item from all merchants every cycle and try not to use consumables ever, just hoard them
I'm on playthrough 4, haven't used an ascetic yet and the only items I'm missing are like pieces of the monastery and aurous set
by playthrough 6 I'll finally have all boss weapons twice for fashion purposes, only missing shit from flexile, nashandra and vendrick cause theres 3 possible gear you can make from their soul
is this autism?
had to sell a shitload of armor and weapon duplicates to gavlan multiple times cause my inventory and storage box filled up to the equip burden threshold
I'll need at least 8 playthroughs in ds3 because of how the twin princes weapons are made, only on the 3rd run cause ds3 is a chore

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looks nice, how did you get it to look like that?

And if I continue to apply the same principles to get to ng99 in ds3, I'll have 198 storm rulers I'll never be able to get rid of

A reshade I don't remember the name of and Dark Lighting Overhaul which removes player lighting and removes some random light-sources from levels.

Is this what mental illness looks like?

looks normal to me

Found it

gorgeous, thanks user


I kill all bosses every two cycles. I already have every item, including the two rings for beating the game without resting on bonfires and without dying. I'm racing to NG+99. Elden Ring has taken a lot of my time recently so I'll resume soon.

Are you mentally ill?

Can you co-op with anyone regardless of SL?

Online for every title not called Elden Ring is, quite literally, fucking dead

Did you get the two challenge run rings?

You’ve seen their life expectancy stats. They speedrun real life just like a vidya game


Ebin. I checked out after ng++, and even then i just defeated rotten like 5 times just so i can turbo out drangleic castle for the 100%

because its the best souls game? troon detected



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In ds2 you have soul memory that tracks all souls you have gained and puts you into a bracket based on that and sl but none of that matters atm since the servers are down for now.


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Like other user said, you should check out the forrest first.

If you are following a guide then sure, go for heide tower( though i'd recommend you fight the old dragonslayer before dragonrider)

Do you usually stick to the same build or change things up a bit? Which is your favorite one if so?

Also why was DS2 the only one to have nice fan service clothing like that? God what a great game. Boobs would have been great to see in 3 or Elden Ring.

Why most here are so fast to claim that DS2 fanbase is bad but these threads are almost someone throwing temper tantrums the moment you praise it it's like you're satan yourself.

Neat. Opinion on rapiers?

These two glorious men are the people I look up to for motivation.

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Did 2 have co-op you could do with friends, though? I only ever went with randos and it's been years since I played. Also minus the fact that online is down, of course.

>The Smelter Crop Top

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now this is advanced autism

I think it had a ring you could wear to enter a smaller pool of summons to find friends easier but I don't think it had password summons like ds3 does.

Yea, shaded wood looks pretty bad. But at least it's not long and has a freaky atmosphere. I still get goosebump going through there from time to time

aren't you bored of playing the same character over and over again