He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong.
>Born a disgusting freak even though your parents and siblings are all beautiful gods
>Locked away in sewers all your life
>Still a chad intelligence and strength wise though
>Still love the erdtree and the golden order more than anything
>Shattering happens, all your perfect siblings expose themselves for being filthy black-hearted traitors who betray their family and the golden order at the drop of a hat, driven by the flame of ambition
>Arise and become the veiled monarch, desperately fight to hold your capital together in the chaos and save your people, defend the sanctity of the erdtree at all costs
>All of your former siblings come to siege your city and pilfer the Erdtree, including Radahn and Malenia who are the strongest beings to live
>Repel ALL of them repeatedly
>Bests Radahn, Godrick, Malenia, Rykard, one after the other
>Plant Nights Cavalry in their kingdoms so they are reminded who the true king of the Lands Between is
>Go and proactively put the foolish ambitions of foul tarnished who only want to become elden lord to sate their ego to rest
>fell countless tarnished
>Seethe and resentment gradually builds at the Erdtree still rejecting you
>Know even if it rejects him despite his sacrifices he must do what is best for his kingdom and continue to act as guardian
>Concedes to the player that the LB is doomed and that everyone, not only him, are cursed for their sins and ambition and have been damned by the GW

He is the most based character in ER

Attached: Morgott.jpg (1600x900, 192.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You will never be a real king. You have no crown, you have no loyal servants, you have no Empyrean genes. You are an Omen twisted by runes and holy weapons into a crude mockery of the Golden Order.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back Tarnished mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “envoys” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

The Fingers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed them to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even omens who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your horns are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a Great Rune to get them to recognize you, they’ll turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your diseased, horned face.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Marika and Radagon will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you in a meagre grave in the sewers simply calling you an omen, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an Omen is buried there. Your body will decay and your soul will go back to the Erdtree, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably accursed.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>be exiled, shunned, forced into the sewers to eat and wallow in shit for your entire life simply for having a birth defect that you can't help
>still pledge your life to defend the same institution that did this to you anyway before some random nobody, probably simping for a cute snow witch, ooga boogas you and it's all for naught anyway
not based at all, that's as cucked as you can get

Why exactly are the Omens cursed?
What causes it, and why are they shunned?



>He did nothing wrong.
>Born a disgusting freak

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They're born without grace as opposed to tarnished who lost grace later in life. Without erdtree blessings they look like primordial life before the greater will arrived, horny freaks.

I still don't know what this thing was supposed to be and why was the stormveil doorman camping the throne room
some people apparently go fight him the first thing and struggle against some low HP pushover shitboss?
his fight in leyndell was an absolute embarrassment, he died before even doing anything
ah, and he jobs outside the city too
is he like the janitor of the erdtree?

>Without erdtree blessings they look like primordial life before the greater will arrived, horny freaks
Is this part explained somewhere?
That everyone looked like an Omen before ayylmaos arrived?

is his rela name morgot or marget?
anyway, margaret is just some homeless janitor
why in a game full of crazy fights did they think it was a good idea to make some oversized jobber?

>Is this part explained somewhere?
he just made it up
that's the fun part about souls lore
we just make everything up to fill the gaps (it's all gaps and plot holes)

>why was the stormveil doorman camping the throne room
He was only at stormveil to put low level tarnished casuals' foolish ambitions to rest

I wish the game did a better job at showing WHY Morgott cares so much about the tree, despite the whole order practically shitting on him. Maybe there's a reason that I totally missed over?

Crucible talismans says humans used to grow horns, scales, and feathers in ancient times.

"it's the right thing to do" - Morgott probably

>He did nothing wrong.
He attacked me. That's wrong enough to warrant death.


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>he's an omen
>in the lands between
>in leyndell
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he kills tarnished he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he kills tarnished he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of golden order scriptures he still has to shill
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his capital
>he will never be loved by the greater will
>he will never know how to kill anything besides a tarnished
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends







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Vocaroofag, do this in Godfrey's voice

>bested Rykard
>hisbtrooo got eaten alive in Gelmir
>started to losing ground in Atlus Plateu
His only achivement was quelled the Tanish jobber out of Leyndell, lmao.

It is well known that Godrick is a weak bitch, so any Tarnished looking for their first rune will b-line to him. The light from grace directly leads you TOO Godrick too. Margitt is just trying to get where the most likely outcome is

so ancient humans are dragons?

erdtree... forgive me....

You attacked him. He called you foul tarnished, jump down, then vaguely implied he would cause you harm, but he did not start the fight.

he's a janny for a fucking parasitic alien tree lmao

>Sunset found him dying to Margit The Fell™, groaning. Every attempt was worse than the one before, and ended more quickly. By the time the moon came up he was still picking up his 380 lost runes. The more he drank the Flask of Crimson Tears™, the more he got hit, but the more he got hit, the more he drank the Flask of Crimson Tears™, and this waste of flasks sent him back to the Site of Grace™ to try again once more. When he approached the entrance to the boss for the 127th time, he did not know whether he would be strong enough to enter the mist again.

Attached: george rr martin elden ring.jpg (841x1140, 687.84K)

thank you george

bravo tolkien

>Bests Radahn, Godrick, Malenia, Rykard, one after the other
Yeah literally no one believes this shit even if you showed it to me in black ink from Miyazaki himself. I would bet my bottom dollar this gets retconned because I cannot imagine a timeline where this piss easy shithead beat anyone in any sort of battle whether it be wits, or strength

>bested Radahn and Malenia
Yeah I call bullshit on that. He is nowhere near as powerful as those two.

AIKA will love him
AIKA sees his pure heart

Attached: elden ring aika.jpg (2400x1080, 784.5K)

Does his worthless whore of a mother at least love him for being competent? She did say to her children that she'll only acknowledge the competent and accomplished, and he's more competent and accomplished than any of them.

sounds like fan ficfion for a souls game

How did you get any of that out of the game

He is a momma's boy and bootlicker despite her probably hating him.

>tries to have a kino duel where he proclaims himself king
>projectile vomits his gross omen bile all over the throneroom after getting kicked in the gut
He was cringe, literally spilled his spaghetti.

OP btfo

>not prebog aika
>thinking that looks like aika at all

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He’s canonically the strongest demigod

No she’s racist against omens

Read the sword memorials in Leyndell

So why didn't he gather their shards and bring them to the tree?

>Your body will decay and your soul will go back to the Erdtree
Omens are separated from the Erdtree are they not? Their souls don't return

Same reason you can’t get in with a few great runes duh

His very existence was an affront to the world itself and he should have lied down for the Omenkillers

Attached: Filthy Omen Scum.png (940x960, 733.56K)

I mean he can still bring them there for when his daddy shows up since he knows the Tarnished are all coming back. Might as well save him the hassle so he can just go in and kick his step-dads ass

>He did nothing wrong.
>Devotes life to a big stick that don't want you
What a massive cuck

Best AoW to slap on an Antspur Rapier?

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He doesn’t know his dad is a filthy tarnished
he is a tragic character who treats tarnished the same way his society treated him

Poor guy deserved better.


Play a real shen magoomi tensai game

>He doesn’t know his dad is a filthy tarnished
How? Wasn't the banishment of Godfrey and his men a huge deal at the time?

The descriptor for him is dedicated, but that's all. The entire structure is just a bunch of outer gods doing fucked up shit that people in the world are interpreting as divine or whatever but in reality it's all just stupid bullshit, as the game goes to great lengths to tell you.

Nothing really noble about a religious zealot, just kind of tragic.


Crucible Knight incantations heavily imply we were close to it yes.

He was locked in the cellar from birth until the shattering

Yes he was exiled, but the nature of the tarnished is not common knowledge because everyone who knows about it got exiled (or is Marika)

Morgott coolest demigod for sure. Godfrey's moment with Morgott's body is a beautiful final detail to his story. Without getting into the finer details of truth and morality in Elden Ring's world, it's hard not to respect a character who is truly principled and swears himself to a duty for nothing in return. Something gives me the impression that his nearly unmatched skill for physical/magical combat comes from sheer determination, willpower, and faith

I think it's just bad luck. Some souls go through the Erdtree unfiltered and come out as Omen's which are a form of life before the current system so everyone's scared of them.

Everything about him is contrived.

Are you telling me this omen ogre fuck that lives all his life in the sewers somehow managed to learn enough and train enough to instantly take over the moment shit hit the fan?
What, he popped out of a manhole and said "look at me, I'm the king now!" and everyone went along with it?
Also what's this with the whole "veiled monarch" thing. At no point does he conceal his identity and omen nature to anyone. Even in the intro slide he's like going full ogre on some soldier in front of his own soliders.
So who exactly does NOT know he's an omen?
Also considering he's king don't people like .... want to know what he looks like? Who he is? Where he came from? What's his lineage?

On top of that how much can you possibly be a king when your entire city and countryside consists of moaning zombies, corpses and monstrosities. There's like no functioning institutions or infrastructure. He's literally just squatting on the throne in rags talking shit.

Apparently the only asset he had is that Leyndell happened to have like mile-high walls so nobody could get in there and had to leave.

It's kind of hard to imagine Radahn didn't like fly over the walls on his horse and like launch Morgott into deep space and call it a day.

Ever wonder why Morgott never took Godrick's rune despite patrolling Stormveil?
That's right. Morgott was scared. Scared of facing the one rightful king. Scared of facing the absolute CHAD part of his bloodline that rejected him and disgraces him by mere presence alone. All hail Godrick the Golden