>compliment someone on online game
>turns out the player you complimented is female
>permanently banned
Compliment someone on online game
Why do bongs take the worst aspects of muttmerica and turn them up to 11
Sins of the father or some gay shit
>unwanted flirting
Isn't the point of flirting to gauge a girl's interest in you? How the fuck are you supposed to know if it's unwanted?
How hard is it to talk about fucking
>trying to make sense of anglo mating rituals
Don't bother they're not even humans.
let this be a reminder to ignore women and take the gay pill
I mean maybe if a woman is walking down the street trying to get someplace it’s not the best time to start following her and telling her she has a nice ass.
>unwanted attention
Im a female
I only want attention from chads
go away gamer boys!
>Why do bongs take the worst aspects of muttmerica and turn them up to 11
Australia does this too
>unwanted number
>unwanted number grinding
>sexual harrassment
how do i sue every rpg
If you're not chad, it's unwanted.
The unfortunate unwritten rule.
gay men have equal potential to be fucking insane retards do not be fooled
>dont touch,feed the females
is this unironically the most sexist thing?
That would be a catcall, which is already on there.
Is it really hard for people to not act like complete spergs out in public?
i feel bad for men on the market today, what the fuck do you even do now? Every woman I know that is still single in their late 20s early 30s are either insane or will suck your cock if you like their instagram photo due to their father not being in their life.
after working retail for over 3 years I can safely say yes to this question.
I'm starting to think it's a good thing zoomer boys are being brainwashed into being gay
>tfw work at wallyworld for a summer job 10 years ago
>tfw the fat fuck supervisor took great enjoyment "firing" me when I was a temp for 3 months
>tfw I walk into the walmart after coming back into town for vacation
>its all the same people working there only looking exponentially more soul drained
absolutely terrifying
ITT: People don't know the difference between complimenting someone you're on good terms with and "Woah! It's just a complement... Calm down XD"-style compliments
Women deserve to be harassed by default. It's on them to prove they're above it.
>rape not listed
I’m pretty sure me joking about your outfit/hair/life/skin is normal harassment, not sexual
Not even a joke, I’ll just insult you
I worked there for a year and within a couple months i was hoping to get in a car wreck on the way to work just to not have to be there, truly the worst year of my life
Okay so what? I cold approach girls all the time and nothings happened. Girls who don't want attention never leave home it's a fact! Whos gonna stop you, a beta male? They're too beta to do shit anyways. Can't scare me!
You’re literally sexually harassing me right now.
I just don't get the outrage. There's places where you can social like bars and whatnot, it's like who the fuck strikes up conversation with random strangers at a grocery store or just out in public? I wanna mind my own business for fucks sake.
This sadly. The difference between being a creep, and being a flirt is how good looking you are.
>97% of women in the UK
Why is this shit ALWAYS either in Muttland or Bongland?
>who the fuck strikes up conversation with random strangers at a grocery store or just out in public? I wanna mind my own business for fucks sake.
Not everyone is an introvert. You'd be surprised where you can find love.
>don't flirt
>don't catcall
>don't compliment
>don't hug
>don't joke
>don't touch
>don't kiss
>don't give attention
>don't stare
>don't take phots
>don't drink
>don't do numbers
>don't grind
>don't grab
>don't grope
>it's always unwanted if someone changes their mind after 34153435 years
>"Why does no one want to play our dumb simulation game anymore and are all becoming neets?"
If you still play this rigged game in the hopes you'll win, you're a fucking retard.
yeah but you won't get arrested
>be male
>dont get compliments
>when someone compliments you your day or week feels better
There's a difference between finding love and just bothering people. I can safely tell you that people just want to go about their own business 90% of the time.
where do you think america’s behavior comes from? anglos are the satan of the human race
>little kiss
So big kisses are fine?
I still remember when a girl said she liked my shirt when i was 12
Why don’t we teach women how to deal with unwanted attention with good banter like our dads taught us lads? Problem solved.
English-speaking countries share the worst of each other’s cultures, especially via America and their prominent influential mediA
If you are attractive you can almost do anything to a girl.
If not, then it is ‚unwanted‘.
user why did yo upost this? You know you are going to get banned and yet you did it, why?
Did they ever say WHO is doing the harassing?
It takes less than a minute to ask a girl out user. It really isn't a big deal.
anons I just shaved myself yesterday
how often should I be shaving to keep myself smooth? like my legs and chest and stuff
I don't know the appropriate time to run a razor over everything
>girl in high school said said she liked my haircut
>still think about it to this day
Chads don't care about jannies
So I'm not allowed to compliment someone if I haven't already been spending a lot of time with them? How does one build a relationship with another human being without ever payong them any sort of attention or complimenting them in any way?
I just use a hair clipperm
People don't appreciate being heckled over dates when they're minding their own business.
It had to be done
I know you like aids but I prefer to not form marriages in bars.
And yet i've dated 3 girls by cold approaching. CRAZY
>got banned in rocket league for saying nigger and faggot
>game is free to play
>just made new account
>currently demolishing newfags (I’m a grand champ)
>what a save! Every time I score
>ruining the experience for a generation of new players
Feels good man
Why are they bottomless? Also is futa gay or not?
>this is the future liberals want
I bet at least one has contemplated suicide due to this
How do you know it's unwanted before you've already done it and it's too late?
No shit retard, if you annoy 100 people at least one of them is willing to give you the time of day.
wtf i love liberals now
Letting women have an equal standing in society was a mistake.
I wish I could just not pay attention to women ever but then I'm being discriminatory
I've only ever asked out 8 people in my whole life user...
>fit, 5'10 male living among asians and hispanics
i don't understand what "unwanted" means
Based. Someone build a time machine
I’m 24 and have never asked a woman out nor ever kissed someone lol
Fucked up
I need this fox in my life
There really is no equivalent to it. In any other game a newer player and a good one have differences that are mostly like knowledge and a little bit of skill gap. In RL the skill gap massive it would be like a grown man in the boxing ring with an 8 year old.
You are unironically in the wrong place to talk about video games. Yea Forums is the worst place to do that.
You should kill yourself... NOW
holy BASED! you should not kill yourself
How to find out if you're a Chad
>1. Flirt with girl
>2. Was the cop called on you? If yes, then your too ugly to function in normal society
>i feel bad for men on the market today, what the fuck do you even do now?
You ignore their asses, focus on making money, get your own place and either get a girl in her early to mid 20's or get a foreign girl. They wanted independence, let them have it. They say don't need no man, tell them god speed. It's no longer men's problem, if they go insane, become an e-thot or a struggling single mother, it's because they wanted to be these things.
As a man from burgerland, I'm focusing on my job, getting my own house and helping my mother and father when needed. When I decide to get a family of my own I'll act accordingly.
Obviously this poster is retarded, 'groping' and 'compliments' can both be wanted or unwanted but the normal, everyday social expectations around them are light-years apart and the attempt to equate them is blatantly in poor faith.
Also, video games.