>After Elden Ring there are literally no other notable video games releases in 2022 until Xenoblade Chronicles 3 in September.
What am I supposed to do until September?
>After Elden Ring there are literally no other notable video games releases in 2022 until Xenoblade Chronicles 3 in September.
What am I supposed to do until September?
You can go kill chaos
You gotta woomy
Got the plat already Jackbro
that's shovelware guys... cmon...
Play Lost Kingdoms (FromSoftware, 2002)
I'm playing modded X3 AP until xc3 drops
Play some playstation games
like spider man right?
yeah or horizon
the only two worth playing are BB and GR
Exactly what's been on my mind since I finished ER. There's fucking nothing this spring or summer.
I'm legit playing XC2 new game plus. I only played the game once and it was years ago so new game plus is so fucking fresh I had to look up tutorials online (ng+ has no tutorials) because I didn't know how to play at all.
You can also lower your level at will so I equipped bad weapons and super low level and I'm having a challenge facing a lot of these enemies. Also getting new blades too because there were some 5 or so I didn't get in the main game and ng+ also adds some more.
Been having a fucking blast.
You should try Lost Kingdoms, by FromSoftware, from 2002.
lost kingdoms op
It looks too kino for me so I have to pass
Play old games or stuff you missed
I'm finally getting round to the Bioshock series and fell in love with the first one
>time to actually go back and hit some old games on the backlog
Sounds good to me
Replay elden ring. Different builds.
Pick up a second hobby besides video games
>Thread with generic image of XC3's title with remark about it being the only game that matters
I'm tired of this dumb falseflag
>What am I supposed to do until September?
Touch grass, maybe?
Fucking NEETs whining about their shitty lives while the world is literally falling apart as we speak.
God I hate you so much.
Unironically, learn to draw. If you practice two hours every night until the release of Xenoblade 3, you'll be competent enough to draw your own fresh, day 1 fanart.
>while the world is literally falling apart as we speak.
literally not my problem
Why on earth would I want to do that
Maybe you should play more games than the overhyped normalfag AAA titles.
This op mawfugga aint look like he een played elden ring. Reread that shit.
>the world is literally falling apart as we speak.
It sure seems to be taking its sweet time since you've been saying this for 2 years now.
>world is literally falling apart
Maybe if people spent less time touching grass and more time playing vidya it wouldn’t be.
/pol/ is retarded, but the war is literally the biggest happening we've seen in a good decade.
I gave up drawing 20 something years ago, I could have been a prolific hentai artist right now. I'm currently occupied with 3D animation and modeling with no real goals since I'm terrified of having an audience, I'm also constantly discouraged by having poor technical skills and hardware.
I put 150 hours into a plat Elden Ring in 11 days on release brother.
>splayoon is shovelware
>compared to lolden ring
1/10, I replied.
I'm into 3D and animation but it's making me too coombrained
here's my reply, Elden Ring is a once in a generation title exuding soul and passion from a creative dev team that delivers a remarkable experience that will be talked about and referred to for YEARS to come.
Splatoon doesn't even occupy the same dimension in comparison. Good grief.
It sounds vased af but the thing is i only play old games, such as lost kingdoms. Once elden ring is old ill play it and itll be sick.
I'm actually old so I don't play old games anymore, does that make sense or did I just lose the touch.
Hmmm not sure. As long as its cool games and not grease traps like overwatch.
I don't play any competitive multiplayer games, last one was TF2 in 2007-2010 for 2500 hours exclusively on a 24/7 2fort server
Fairly vased i got orange box during beta so i recognize that gamer pattern.
Play Xenogears and Xenosaga. I’m working my way though Saga 1 right now, pretty good. Xenogears is my favourite game of all time, so I highly recommend that one.
I played both, Xenogears a bit later since I didn't have a PS1 personally during that time since I was poor but Xenosaga was a preorder pickup. Funny enough, I actually rewatched the cutscene where Albedo cuts his head off just recently to remind myself how kino PS2 gen was.
Is Saga 2 really that bad then? I hear people hate it, and the final part is absolutely a slog with battles talking up to 10 minutes.
never got around to Saga 2 or 3, I actually only had a little over a dozen games for PS2, ended up missing all the SMT games too. At least I had Dragon Quest 8, which was a very special game.
I hear Saga 3 is the best in the series, and maybe one of the best games on the ps2. You should get around to emulating them sometime.
>but the war is literally the biggest happening we've seen in a good decade.
>the war is literally the biggest happening we've seen in a good decade
>Ignorant faggot doesn't know what is going on in the world outside of his small retarded bubble
Says the NEET waifutard
>projecting this hard
You're the one whining about having no waifu games to play while people are literally dying
Covid was, also none of that shit really is worth losing your sanity over. C'est la vie as they say.
Why do Xenotards act like the world revolves around them?
Lol no, was literally my first post in this thread faggot
yeah it's notable considering Xeno 2 is very good game and still the best game available on the Switch still since 2017
So you're defending a NEET waifutard, my bad.
>Stating your opinion
Get out of your bubble fucker
You're the one who responded to a conversation you had no part of.
By doing so you argued on his behalf.
Do you admit that OP is a retarded NEET?
You don't actually believe this, and are being disingenuous to attract aggressive comments in order to make opposition look bad.
>You're the one who responded to a conversation you had no part of.
>By doing so you argued on his behalf.
No, but keep crying about it.
Wdym "until xenoblade chronicles 3" like you expect it to be anything else than hot garbage?
Why am I NEET waifutard but OP isn't?
yes I do unironically believe it, my 220 hour save file echos the sentiment, out of the 90 games I own on the switch, only Xeno 2 and SMT V were worth the weight.
Fuck off with this bait, Xfag
You played your hand too early.
>220 hour save file
>were worth the weight.
How much weight did you put on fatass?
It's good I like it a lot, just the soundtrack is not as a good as SMT IV's utter masterpiece of a soundtrack, tough competition.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is actually a great game if you're not the sort of person who just takes a look at the female characters and calls it a day on video games so you can spend the rest of your time shitposting on Yea Forums about how the game is just "coom shit".
220 is plenty for a linear jrpg, it's not Elden Ring. I actually lost 70 pounds since Xeno 2's release and am considered normal weight for my height; was teetering on underweight at a point, wouldn't mind getting back there, I want that chosen undead aesthetic.
It's trash
And I couldn't care less about the waifubait
It's just plain bad, ultra long and has nothing redeeming
You're projecting a whole lot of shit.
I never said anything about it being "coom shit"
The game is a massive step down from X, has the shitty gachashit and field check mechanic, fucking merc missions, and a boring battle system that encourages you to blaze through encounters, leaving only the mediocre story which takes forever to actually get going.
You're not allowed to acknowledge these points though, because the fanbase of the game is full of secondaries that developed a cult like attachment to the game, and NEED it to be considered the best game in the series, just because Takahashi said it was.
I just started replaying the other Xenoblade games. I've played through 1 fucking three times already including a 100% playthrough so I'm just bumrushing it with Melia this time, but I've never played X and only played 2 once (liked it but it didn't compare to 1 for me, maybe that'll change this time around) so I'll have my hands full til 3 comes out.
Been looking at the other Xeno games, Xenogears' 2nd half looks like something I wouldn't touch with a 39 and 1/2 inch pole, but Xenosaga looks kinda fun, might give the first one a try after I'm done with Xenoblade 3.
It’s just grind and grind. Games are too long