In hindsight, does Dark Souls 2 really deserve the hate?

In hindsight, does Dark Souls 2 really deserve the hate?

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If it ends with two, it's ass and poo.

Well I can definitely say the emerald herald deserves to sit on my face

Its unironically the best Souls game and always has been. Anybody that has a working brain thats not wide open to suggestion has known this forever.

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wow what an original new thread topic, can't wait for the incredible discussion such as
>ds2 is the best one
>ds2 is the worst one

the best at being the worst
the worst at being the best
ds2 sucks both ways


Soul Memory

This but unironically.

I could look past most of DS2's faults if the game wasn't so fucking ugly

I wish hitboxes were anything resembling consistent in ds2. Bloodborne could be dickish at times, but even while it had a rough patch or two, avoiding damage consistently felt within the players' control.

I love ds2. only one in the series I could replay any day and have a good time the whole time

I like all three


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Yes. For everything it does right, it gargles fat dick elsewhere to "balance" it out.
>t. DS2 defender

yes, dark souls 2 is still by far the worst souls game

Probably, but I still enjoyed my playthrough.

>by far the worst souls game

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Definitely my favorite still. 10/10 atmosphere, story, characters, sense of adventure and world, and huge build variety kept me replaying it. Absurdly good dlc.

yeah, DS2 is still by far the worst souls game

Of course not, for anyone who actually played Dark Souls II with their own hands it is the best Souls game by a fucking mile.

DS2 fans are literally subhuman and I would genocide them if I could

How much you wanna bet that it's not hate but passion. Seriously it's the only souls game where people discuss about to death 7 years after it's release. Threads bumb almost daily.


It blows three out of the water. I cannot and will not ever touch 3 again but i do a yearly playthrough of pretty much all other soulsbornes.

Honestly? Yes. Its 2022 and look at how mindbroken its stockholm fans are still.

it has some ok segments. it's a clear downgrade however. i will say that shrine of amana gets way too much shit when dragon aerie is worse imo

You posted a great game

yes. 100%

that's just bloodborne with no guns

DaS2 is better than its detractors claim, but not as good as its champions pretend it is.

Hitboxes are janky in ER and nobody gives that game shit

the most innovative dark souls game

>great game

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Y E S, adp is still the worst idea I have ever witnessed in a videogame, tying iframes to a stat is just so retarded I can't even...

I love the atmosphere in this game so much

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the only thing it added was power stancing. Everything else was a step backwards. It was the third Souls game in the series, but did so much shit wrong. It just feels like shit to play. Also it's up it's own ass with how self aware it is.

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ER is good game. Dark Souls 2 no.


Dark souls 2 isn't bad game in the souls-like games but isn't the best if by it itself it's a great game but in the souls-like it's ok

I liked that DS2 departed from the formula a bit and toned down the anime aspects. No crossdressing tranime traps or retarded wolves wielding swords in their mouths. The dragons are pretty western looking compared to the anime dragons in other souls games as well. Also, sex-change-coffin was hilarious

Didn't it trick you into sex changing in a coffin?

>estus shard flasks
>power stances
There are dozens of gameplay improvements Tanimura implemented in 2 that were straight up copied into 3 and ER, you are dumb.

It felt terrible in DS2 but feels great in ER. Don't know why.

they are indeed good in elden ring, what's your point exactly?

>It felt terrible in DS2
It didn't. Also pvp was 10,000 times better in 2 then 3 or even BB.
>people complain about vitality being split from endurance in 2
>say nothing about this for 3

To everyone that dares to diss dark souls 2, I'd like to remind you that it's the only souls game that lets you use twoblades. That single fact alone makes it the better game.

Yeah instead you get jabba the hutt and foreskin frog. Give me a sword wolf any day.

fuck off retard

The movement controls are why 2 is always shit on. It will never get to the mechanics because the player interacting with the software is whats fucked and the player can't get past that most of the time.

pvp felt like shit because of the analog dead zones, motion captured animations, no hitstop or screen shake on large weapons, and the feedback on hits felt like you were smacking a person that was made of wet towels. It sucked. I understand if you like the game because it was your 2nd or first Souls game, but don't lie.

some fag actually thinks this webm is impressive. these iron golem things were ultra boring fights. and the tiny white heide knights had unfinished animations that caused them to float around weirdly during their attacks and make some attacks without a windup.

Every From Software game deserves hate

If that was Elden Ring the knight would have turned perfectly to hit the player. I swear positioning hardly fucking matters in that game because almost everything will make full 360 turns to hit you.

You are so full of shit. PvP was never better then with 2 and never worse then with 1 and 3. I-frames are worse, magic is weakened, you can't use any weapon you want and have viability in 3, areas are smaller and locked, and I can go on.

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So DS2's is worse but 3's insta-back steps and lag filled insta locks is okay? lmao

>Why aren't the enemies flying around the room doing anime flips and shooting lasers?!?!?!?

Yes. Now fuck off.

This is exactly what I don’t like about DS2 and it’s why I can feel Tanimura in Elden Ring. When the generic western fantasy dragons pulled out a greatsword for one attack? I knew that was Tanimura. Stone Gargoyles? Tanimura.

Obviously not, but that's kind of the point. Making a big deal out of small flaws in an otherwise great game is how you get people to give you attention. Which is the only reason everyone is here.

is it fun to play at almost 5:1 aspect ratio

This but my face

>can push estus spamming in 1
>both invaders and hosts have limited HP regen only via sorcery or faith incantations in 2
>in 3, nothing
3 sucks for pvp. Even the estoc in 3 fucking auto-tracks.

Just admit you don’t like Dark Souls and move on with your life

>What I can say objectively is that Dark Souls 2 is a bad game, it sinks below par. It has several incompetent pieces of design throughout many of the most fundamental parts of the game and a hefty amount of them are in its most celebrated features. The game is far from finished, it's far from refined, it's broken in several areas, is far from a completed work, and that is after they got a second release of the game, which they considered to be the completed work, which is more than the terrible DS1 port got. The fact is by any reasonable and objective evaluation this game falls short, because if it doesn't, then hardly any games do. Because you have to really think to yourself: if you are going to argue why DS2 is actually an amazing game, then make sure your argument doesn't involve feelings, because I don't have time for them

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He didn’t even mention 3 lmao how is a video game living in your head rent free

Ds2 is the second best from game after ds2

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it isn't broken at the most basic player interaction level so its better. DS2 can't ever win, its inferior to interact with.

I do, which is why I like Dark Souls 2.

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the people who complain the most vocally about 2 have never played it and just want updoots from all the horizon trannies on here

I haven't noticed it being any worse than usual other than the retarded shockwaves sometimes hitting 20 feet in the air, otherwise enemy design itself is just total ass.

He was right about everything.

Mauler is dogshit about talking or critiquing video games, that British faggot should stick to shitting on MCU crap.

That’s totally fair then my man, enjoy the game

delusional coping lmao

>youtube fags
don't care ywnbaw

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